Dryland Tip: Hip Abduction with Band

Purpose: Excessive frontal movement is commonly seen in long axis strokes. This “hula hooping” is characterized by wiggling of the hips side to side. This deviation may occur from poor counterbalance between the upper and lower body. The core helps connects these portions, specifically by improving the timing between the core and hip musculature. The hip abduction with band works on this coordination. If some has this flaw, try improving the core in the frontal plane, while improving stroke biomechanics (keeping the arms and legs closer to center line).

Directions: Lie on your back with knees bent. Put a Theraband loop around the thighs, above knees. Keeping the back position, pull knees apart and then let them come together slowly and under control. You will have a tendency to arch your back when you pull your knees apart. Do not let this happen.  Progress this exercise with rhythmic stabilization.

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