World Anti-Doping Agency Releases List Of Banned Drugs For 2016

The newest list of banned substances has been released by the World Anti-Doping Agency, giving athletes and coaches a comprehensive directory of the drugs not to take.
More than 1200 substances are on the new list, and it goes into effect January 1. Some of the drugs are banned for use whether the athlete is tested during a competition or not. Others are banned only during competition.
“WADA leads an extensive consultative process annually that results in the updated Prohibited List,” said Craig Reedie, President of WADA. “Our Expert Group considers such sources as scientific and medical research; trends; and, intelligence gathered from law enforcement and pharmaceutical companies in order to stay ahead of those that wish to cheat. The 2016 List had a few modifications from last year.”
WADA did not specify which drugs were removed, or which substances were added to the new list. The release also includes various methods that are prohibited to enhance performance. These include blood doping, gene doping and tampering with a urine sample submitted for testing.
According to a WADA press release, the drugs on the list go through an extensive investigation regarding its effects on an athlete. Three criteria are used to determine whether the drug should be deemed as a banned substance. If it “enhances performance, poses a threat to athlete health and/or violates the spirit of the sport,” it goes to through WADA’s Health, Medical and Research Committee before final approval by the WADA Executive Committee.
ahhh so that’s what they’re using
Add a side group, no longer illegal.
WADA should not release the list,just easier to game the system.