Industry Insider : The Swim Gate

Underwater Aquatics: The Swim Gate

PHOENIX, Arizona, May 25. THIS week’s Industry Insider focuses on what some people may consider the fifth stroke, underwater kicking. Bill Burson of Underwater Aquatics has developed a tool that will help swimmers of all levels improve their distance off the wall. 

The Swim Gate is a unique product that features detachable square tubing that connects to various size lane lines. The coach and swimmer can place the square device any distance from the wall. The goal of each athlete is to streamline completely through the tubing before breaking the surface. If the swimmer falls short of the mark or does not completely cross the finish line, the tubing may detach and become visible to the coach.

Underwater streamlining has proven to be a very powerful tool in swimming. Superstars such as Michael Phelps, Ryan Lochte and Misty Hyman are athletes that have perfected this fifth stroke and have been able to use it to their advantage in competition.  If you want your last 15 yards to look like Phelps, check out the Swim Gate at

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