Swimmer Strength Tech Tip


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5 Tips To Best Prepare for College Midseason Meets

5 Tips To Best Prepare for College Midseason Meets For many teams, midseason is the first meet of the season where athletes are rested and suited up. Some swimmers might feel stressed out or nervous leading up to longer meets due to feeling the pressure to perform at a higher-level competition. Here...

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It's Cool To Cooldown: The Importance of Caring For the Body

It's Cool To Cooldown: The Importance of Caring For the Body “Do a cooldown.” Whether it be after a race or practice, every swimmer has heard these words from their coach. Cooling down is a lower intensity level of activity and it should be done after strength training, practice, and competition. Co...

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Swimmer’s Shoulder: The Most Common Injury to a Swimmer's Engine

Swimmer’s Shoulder: The Most Common Injury to a Swimmer's Engine By Vanessa Steigauf, Swimming World College Intern If you see someone constantly rubbing and stretching their shoulders, you very likely encountered a swimmer. (The damaged hair and rumpled sweatpants will give you additional hints). F...

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Swimmer Strength Tech Tip: Cupping for Competitive Swimmers

If you’ve never tried cupping before, it’s important you try it out, either on the performance or recovery side of things. Personally, I would respond well to it, but feel crummy in the water for the next day or two afterward. On the flip side, some people feel great right after. So, it’s important ...

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Swimmer Strength Tech Tip: Improving Rotation

Contributed by Deniz Hekmati - Strength & Conditioning Specialist, Sport Scientist  The rotation can be tricky in the backstroke and freestyle. Although the coach wants the swimmer to rotate more, the stiff swimmer will have more restrictions to make it happen. Here are three movements that will aid...

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Swimmer Strength Tech Tip: Foam Rolling for Swimmers

Contributed by Deniz Hekmati - Strength & Conditioning Specialist, Sport Scientist  In my opinion, the foam roll may have been the 2010's tool of the decade. So many people have used it, but so few know how to properly use it. Promise me that this decade, you’ll use the roller to move in to the disc...

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Swimmer Strength Tech Tip: How Long Should Dryland Training Be?

Contributed by Deniz Hekmati - Strength & Conditioning Specialist, Sport Scientist  The length of our workouts on land will largely be dependent on what the objective of the session is. Workouts during the season can be longer, and workout during taper may be shorter - at least in terms of the actu....

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Swimmer Strength Tech Tip: Yoga and Swimming

Contributed by Deniz Hekmati - Strength & Conditioning Specialist, Sport Scientist  Many have asked me what I think of yoga, and what my favorite movements are. To keep it short and sweet, I approve of yoga, but around certain circumstances. For instance, if you do a big yoga session with your team ...

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Swimmer Strength Tech Tip: When To Add Weight to Strength Training

Contributed by Deniz Hekmati - Strength & Conditioning Specialist, Sport Scientist  Many are curious: when can we add weight to our strength training? There is actually no true age limit to when we can add weight to the training. The main factor, or safety check is to have a qualified performance c....

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Swimmer Strength Tech Tip: Shoulder Pain

Contributed by Deniz Hekmati - Strength & Conditioning Specialist, Sport Scientist  Let’s face it, swimming is considered to be one of the healthiest sports to do, but we can also see and argue that there are a high level of cases of shoulder pain. Some swimmers are only feeling pain while swimming ...

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Swimmer Strength Tech Tip: Gripping

Contributed by Deniz Hekmati - Strength & Conditioning Specialist, Sport Scientist  How to grip things is a highly overlooked topic, yet grip strength is correlated to faster sprint performance in youth swimmers. Additionally, a solid grip in the weight room might save us from shoulder injuries and ...

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Swimmer Strength Tech Tip: McGill 3 Core Exercises

Contributed by Deniz Hekmati - Strength & Conditioning Specialist, Sport Scientist  In this tip of the week, we want to introduce the McGill 3 Core Exercises. These are considered to be among the healthiest options for our spines. The exercises include: The Curl-Up, Bird Dog, and Side Bridge. Watc.....

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Swimmer Strength Tech Tip: Performing the Squat

Contributed by Deniz Hekmati - Strength & Conditioning Specialist, Sport Scientist  Deniz Hekmati will be providing regular content on strength and conditioning as Swimming World's newest dryland contributor. Understand that squatting is very unique. Think of it as breastroke - it’s one stroke, but ...

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Swimmer Strength Tech Tip: Squat Problems

Contributed by Deniz Hekmati - Strength & Conditioning Specialist, Sport Scientist  Deniz Hekmati will be providing regular content on strength and conditioning as Swimming World's newest dryland contributor. The squat is frequently prescribed by so many strength, and also swimming coaches. We are t...

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Swimmer Strength Tech Tip: Abdominal Bracing

Contributed by Deniz Hekmati - Strength & Conditioning Specialist, Sport Scientist  Deniz Hekmati will be providing regular content on strength and conditioning as Swimming World's newest dryland contributor. Throughout the majority of strength, power, and core exercises, it is important that we lea...

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Swimmer Strength Tech Tip: Strength & Dryland Technique Matters

Contributed by Deniz Hekmati - Strength & Conditioning Specialist, Sport Scientist  Deniz Hekmati will be providing regular content on strength and conditioning as Swimming World's newest dryland contributor. For the past decade, the swimming community has focused on finding a strength and dryland ....