NCAA Division III Championships: Day Two - Meet Results

3/20/2014 - 3/20/2014   Indianapolis, USA
 IUPUI Natatorium - Site License                        3/20/2014 - 6:06 PM
         NCAA Division III Championships - 3/19/2014 to 3/22/2014          
               Hosted by Franklin College and IN Sports Corp               
                      IU Natatorium, Indianapolis, IN                      
                           Last Completed Event                            
 Event 10  Men 200 Yard Freestyle Relay
  NCAA Record: * 1:18.06  3/22/2012 Kenyon
                          Somers, Turk, Richardson, Ramsey
 Meet Qualify:   1:22.44
  2013 Winner:   1:18.96            Kenyon
    School                        Prelims     Finals       Points 
                            === Championship Final ===                            
  1 College of NJ                 1:20.83    1:20.47         40  
     1) Dunn, Joseph SO               2) Hawley, Philip SR            
     3) Pedersen, Brett JR            4) Gibson, Stephen SR           
                 20.74        40.81 (20.07)
        1:00.76 (19.95)     1:20.47 (19.71)
  2 Emory                         1:22.01    1:20.96         34  
     1) Spock, Ross SR                2) Stephens, Jacob SR           
     3) Kuhlik, Matt SO               4) Bass, Ryan SR                
                 20.29        40.52 (20.23)
        1:01.26 (20.74)     1:20.96 (19.70)
  3 Johns Hopkins                 1:21.92    1:21.06         32  
     1) Kimball, William SR           2) Acquaviva, Joseph SR         
     3) Kogut, Greg JR                4) Lordi, Anthony SR            
                 20.67        41.08 (20.41)
        1:01.27 (20.19)     1:21.06 (19.79)
  4 Gettysburg                    1:21.32    1:21.07         30  
     1) Potter, Jason JR              2) Harmon, Michael JR           
     3) Cubbison, Stuart JR           4) Leyens, Ashton JR            
                 20.15        40.17 (20.02)
        1:00.72 (20.55)     1:21.07 (20.35)
  5 Kenyon                        1:21.73    1:21.44         28  
     1) Duronio, Joseph SO            2) Gates, Percy SO              
     3) Funk, Ryan SO                 4) Caldwell, Austin JR          
                 20.77        40.96 (20.19)
        1:01.54 (20.58)     1:21.44 (19.90)
  6 Connecticut                   1:21.72    1:21.45         26  
     1) McGinnis, Patrick JR          2) Fothergill, Michael FR       
     3) Andre, Drew SO                4) Gill, Samuel SR              
                 21.12        41.37 (20.25)
        1:01.51 (20.14)     1:21.45 (19.94)
  7 Keene St.                     1:21.70    1:21.55         24  
     1) Youngstrom, Gregory SO        2) Boraski, Ryan FR             
     3) Black, James SR               4) Hyde, Jared SR               
                 20.70        41.24 (20.54)
        1:01.60 (20.36)     1:21.55 (19.95)
  8 Claremont MS                  1:21.23    1:21.78         22  
     1) Poltash, Alex SO              2) Williams, Matthew FR         
     3) Shultz, Patrick JR            4) Hinton, Joseph SO            
                 20.56        41.19 (20.63)
        1:01.70 (20.51)     1:21.78 (20.08)
                            === Consolation Final ===                             
  9 Denison                       1:22.16    1:21.08         18  
     1) Fleming, Ryan SO              2) Wuorinen, Conrad SO          
     3) Rosenburg, Damon JR           4) Fronk, Spencer SR            
                 20.61        40.63 (20.02)
        1:01.03 (20.40)     1:21.08 (20.05)
 10 Chicago                       1:22.63    1:22.07         14  
     1) Meek, Thomas SO               2) Estes, Jeremy FR             
     3) Lee, Mantim FR                4) Veldman, Matthew SO          
                 20.72        41.48 (20.76)
        1:01.76 (20.28)     1:22.07 (20.31)
 11 MIT                           1:22.49    1:22.09         12  
     1) Fathman, Austin JR            2) Chiu, Brendon JR             
     3) Neubieser, Daryl SO           4) Bauchwitz, Benjamin JR       
                 20.67        41.07 (20.40)
        1:01.38 (20.31)     1:22.09 (20.71)
 12 DePauw                        1:22.39    1:22.27         10  
     1) Hooker, Casey JR              2) Alfonso, Alexander JR        
     3) Burgeson, Jack SR             4) Lehmann, Blake SO            
                 21.02        41.42 (20.40)
        1:02.20 (20.78)     1:22.27 (20.07)
 13 Trinity U.                    1:22.41    1:22.50          8  
     1) Thomas, Adam JR               2) Culberson, Stephen JR        
     3) Johnson, Isaac FR             4) Thomas, Kevin JR             
                 21.17        40.78 (19.61)
        1:01.73 (20.95)     1:22.50 (20.77)
 14 Ithaca                        1:22.73    1:22.82          6  
     1) Knight, Peter JR              2) Zelehowsky, Adam SO          
     3) Cadwell, Christopher FR       4) Kundel, Zachary SR           
                 20.85        41.70 (20.85)
        1:02.28 (20.58)     1:22.82 (20.54)
 15 St. Olaf                      1:22.75    1:22.92          4  
     1) Roe, Tanner JR                2) Brebrick, William SO         
     3) Rudstrom, Alek SR             4) Gratz, Michael JR            
                 20.58        41.04 (20.46)
        1:02.16 (21.12)     1:22.92 (20.76)
 16 Williams                      1:22.85    1:22.98          2  
     1) McCarter, Alex SO             2) Nanda, Alexander JR          
     3) Boley, Nathaniel FR           4) Johnson, Grant FR            
                 21.14        41.69 (20.55)
        1:02.58 (20.89)     1:22.98 (20.40)
                              === Preliminaries ===                               
 17 Albion                        1:22.96                   
     1) Fiorillo, Brian SR            2) Bosko, Derek FR              
     3) Melpolder, Bradley SR         4) Parsons, Tom SO              
                 20.40        41.27 (20.87)
        1:02.00 (20.73)     1:22.96 (20.96)
 18 Wheaton IL                    1:24.06                   
     1) Francis, Wills SR             2) Raymond, Jackson JR          
     3) Wilkerson, Roger SR           4) Walker, Timothy SR           
                 20.87        41.85 (20.98)
        1:03.10 (21.25)     1:24.06 (20.96)
 19 Wash U. MO                    1:24.16                   
     1) Morrell, Justin FR            2) Nutter, Matthew JR           
     3) Lagieski, Michael FR          4) Yao, Kaisen SO               
                 21.20        41.94 (20.74)
        1:03.11 (21.17)     1:24.16 (21.05)
 20 Calvin                        1:25.35                   
     1) Mitchell, Andrew SR           2) Schroder, Mitchell SO        
     3) Baumann, Alex JR              4) Stoughton, Brett FR          
                 21.51        42.70 (21.19)
        1:04.05 (21.35)     1:25.35 (21.30)
 21 Amherst                       1:25.36                   
     1) Bulakul, Perrin SR            2) Heise, Matthew SO            
     3) Anderson, Jeff SO             4) Egan, Nick SR                
                 21.89        42.90 (21.01)
        1:04.45 (21.55)     1:25.36 (20.91)
 -- Stevens                           DQ                    
     1) Wolinski, Tomasz SO           2) Lefeber, Joshua SO           
     3) Hanak, Shawn SR               4) Hessler, Tyler SR            
                 20.85        41.71 (20.86)
        1:01.80 (20.09)          DQ (20.33)
                      Men - Team Rankings - Through Event 10                      
  1. Denison                           191   2. Kenyon                            132
  3. Emory                             107   4. College of NJ                      73
  4. Chicago                            73   6. Keene St.                          69
  7. Johns Hopkins                      66   8. Claremont MS                       61
  9. Mit                                59  10. Gettysburg                         46
 11. St. Olaf                           44  12. Connecticut                        40
 13. Williams                           37  14. Wash U. MO                         23
 14. DePauw                             23  16. Tufts                              22
 16. Trinity U.                         22  18. Coast Guard                        20
 18. Amherst                            20  18. Redlands                           20
 21. Mary Washington                    17  22. Usmma                              15
 23. Colorado College                   14  24. Ithaca                             10
 25. Albion                              7  26. Middlebury                          6
 27. UW LaCrosse                         5  27. Birmingham Southern                 5
 29. Union                               4  30. St. Thomas                          3
 31. Rochester Inst of Technology        2  32. Buffalo State                       1    
 IUPUI Natatorium - Site License                        3/20/2014 - 6:14 PM
         NCAA Division III Championships - 3/19/2014 to 3/22/2014          
               Hosted by Franklin College and IN Sports Corp               
                      IU Natatorium, Indianapolis, IN                      
 Event 11  Women 200 Yard Freestyle Relay
  NCAA Record: * 1:31.80  3/18/2010 Emory
                          Westby, Ciardelli, Wobler, Pavlak
 Meet Qualify:   1:35.71
  2013 Winner:   1:32.93            Emory
    School                        Prelims     Finals       Points 
                            === Championship Final ===                            
  1 Johns Hopkins                 1:33.71    1:32.38         40  
     1) Rinsma, Sarah SR              2) Kitayama, Taylor SR          
     3) Bogdanovski, Anastasia JR     4) Ternes, Kylie SR             
                 23.69        46.98 (23.29)
        1:09.61 (22.63)     1:32.38 (22.77)
  2 Kenyon                        1:34.42    1:32.81         34  
     1) Cline, Jourdan JR             2) Townsend, Haley SO           
     3) Yarosh, Hillary SR            4) McLeod, Jenner FR            
                 23.28        46.92 (23.64)
        1:10.10 (23.18)     1:32.81 (22.71)
  3 Denison                       1:33.31    1:32.83         32  
     1) Kane, Carolyn FR              2) Van Leuven, Mary SO          
     3) Yearwood, Ashley SO           4) Nuess, Morgan SR             
                 23.56        46.71 (23.15)
        1:09.91 (23.20)     1:32.83 (22.92)
  4 Gustavus                      1:34.10    1:33.27         30  
     1) Olson, Catherine JR           2) Anding, Tarin SO             
     3) Klunk, Danielle FR            4) Tinklenberg, Alissa SR       
                 23.38        46.91 (23.53)
        1:10.62 (23.71)     1:33.27 (22.65)
  5 Emory                         1:33.67    1:33.33         28  
     1) Liu, Claire FR                2) Bergh, Marissa FR            
     3) Holt, Dana JR                 4) Larson, Nancy JR             
                 24.11        47.20 (23.09)
        1:10.74 (23.54)     1:33.33 (22.59)
  6 MIT                           1:33.83    1:33.67         26  
     1) Yang, Lena SO                 2) Jedryka, Veronika FR         
     3) Cunningham, Michelle JR       4) Rogers, Christy SR           
                 23.60        46.89 (23.29)
        1:10.51 (23.62)     1:33.67 (23.16)
  7 Claremont MS                  1:34.58    1:34.50         24  
     1) Kee, Michele SR               2) Ngo, Kelly FR                
     3) Chan, Courtney FR             4) Liu, Helen SR                
                 23.76        47.39 (23.63)
        1:11.24 (23.85)     1:34.50 (23.26)
  8 Connecticut                   1:34.43    1:34.56         22  
     1) Durepo, Ivy FR                2) Marigold, Skye Qi FR         
     3) Pielock, Julia SR             4) Pierce, Samantha SO          
                 24.07        47.99 (23.92)
        1:10.90 (22.91)     1:34.56 (23.66)
                            === Consolation Final ===                             
  9 Williams                      1:35.44    1:34.72         18  
     1) Sultan, Faye SO               2) Nguyen, Breanna SO           
     3) Jones, Lauren FR              4) Thompson, Sarah JR           
                 24.07        47.64 (23.57)
        1:11.50 (23.86)     1:34.72 (23.22)
 10 Chicago                       1:35.51    1:35.44         14  
     1) Hill, Jennifer JR             2) Erdmann, Abby FR             
     3) Harris, Jenna SO              4) Scheidl, Maya FR             
                 24.53        48.32 (23.79)
        1:12.18 (23.86)     1:35.44 (23.26)
 11 Springfield                   1:36.22    1:35.66         12  
     1) Pennington, Kellie SR         2) Scotto, Nicole SO            
     3) Phillips, Callie SO           4) Dyjak, Delaney FR            
                 23.09        47.45 (24.36)
        1:11.95 (24.50)     1:35.66 (23.71)
 12 DePauw                        1:35.98    1:35.79         10  
     1) Bridges, Caroline SO          2) Weber, Emily JR              
     3) Olson, Kirsten FR             4) Horne, Erin SO               
                 24.04        48.02 (23.98)
        1:11.93 (23.91)     1:35.79 (23.86)
 13 Wash U. MO                    1:36.14    1:36.00          8  
     1) Collins, Marilyn FR           2) McAfee, Kristalyn SO         
     3) Taege, Sara JR                4) Anderson, Kathryn SO         
                 24.42        48.17 (23.75)
        1:11.85 (23.68)     1:36.00 (24.15)
 14 Suny Geneseo                  1:36.42    1:36.12          6  
     1) Holloway, Julie SO            2) Wilcoxen, Stephanie JR       
     3) Wilkins, Kala SO              4) Max, Abigail JR              
                 24.45        48.27 (23.82)
        1:12.58 (24.31)     1:36.12 (23.54)
 15 Rochester                     1:36.29    1:36.13          4  
     1) Bailey, Lauren JR             2) Simpson, Khamai FR           
     3) Simon, Emily FR               4) Luan, Victoria SO            
                 24.37        48.54 (24.17)
        1:12.68 (24.14)     1:36.13 (23.45)
 16 NYU                           1:36.37    1:37.33          2  
     1) Traub, Krista SO              2) Gibbs, Rebecca FR            
     3) Webber, Kathryn FR            4) Doerner, Emily JR            
                 24.71        48.97 (24.26)
        1:13.30 (24.33)     1:37.33 (24.03)
                              === Preliminaries ===                               
 17 Hope College                  1:36.57                   
     1) Hance, Michelle SO            2) Meyer, Molly FR              
     3) Freyling, Mikayla FR          4) Northuis, Klare SO           
                 24.42        48.36 (23.94)
        1:12.86 (24.50)     1:36.57 (23.71)
 18 UW Stevens Point              1:36.65                   
     1) Neinhaus, Emily SO            2) Boritzke, Amy SR             
     3) Pronga, Alexa SO              4) Walker, Amanda JR            
                 24.28        48.52 (24.24)
        1:12.71 (24.19)     1:36.65 (23.94)
 19 Middlebury                    1:36.78                   
     1) Hillas, Jamie JR              2) Burke, Morgan FR             
     3) Griffin, Megan SO             4) Tibbetts, Andrea SR          
                 24.19        48.33 (24.14)
        1:12.24 (23.91)     1:36.78 (24.54)
 20 Amherst                       1:36.85                   
     1) Lee, Sabrina JR               2) Stoddart, Ashleigh JR        
     3) Conklin, Sarah SO             4) Belak, Lauren SR             
                 24.63        48.56 (23.93)
        1:13.12 (24.56)     1:36.85 (23.73)
 21 Wheaton IL                    1:36.88                   
     1) Nitz, Kirsten SO              2) Wennlund, Marcella SR        
     3) Cialkowski, Kathryn SO        4) Offerdahl, Ali SR            
                 23.38        47.91 (24.53)
        1:12.14 (24.23)     1:36.88 (24.74)
 22 St. Olaf                      1:37.37                   
     1) Bernhardt, Carolyn SR         2) Schnaith, Abigail SO         
     3) Kemp, Sarah SR                4) Lee, Madeline SO             
                 24.33        48.57 (24.24)
        1:13.17 (24.60)     1:37.37 (24.20)
 23 Pomona-Pitzer                 1:38.39                   
     1) Lincoln, Alexandra SR         2) Tohmon, Maki FR              
     3) Gyorffy, Vicky JR             4) Sterner, Kay FR              
                 24.46        49.23 (24.77)
        1:13.27 (24.04)     1:38.39 (25.12)
 24 Bates                         1:38.56                   
     1) Depew, Caroline SO            2) Prelgovisk, Lindsey SO       
     3) Smachlo, Julia FR             4) Daher, Sara FR               
                 24.63        48.94 (24.31)
        1:14.42 (25.48)     1:38.56 (24.14)
 25 Luther                        1:38.95                   
     1) Anderson, Emily FR            2) Connolly, Erin SR            
     3) Slagel, Clare SO              4) Scharmer, Alexandra SO       
                 24.73        49.15 (24.42)
        1:13.56 (24.41)     1:38.95 (25.39)
 26 Grove City                    1:39.25                   
     1) Jank, Abigail FR              2) Baker, Victoria JR           
     3) Bilko, Megan SO               4) Cassano, Lauren JR           
                 25.40        49.62 (24.22)
        1:14.71 (25.09)     1:39.25 (24.54)
 27 UW LaCrosse                   1:39.43                   
     1) Reynolds, Brooke JR           2) Schwartzlow, Leanna JR       
     3) Yemm, Allison SR              4) Zemanovic, Sara SO           
                 24.75        49.98 (25.23)
        1:15.02 (25.04)     1:39.43 (24.41)
 28 Carnegie Mellon               1:39.60                   
     1) Phan, Soleil SR               2) Crews, Gillian FR            
     3) Garvey, Megan SR              4) Wang, Felicia SO             
                 24.75        49.53 (24.78)
        1:14.69 (25.16)     1:39.60 (24.91)
 29 UW Whitewater                 1:40.35                   
     1) Thompson, Kendall SR          2) Spaay, Amy JR                
     3) Martin, Kayla JR              4) Kohlbeck, Kelsey JR          
                 25.37        50.28 (24.91)
        1:15.36 (25.08)     1:40.35 (24.99)
                     Women - Team Rankings - Through Event 11                     
  1. Emory                             155   2. Johns Hopkins                     140
  3. Kenyon                            131   3. Denison                           131
  5. Williams                           67   6. Gustavus                           51
  7. Amherst                            49   8. Mit                                35
  9. Wash U. MO                         31   9. Claremont MS                       31
 11. Springfield                        29  12. Connecticut                        28
 13. Middlebury                         26  14. Luther                             24
 15. Chicago                            23  16. DePauw                             19
 17. Rochester                          18  18. Bates                              15
 19. Illinois Wesleyan                  14  20. Suny Geneseo                       13
 21. Wheaton IL                         12  22. Nyu                                11
 22. Redlands                           11  24. St. Thomas                          6
 25. Grove City                          5  26. Carnegie Mellon                     4
 26. Ithaca                              4  28. Carleton                            2    
 IUPUI Natatorium - Site License                        3/20/2014 - 6:37 PM
         NCAA Division III Championships - 3/19/2014 to 3/22/2014          
               Hosted by Franklin College and IN Sports Corp               
                      IU Natatorium, Indianapolis, IN                      
                           Last Completed Event                            
 Event 12  Men 400 Yard IM
  NCAA Record: * 3:50.55  3/21/2013 Hugh Anderson, Mary Washington
 Meet Qualify:   4:01.06
  2013 Winner:   3:50.55            Hugh Anderson, Mary Washington
    Name           Year School            Prelims     Finals       Points 
                       === Championship Final ===                        
  1 Anderson, Hugh   JR Mary Washington   3:53.77    3:49.25*        20  
                 24.03        51.63 (27.60)
        1:21.18 (29.55)     1:50.16 (28.98)
        2:23.05 (32.89)     2:55.64 (32.59)
        3:23.31 (27.67)     3:49.25 (25.94)
  2 Curley, Harriso  JR Kenyon            3:52.10    3:50.81         17  
                 24.98        53.79 (28.81)
        1:22.19 (28.40)     1:50.27 (28.08)
        2:23.73 (33.46)     2:57.58 (33.85)
        3:25.20 (27.62)     3:50.81 (25.61)
  3 Manz, Trevor     FR Kenyon            3:52.99    3:51.98         16  
                 24.76        53.26 (28.50)
        1:23.74 (30.48)     1:53.28 (29.54)
        2:24.71 (31.43)     2:57.15 (32.44)
        3:24.79 (27.64)     3:51.98 (27.19)
  4 Chevalier, Andr  SR Kenyon            3:52.99    3:52.76         15  
                 25.02        52.79 (27.77)
        1:21.99 (29.20)     1:51.01 (29.02)
        2:24.18 (33.17)     2:58.12 (33.94)
        3:25.56 (27.44)     3:52.76 (27.20)
  5 Depew, Jeffrey   JR Redlands          3:53.44    3:54.53         14  
                 24.51        53.13 (28.62)
        1:22.92 (29.79)     1:53.13 (30.21)
        2:25.79 (32.66)     2:59.29 (33.50)
        3:27.16 (27.87)     3:54.53 (27.37)
  6 Weik, Allen      SR Denison           3:54.39    3:55.27         13  
                 25.68        54.54 (28.86)
        1:24.81 (30.27)     1:54.27 (29.46)
        2:29.13 (34.86)     3:03.91 (34.78)
        3:30.05 (26.14)     3:55.27 (25.22)
  7 Reardon, Ian     FR Kenyon            3:53.94    3:55.61         12  
                 24.78        53.73 (28.95)
        1:23.61 (29.88)     1:53.55 (29.94)
        2:26.94 (33.39)     3:00.23 (33.29)
        3:28.29 (28.06)     3:55.61 (27.32)
  8 Humphrey, Jacks  SR Denison           3:54.79    3:56.89         11  
                 24.76        53.17 (28.41)
        1:23.64 (30.47)     1:53.51 (29.87)
        2:27.27 (33.76)     3:01.79 (34.52)
        3:29.61 (27.82)     3:56.89 (27.28)
                        === Consolation Final ===                        
  9 Lindell, Jackso  FR Denison           3:56.04    3:54.63          9  
                 24.32        53.49 (29.17)
        1:22.28 (28.79)     1:51.34 (29.06)
        2:24.83 (33.49)     2:58.73 (33.90)
        3:26.85 (28.12)     3:54.63 (27.78)
 10 Lattimer, Timot  JR Williams          3:56.91    3:57.63          7  
                 25.29        53.47 (28.18)
        1:24.04 (30.57)     1:54.32 (30.28)
        2:27.15 (32.83)     3:00.60 (33.45)
        3:29.65 (29.05)     3:57.63 (27.98)
 11 Newell, Mark     SO Kenyon            3:58.30    3:58.04          6  
                 25.07        53.46 (28.39)
        1:24.29 (30.83)     1:54.47 (30.18)
        2:27.33 (32.86)     3:01.07 (33.74)
        3:30.32 (29.25)     3:58.04 (27.72)
 12 Lednev, Alexand  SO MIT               3:59.81    3:58.64          5  
                 25.24        54.59 (29.35)
        1:24.78 (30.19)     1:54.65 (29.87)
        2:29.17 (34.52)     3:03.91 (34.74)
        3:32.28 (28.37)     3:58.64 (26.36)
 13 Shabb, Conrad    SO Claremont MS      4:00.31    3:58.68          4  
                 26.16        55.95 (29.79)
        1:26.25 (30.30)     1:55.86 (29.61)
        2:30.18 (34.32)     3:04.62 (34.44)
        3:32.30 (27.68)     3:58.68 (26.38)
 14 Hogan, Colin     FR Williams          3:58.08    3:59.39          3  
                 25.02        53.87 (28.85)
        1:23.82 (29.95)     1:53.13 (29.31)
        2:26.87 (33.74)     3:01.87 (35.00)
        3:31.58 (29.71)     3:59.39 (27.81)
 15 Duval, Marcus    SR IWU               4:00.25    4:00.59          2  
                 26.03        55.12 (29.09)
        1:26.73 (31.61)     1:57.90 (31.17)
        2:31.03 (33.13)     3:05.94 (34.91)
        3:33.57 (27.63)     4:00.59 (27.02)
 16 Conover, Arthur  FR Kenyon            3:59.80    4:01.60          1  
                 26.27        55.36 (29.09)
        1:26.76 (31.40)     1:58.10 (31.34)
        2:34.16 (36.06)     3:10.60 (36.44)
        3:36.93 (26.33)     4:01.60 (24.67)
                          === Preliminaries ===                          
 17 Stephens, Jacob  SR Emory             4:00.32                   
                 24.67        53.17 (28.50)
        1:24.23 (31.06)     1:55.95 (31.72)
        2:28.47 (32.52)     3:03.01 (34.54)
        3:31.88 (28.87)     4:00.32 (28.44)
 18 Turpin, Carter   JR Wash U. MO        4:00.41                   
                 25.23        54.28 (29.05)
        1:25.76 (31.48)     1:56.11 (30.35)
        2:30.97 (34.86)     3:06.57 (35.60)
        3:34.21 (27.64)     4:00.41 (26.20)
 19 Fallon, Peter    SO Denison           4:00.51                   
                 25.74        54.84 (29.10)
        1:26.28 (31.44)     1:56.63 (30.35)
        2:32.32 (35.69)     3:08.11 (35.79)
        3:34.79 (26.68)     4:00.51 (25.72)
 20 Fowler, Jonas    FR Chicago           4:01.06                   
                 25.40        54.79 (29.39)
        1:26.65 (31.86)     1:58.59 (31.94)
        2:32.19 (33.60)     3:06.93 (34.74)
        3:34.39 (27.46)     4:01.06 (26.67)
 21 Freedberg, Sam   FR Lake Forest       4:01.31                   
                 25.01        53.12 (28.11)
        1:24.07 (30.95)     1:54.50 (30.43)
        2:29.79 (35.29)     3:05.26 (35.47)
        3:33.89 (28.63)     4:01.31 (27.42)
 22 Anderson, Jeff   SO Amherst           4:01.70                   
                 25.53        53.98 (28.45)
        1:24.89 (30.91)     1:55.89 (31.00)
        2:30.80 (34.91)     3:06.23 (35.43)
        3:34.50 (28.27)     4:01.70 (27.20)
 23 Cooper, Mitchel  FR Emory             4:02.21                   
                 25.44        54.51 (29.07)
        1:25.95 (31.44)     1:56.61 (30.66)
        2:30.24 (33.63)     3:05.24 (35.00)
        3:34.03 (28.79)     4:02.21 (28.18)
 24 Ku, Kevin        FR Chicago           4:03.23                   
                 24.57        52.53 (27.96)
        1:23.96 (31.43)     1:55.65 (31.69)
        2:31.24 (35.59)     3:07.59 (36.35)
        3:35.77 (28.18)     4:03.23 (27.46)
 25 Guilfoyle, Jose  JR Kenyon            4:03.65                   
                 25.40        54.40 (29.00)
        1:26.56 (32.16)     1:57.93 (31.37)
        2:34.02 (36.09)     3:10.51 (36.49)
        3:37.71 (27.20)     4:03.65 (25.94)
 26 Galvin, John     SO Emory             4:03.71                   
                 24.50        53.17 (28.67)
        1:24.28 (31.11)     1:55.22 (30.94)
        2:30.86 (35.64)     3:07.33 (36.47)
        3:36.14 (28.81)     4:03.71 (27.57)
 27 McDonald, Peter  SO Williams          4:04.52                   
                 26.00        55.18 (29.18)
        1:26.67 (31.49)     1:56.86 (30.19)
        2:31.74 (34.88)     3:07.29 (35.55)
        3:36.41 (29.12)     4:04.52 (28.11)
 28 Thorne, Nathan   SO Denison           4:05.60                   
                 25.40        54.69 (29.29)
        1:26.13 (31.44)     1:56.83 (30.70)
        2:31.67 (34.84)     3:07.54 (35.87)
        3:37.02 (29.48)     4:05.60 (28.58)
 29 McCauley, Willi  FR Wheaton IL        4:06.55                   
                 25.73        54.84 (29.11)
        1:26.31 (31.47)     1:56.72 (30.41)
        2:32.50 (35.78)     3:09.16 (36.66)
        3:38.41 (29.25)     4:06.55 (28.14)
 30 Lefeber, Joshua  SO Stevens           4:10.08                   
                 25.33        54.11 (28.78)
        1:26.31 (32.20)     1:59.21 (32.90)
        2:33.93 (34.72)     3:10.46 (36.53)
        3:40.44 (29.98)     4:10.08 (29.64)
 31 Scarth, Spencer  SR St. Olaf          4:11.18                   
                 26.28        56.58 (30.30)
        1:28.59 (32.01)     2:00.27 (31.68)
        2:37.06 (36.79)     3:13.95 (36.89)
        3:42.60 (28.65)     4:11.18 (28.58)
 -- Han, Gregory     FR Amherst               DQ                    
                 Men - Team Rankings - Through Event 12                  
  1. Denison                           224   2. Kenyon                            199
  3. Emory                             107   4. Chicago                            73
  4. College of NJ                      73   6. Keene St.                          69
  7. Johns Hopkins                      66   8. Claremont MS                       65
  9. Mit                                64  10. Williams                           47
 11. Gettysburg                         46  12. St. Olaf                           44
 13. Connecticut                        40  14. Mary Washington                    37
 15. Redlands                           34  16. DePauw                             23
 16. Wash U. MO                         23  18. Trinity U.                         22
 18. Tufts                              22  20. Amherst                            20
 20. Coast Guard                        20  22. Usmma                              15
 23. Colorado College                   14  24. Ithaca                             10
 25. Albion                              7  26. Middlebury                          6
 27. Birmingham Southern                 5  27. UW LaCrosse                         5
 29. Union                               4  30. St. Thomas                          3
 31. Rochester Inst of Technology        2  31. Illinois Wesleyan                   2
 33. Buffalo State                       1                                               
 IUPUI Natatorium - Site License                        3/20/2014 - 6:50 PM
         NCAA Division III Championships - 3/19/2014 to 3/22/2014          
               Hosted by Franklin College and IN Sports Corp               
                      IU Natatorium, Indianapolis, IN                      
 Event 13  Women 400 Yard IM
  NCAA Record: * 4:13.14  3/22/2012 Caroline Wilson, Williams
 Meet Qualify:   4:30.22
  2013 Winner:   4:14.27            Caroline Wilson, Williams
    Name           Year School            Prelims     Finals       Points 
                       === Championship Final ===                        
  1 Pierce, Megan    FR Williams          4:24.39    4:19.94         20  
                 28.04        59.87 (31.83)
        1:33.69 (33.82)     2:07.27 (33.58)
        2:44.09 (36.82)     3:21.26 (37.17)
        3:51.15 (29.89)     4:19.94 (28.79)
  2 Beach, Megan     JR Emory             4:21.12    4:20.34         17  
                 27.85        59.49 (31.64)
        1:35.13 (35.64)     2:10.45 (35.32)
        2:45.76 (35.31)     3:22.05 (36.29)
        3:51.79 (29.74)     4:20.34 (28.55)
  3 Howell, Michell  JR Denison           4:22.98    4:20.96         16  
                 28.05        59.93 (31.88)
        1:34.72 (34.79)     2:08.66 (33.94)
        2:44.62 (35.96)     3:21.28 (36.66)
        3:50.71 (29.43)     4:20.96 (30.25)
  4 Pruden, Cathlee  SO Mount Holyoke     4:24.21    4:22.84         15  
                 28.19      1:00.48 (32.29)
        1:34.38 (33.90)     2:08.70 (34.32)
        2:45.73 (37.03)     3:23.45 (37.72)
        3:53.84 (30.39)     4:22.84 (29.00)
  5 Daher, Sara      FR Bates             4:23.96    4:23.84         14  
                 28.29        59.94 (31.65)
        1:34.15 (34.21)     2:06.88 (32.73)
        2:45.18 (38.30)     3:23.22 (38.04)
        3:54.04 (30.82)     4:23.84 (29.80)
  6 Taege, Sara      JR Wash U. MO        4:25.79    4:27.25         13  
                 28.71      1:01.44 (32.73)
        1:36.37 (34.93)     2:10.46 (34.09)
        2:49.85 (39.39)     3:29.33 (39.48)
        3:59.13 (29.80)     4:27.25 (28.12)
  7 Geyer, Brittany  JR Stevens           4:26.36    4:28.82         12  
                 29.10      1:02.68 (33.58)
        1:37.09 (34.41)     2:10.75 (33.66)
        2:48.02 (37.27)     3:25.54 (37.52)
        3:58.70 (33.16)     4:28.82 (30.12)
  8 York, Michelle   JR Emory             4:26.30    4:28.84         11  
                 28.81      1:00.92 (32.11)
        1:35.64 (34.72)     2:10.51 (34.87)
        2:48.38 (37.87)     3:27.01 (38.63)
        3:57.68 (30.67)     4:28.84 (31.16)
                        === Consolation Final ===                        
  9 Johns, Taylor    SO Denison           4:28.53    4:25.10          9  
                 28.81      1:01.48 (32.67)
        1:36.11 (34.63)     2:10.18 (34.07)
        2:49.73 (39.55)     3:29.01 (39.28)
        3:57.73 (28.72)     4:25.10 (27.37)
 10 Pham, Anh Chi    SR Wash U. MO        4:28.58    4:26.47          7  
                 28.36      1:00.15 (31.79)
        1:34.47 (34.32)     2:08.20 (33.73)
        2:46.33 (38.13)     3:24.33 (38.00)
        3:56.07 (31.74)     4:26.47 (30.40)
 11 Fox, Samantha    JR Johns Hopkins     4:28.08    4:26.67          6  
                 28.43      1:01.63 (33.20)
        1:35.16 (33.53)     2:08.24 (33.08)
        2:45.85 (37.61)     3:24.17 (38.32)
        3:56.07 (31.90)     4:26.67 (30.60)
 12 Woodward, Brook  SR Emory             4:28.75    4:26.81          5  
                 28.48      1:01.05 (32.57)
        1:35.91 (34.86)     2:10.17 (34.26)
        2:47.28 (37.11)     3:24.95 (37.67)
        3:56.50 (31.55)     4:26.81 (30.31)
 13 Deysher, Kather  SO Wheaton IL        4:27.43    4:29.19          4  
                 28.93      1:01.48 (32.55)
        1:36.47 (34.99)     2:10.71 (34.24)
        2:48.29 (37.58)     3:26.68 (38.39)
        3:58.19 (31.51)     4:29.19 (31.00)
 14 Bilko, Megan     SO Grove City        4:29.70    4:29.39          3  
                 28.28      1:00.19 (31.91)
        1:35.64 (35.45)     2:09.71 (34.07)
        2:50.30 (40.59)     3:30.32 (40.02)
        4:00.67 (30.35)     4:29.39 (28.72)
 15 Beauchamp, Kara  SO Trinity U.        4:29.10    4:31.39          2  
                 28.30      1:00.91 (32.61)
        1:36.30 (35.39)     2:11.57 (35.27)
        2:49.66 (38.09)     3:28.82 (39.16)
        4:00.49 (31.67)     4:31.39 (30.90)
 16 Crawford, Elian  FR Kenyon            4:29.17    4:33.52          1  
                 28.73      1:01.74 (33.01)
        1:37.80 (36.06)     2:14.04 (36.24)
        2:52.06 (38.02)     3:30.65 (38.59)
        4:02.53 (31.88)     4:33.52 (30.99)
                          === Preliminaries ===                          
 17 Newlon, Angela   FR DePauw            4:30.12                   
                 28.59      1:00.88 (32.29)
        1:35.28 (34.40)     2:09.46 (34.18)
        2:49.53 (40.07)     3:29.77 (40.24)
        4:00.48 (30.71)     4:30.12 (29.64)
 18 Hu, Ciara        SO Chicago           4:30.38                   
                 28.23      1:00.49 (32.26)
        1:36.14 (35.65)     2:11.26 (35.12)
        2:49.98 (38.72)     3:29.10 (39.12)
        4:00.34 (31.24)     4:30.38 (30.04)
 19 Phan, Soleil     SR Carnegie Mellon   4:31.02                   
                 27.76        59.45 (31.69)
        1:34.08 (34.63)     2:07.80 (33.72)
        2:47.94 (40.14)     3:28.91 (40.97)
        4:00.09 (31.18)     4:31.02 (30.93)
 20 Korsberg, Alexa  FR Kenyon            4:31.28                   
                 29.03      1:01.50 (32.47)
        1:36.31 (34.81)     2:10.57 (34.26)
        2:50.30 (39.73)     3:30.54 (40.24)
        4:01.25 (30.71)     4:31.28 (30.03)
 21 Lindblom, Sydne  SR Kenyon            4:31.64                   
                 29.48      1:01.69 (32.21)
        1:36.01 (34.32)     2:09.54 (33.53)
        2:49.59 (40.05)     3:30.30 (40.71)
        4:01.43 (31.13)     4:31.64 (30.21)
 22 Dalziel, Elizab  SO Denison           4:31.88                   
                 28.79      1:02.13 (33.34)
        1:36.14 (34.01)     2:09.94 (33.80)
        2:49.41 (39.47)     3:30.31 (40.90)
        4:01.75 (31.44)     4:31.88 (30.13)
 23 Phillips, Calli  SO Springfield       4:32.41                   
                 28.93      1:01.67 (32.74)
        1:36.88 (35.21)     2:12.03 (35.15)
        2:50.77 (38.74)     3:30.51 (39.74)
        4:02.06 (31.55)     4:32.41 (30.35)
 24 Heinbach, Eliza  SO Stevens           4:33.14                   
                 28.49      1:00.91 (32.42)
        1:35.38 (34.47)     2:10.00 (34.62)
        2:49.28 (39.28)     3:29.54 (40.26)
        4:01.71 (32.17)     4:33.14 (31.43)
 25 Allocco, Chelse  SR Suny New Paltz    4:35.13                   
                 29.42      1:02.29 (32.87)
        1:39.22 (36.93)     2:15.50 (36.28)
        2:54.97 (39.47)     3:34.39 (39.42)
        4:05.59 (31.20)     4:35.13 (29.54)
 26 Law, Michelle    FR Chicago           4:35.51                   
                 28.88      1:01.39 (32.51)
        1:36.01 (34.62)     2:10.43 (34.42)
        2:50.51 (40.08)     3:31.60 (41.09)
        4:03.71 (32.11)     4:35.51 (31.80)
 27 Strom, Jennifer  JR Gustavus          4:36.20                   
                 28.53      1:01.23 (32.70)
        1:37.28 (36.05)     2:13.06 (35.78)
        2:51.73 (38.67)     3:31.71 (39.98)
        4:05.23 (33.52)     4:36.20 (30.97)
 28 Garcia, Jacquel  JR Kenyon            4:37.69                   
                 29.35      1:02.04 (32.69)
        1:37.62 (35.58)     2:12.49 (34.87)
        2:54.34 (41.85)     3:35.65 (41.31)
        4:07.20 (31.55)     4:37.69 (30.49)
 29 Loftus, Molly    JR Claremont MS      4:37.89                   
                 28.77      1:00.75 (31.98)
        1:35.94 (35.19)     2:10.47 (34.53)
        2:52.25 (41.78)     3:35.16 (42.91)
        4:07.32 (32.16)     4:37.89 (30.57)
                Women - Team Rankings - Through Event 13                 
  1. Emory                             188   2. Denison                           156
  3. Johns Hopkins                     146   4. Kenyon                            132
  5. Williams                           87   6. Gustavus                           51
  6. Wash U. MO                         51   8. Amherst                            49
  9. Mit                                35  10. Claremont MS                       31
 11. Bates                              29  11. Springfield                        29
 13. Connecticut                        28  14. Middlebury                         26
 15. Luther                             24  16. Chicago                            23
 17. DePauw                             19  18. Rochester                          18
 19. Wheaton IL                         16  20. Mount Holyoke                      15
 21. Illinois Wesleyan                  14  22. Suny Geneseo                       13
 23. Stevens                            12  24. Nyu                                11
 24. Redlands                           11  26. Grove City                          8
 27. St. Thomas                          6  28. Ithaca                              4
 28. Carnegie Mellon                     4  30. Trinity U.                          2
 30. Carleton                            2                                               
 IUPUI Natatorium - Site License                        3/20/2014 - 7:03 PM
         NCAA Division III Championships - 3/19/2014 to 3/22/2014          
               Hosted by Franklin College and IN Sports Corp               
                      IU Natatorium, Indianapolis, IN                      
 Event 14  Men 100 Yard Butterfly
  NCAA Record: * 47.34  3/21/2013 Wyatt Ubellacker, MIT
 Meet Qualify:   49.41
  2013 Winner:   47.41            Wyatt Ubellacker, MIT
    Name           Year School            Prelims     Finals       Points 
                       === Championship Final ===                        
  1 Mering, Karl     JR Whitman             48.75      47.91         20  
                 22.46        47.91 (25.45)
  2 Gill, Samuel     SR Connecticut         48.02      47.92         17  
                 22.24        47.92 (25.68)
  3 MacKay, Ian      SR Middlebury          48.45      48.10         16  
                 22.33        48.10 (25.77)
  4 Dalton, Reed     SO Wash U. MO          48.44      48.37         15  
                 22.28        48.37 (26.09)
  5 Bulakul, Perrin  SR Amherst             48.56      48.62         14  
                 22.85        48.62 (25.77)
  6 Lanz, Michael    SO St. Thomas          48.71      48.81         13  
                 23.21        48.81 (25.60)
  7 Martin, Orion    SO Rose-Hulman         48.88      49.33         12  
                 22.91        49.33 (26.42)
  8 Josephson, Chri  SO Kenyon              48.98      49.49         11  
                 23.12        49.49 (26.37)
                        === Consolation Final ===                        
  9 Lin, Benjamin    FR Williams            49.25      48.29          9  
                 22.62        48.29 (25.67)
 10 Tatum, Wesley    JR Whitworth           49.03      48.73          7  
                 23.26        48.73 (25.47)
 11 Baker, Hayden    JR Emory               49.00      48.83          6  
                 23.10        48.83 (25.73)
 12 Kogut, Greg      JR Johns Hopkins       49.35      49.00          5  
                 23.17        49.00 (25.83)
 13 Corcoran, Sean   SO MIT                 49.17      49.18          4  
                 23.00        49.18 (26.18)
 14 Veldman, Matthe  SO Chicago             49.09      49.38          3  
                 23.18        49.38 (26.20)
 15 Rich, Andrew     SO Denison             49.06      49.43          2  
                 23.27        49.43 (26.16)
 16 Funk, Ryan       SO Kenyon              49.09      49.86          1  
                 23.03        49.86 (26.83)
                          === Preliminaries ===                          
 17 Dunn, Joseph     SO College of NJ       49.43                   
                 23.18        49.43 (26.25)
 18 Wuorinen, Conra  SO Denison             49.49                   
                 23.12        49.49 (26.37)
 19 Breitigam, Jord  SR Ohio Northern       49.50                   
                 23.16        49.50 (26.34)
 20 Wahl, Zachary    SR Union               49.57                   
                 23.23        49.57 (26.34)
 21 Bowen, Loring    SO Connecticut         49.59                   
                 22.80        49.59 (26.79)
 22 Ricotta, Thadde  JR Williams            49.62                   
                 23.22        49.62 (26.40)
 23 Lehmann, Blake   SO DePauw              49.67                   
                 22.98        49.67 (26.69)
 24 Metcalfe, Willi  FR Tufts               49.76                   
                 24.05        49.76 (25.71)
 25 Zelehowsky, Luc  JR Ithaca              49.80                   
                 23.34        49.80 (26.46)
 26 Brebrick, Willi  SO St. Olaf            49.82                   
                 23.19        49.82 (26.63)
 26 Heise, Matthew   SO Amherst             49.82                   
                 23.15        49.82 (26.67)
 28 Hallman, Eric    SR Chicago             49.86                   
                 22.90        49.86 (26.96)
 29 Shultz, Patrick  JR Claremont MS        49.88                   
                 23.14        49.88 (26.74)
 30 Gagne'', Matthew  JR Bates               49.91                   
                 23.29        49.91 (26.62)
 31 Manz, Wesley     JR Kenyon              49.97                   
                 23.51        49.97 (26.46)
 32 Holvey, David    SR John Carroll        50.09                   
                 23.21        50.09 (26.88)
 33 Estes, Jeremy    FR Chicago             50.12                   
                 23.25        50.12 (26.87)
 34 Crowley, Jeremi  JR NYU                 50.17                   
                 22.73        50.17 (27.44)
 35 Woodford, David  SR Johns Hopkins       50.20                   
                 23.23        50.20 (26.97)
 35 Blumberg, Marc   JR Claremont MS        50.20                   
                 23.31        50.20 (26.89)
 37 Schlueter, Luke  SO MIT                 50.28                   
                 23.64        50.28 (26.64)
 38 Stoughton, Bret  FR Calvin              50.29                   
                 23.77        50.29 (26.52)
 39 Alfonso, Alexan  JR DePauw              50.35                   
                 23.18        50.35 (27.17)
 40 Poltash, Alex    SO Claremont MS        50.44                   
                 23.51        50.44 (26.93)
 40 Winget, Michael  SO Tufts               50.44                   
                 23.43        50.44 (27.01)
 42 Magee, Kevin     JR Kenyon              50.63                   
                 23.06        50.63 (27.57)
 43 Fleming, Ryan    SO Denison             50.87                   
                 23.69        50.87 (27.18)
 44 Nickley, Sean    SR Case Western        51.08                   
                 24.02        51.08 (27.06)
                 Men - Team Rankings - Through Event 14                  
  1. Denison                           226   2. Kenyon                            211
  3. Emory                             113   4. Chicago                            76
  5. College of NJ                      73   6. Johns Hopkins                      71
  7. Keene St.                          69   8. Mit                                68
  9. Claremont MS                       65  10. Connecticut                        57
 11. Williams                           56  12. Gettysburg                         46
 13. St. Olaf                           44  14. Wash U. MO                         38
 15. Mary Washington                    37  16. Redlands                           34
 16. Amherst                            34  18. DePauw                             23
 19. Middlebury                         22  19. Tufts                              22
 19. Trinity U.                         22  22. Whitman                            20
 22. Coast Guard                        20  24. St. Thomas                         16
 25. Usmma                              15  26. Colorado College                   14
 27. Rose-Hulman                        12  28. Ithaca                             10
 29. Whitworth                           7  29. Albion                              7
 31. UW LaCrosse                         5  31. Birmingham Southern                 5
 33. Union                               4  34. Rochester Inst of Technology        2
 34. Illinois Wesleyan                   2  36. Buffalo State                       1    
 IUPUI Natatorium - Site License                        3/20/2014 - 7:09 PM
         NCAA Division III Championships - 3/19/2014 to 3/22/2014          
               Hosted by Franklin College and IN Sports Corp               
                      IU Natatorium, Indianapolis, IN                      
 Event 15  Women 100 Yard Butterfly
  NCAA Record: * 52.84  3/24/2011 Logan Todhunter, Williams
 Meet Qualify:   56.62
  2013 Winner:   53.08            Kirsten Nitz, Wheaton
    Name           Year School            Prelims     Finals       Points 
                       === Championship Final ===                        
  1 Nitz, Kirsten    SO Wheaton IL          53.20      52.64*        20  
                 24.46        52.64 (28.18)
  2 Rosenbaum, Marg  SR Hamilton            55.01      54.35         17  
                 25.74        54.35 (28.61)
  3 Kitayama, Taylo  SR Johns Hopkins       54.76      54.89         16  
                 25.45        54.89 (29.44)
  4 Erdmann, Abby    FR Chicago             55.94      55.67         15  
                 25.60        55.67 (30.07)
  5 Cline, Jourdan   JR Kenyon              56.11      55.70         14  
                 25.77        55.70 (29.93)
  6 Conklin, Sarah   SO Amherst             55.71      55.72         13  
                 25.68        55.72 (30.04)
  7 Dillione, Maggi  SR Case Western        55.78      56.09         12  
                 26.45        56.09 (29.64)
  8 Doerner, Emily   JR NYU                 56.02      56.30         11  
                 26.46        56.30 (29.84)
                        === Consolation Final ===                        
  9 Sanchez-Aizcorb  FR Emory               56.55      56.26          9  
                 27.15        56.26 (29.11)
 10 Bailey, Lauren   JR Rochester           56.22      56.46          7  
                 26.40        56.46 (30.06)
 11 Chan, Shirley    FR Johns Hopkins       56.33      56.51          6  
                 26.76        56.51 (29.75)
 12 Zook, Nina       JR Emory               56.45      56.52          5  
                 26.56        56.52 (29.96)
 13 Levine, Alyssa   SR Williams            56.41      56.80          4  
                 26.63        56.80 (30.17)
 14 Kee, Michele     SR Claremont MS        56.19      56.82          3  
                 27.03        56.82 (29.79)
 15 Brown, Abigail   FR Johns Hopkins       56.50      57.00          2  
                 26.43        57.00 (30.57)
 16 Dilorati, Olivi  SO Colorado College    56.57      57.06          1  
                 26.78        57.06 (30.28)
                          === Preliminaries ===                          
 17 Ternes, Kylie    SR Johns Hopkins       56.65                   
                 26.10        56.65 (30.55)
 18 Crews, Gillian   FR Carnegie Mellon     56.70                   
                 26.42        56.70 (30.28)
 19 Kukielka, Maria  JR St. Thomas         J56.70                   
                 26.23        56.70 (30.47)
 20 Parker, Natalie  SO Kenyon              56.77                   
                 26.69        56.77 (30.08)
 21 Jessen, Annika   SR Claremont MS        56.83                   
                 25.52        56.83 (31.31)
 22 Prelgovisk, Lin  SO Bates               56.89                   
                 26.70        56.89 (30.19)
 23 Jensen, Erika    FR Kenyon              56.92                   
                 26.29        56.92 (30.63)
 24 Maclean, Erin    SR Claremont MS        56.93                   
                 26.80        56.93 (30.13)
 25 Greco, Christia  FR Springfield         56.97                   
                 26.78        56.97 (30.19)
 26 McGovern, Court  FR Wooster             57.00                   
                 26.46        57.00 (30.54)
 27 Garbarino, Krys  SO Denison             57.01                   
                 26.95        57.01 (30.06)
 28 Holden, Kylie    JR Johns Hopkins       57.09                   
                 26.60        57.09 (30.49)
 29 Osmulski, Sarah  SO MIT                 57.14                   
                 26.84        57.14 (30.30)
 30 Liu, Helen       SR Claremont MS        57.18                   
                 26.86        57.18 (30.32)
 31 Grunewald, Cour  FR St. Thomas          57.19                   
                 26.89        57.19 (30.30)
 31 Hillas, Jamie    JR Middlebury          57.19                   
                 26.32        57.19 (30.87)
 33 Kerico, Amber    SR Mary Washington     57.20                   
                 26.45        57.20 (30.75)
 34 Carlos, Lauren   FR Wash U. MO          57.35                   
                 26.18        57.35 (31.17)
 35 McLeod, Jenner   FR Kenyon              57.47                   
                 26.74        57.47 (30.73)
 36 Nuess, Morgan    SR Denison             57.65                   
                 26.74        57.65 (30.91)
 37 McClure, Maria   JR Stevens             57.76                   
                 27.08        57.76 (30.68)
 37 Griffin, Megan   SO Middlebury          57.76                   
                 26.55        57.76 (31.21)
 39 Garvey, Megan    SR Carnegie Mellon     57.83                   
                 27.15        57.83 (30.68)
 40 Stadermann, Ama  SO Wash U. MO          58.13                   
                 27.31        58.13 (30.82)
 41 Scharmer, Alexa  SO Luther              58.16                   
                 27.21        58.16 (30.95)
 42 Yemm, Allison    SR UW LaCrosse         58.18                   
                 27.18        58.18 (31.00)
 42 Reynolds, Brook  JR UW LaCrosse         58.18                   
                 27.11        58.18 (31.07)
 44 Klunk, Danielle  FR Gustavus            58.31                   
                 26.81        58.31 (31.50)
 45 Lillioja, Hanna  SO Wash U. MO          58.49                   
                 27.68        58.49 (30.81)
 46 McKinnon, Emily  FR Claremont MS        59.36                   
                 26.73        59.36 (32.63)
 47 Dyjak, Delaney   FR Springfield         59.74                   
                 27.20        59.74 (32.54)
 48 Pielock, Julia   SR Connecticut         59.85                   
                 27.54        59.85 (32.31)
                Women - Team Rankings - Through Event 15                 
  1. Emory                             202   2. Johns Hopkins                     170
  3. Denison                           156   4. Kenyon                            146
  5. Williams                           91   6. Amherst                            62
  7. Wash U. MO                         51   7. Gustavus                           51
  9. Chicago                            38  10. Wheaton IL                         36
 11. Mit                                35  12. Claremont MS                       34
 13. Springfield                        29  13. Bates                              29
 15. Connecticut                        28  16. Middlebury                         26
 17. Rochester                          25  18. Luther                             24
 19. Nyu                                22  20. DePauw                             19
 21. Hamilton                           17  22. Mount Holyoke                      15
 23. Illinois Wesleyan                  14  24. Suny Geneseo                       13
 25. Stevens                            12  25. Case Western                       12
 27. Redlands                           11  28. Grove City                          8
 29. St. Thomas                          6  30. Ithaca                              4
 30. Carnegie Mellon                     4  32. Trinity U.                          2
 32. Carleton                            2  34. Colorado College                    1    
 IUPUI Natatorium - Site License                        3/20/2014 - 7:26 PM
         NCAA Division III Championships - 3/19/2014 to 3/22/2014          
               Hosted by Franklin College and IN Sports Corp               
                      IU Natatorium, Indianapolis, IN                      
                           Last Completed Event                            
 Event 16  Men 200 Yard Freestyle
  NCAA Record: * 1:36.63  4/8/1988  Dennis Mulvilhill, Kenyon
  Meet Record: ! 1:36.98  3/21/2003 Marc Courtney-Brooks, Kenyon
 Meet Qualify:   1:39.92
  2013 Winner:   1:37.01            Austin Caldwell, Kenyon
    Name           Year School            Prelims     Finals       Points 
                       === Championship Final ===                        
  1 Caldwell, Austi  JR Kenyon            1:37.62    1:37.16         20  
                 22.57        47.15 (24.58)
        1:12.17 (25.02)     1:37.16 (24.99)
  2 Maciel, Carlos   SR Denison           1:38.12    1:37.59         17  
                 23.09        47.85 (24.76)
        1:12.48 (24.63)     1:37.59 (25.11)
  3 Tarnowski, Step  SR College of NJ     1:37.35    1:37.68         16  
                 22.96        47.49 (24.53)
        1:12.39 (24.90)     1:37.68 (25.29)
  4 Kimball, Willia  SR Johns Hopkins     1:38.16    1:37.77         15  
                 22.35        47.08 (24.73)
        1:12.42 (25.34)     1:37.77 (25.35)
  5 Lordi, Anthony   SR Johns Hopkins     1:38.60    1:38.10         14  
                 22.38        47.08 (24.70)
        1:12.66 (25.58)     1:38.10 (25.44)
  6 Hooker, Casey    JR DePauw            1:38.56    1:38.98         13  
                 23.45        48.49 (25.04)
        1:13.51 (25.02)     1:38.98 (25.47)
  7 Sholtis, Connor  JR Amherst           1:38.61    1:39.11         12  
                 23.47        48.74 (25.27)
        1:14.45 (25.71)     1:39.11 (24.66)
  8 Ledwith, Drew    SR Keene St.         1:38.89    1:39.13         11  
                 23.63        48.57 (24.94)
        1:13.83 (25.26)     1:39.13 (25.30)
                        === Consolation Final ===                        
  9 Roe, Tanner      JR St. Olaf          1:39.59    1:39.15          9  
                 22.75        47.64 (24.89)
        1:13.21 (25.57)     1:39.15 (25.94)
 10 Duronio, Joseph  SO Kenyon            1:39.47    1:39.84          7  
                 23.56        49.31 (25.75)
        1:14.92 (25.61)     1:39.84 (24.92)
 11 Fronk, Spencer   SR Denison           1:39.78    1:39.85          6  
                 23.43        49.02 (25.59)
        1:14.59 (25.57)     1:39.85 (25.26)
 12 Brunk, Bart      SO Denison           1:39.36    1:39.87          5  
                 23.73        49.18 (25.45)
        1:15.07 (25.89)     1:39.87 (24.80)
 13 Leyens, Ashton   JR Gettysburg        1:39.02    1:40.13          4  
                 23.27        48.69 (25.42)
        1:14.66 (25.97)     1:40.13 (25.47)
 14 Lee, Mantim      FR Chicago           1:39.78    1:40.51          3  
                 23.26        48.80 (25.54)
        1:14.79 (25.99)     1:40.51 (25.72)
 15 Gates, Percy     SO Kenyon            1:39.40    1:40.93          2  
                 22.99        49.13 (26.14)
        1:15.07 (25.94)     1:40.93 (25.86)
 16 Zelehowsky, Ada  SO Ithaca            1:39.72    1:41.03          1  
                 23.70        49.37 (25.67)
        1:15.34 (25.97)     1:41.03 (25.69)
                          === Preliminaries ===                          
 17 Vitabile, Scott  FR College of NJ     1:39.83                   
                 23.40        49.21 (25.81)
        1:14.44 (25.23)     1:39.83 (25.39)
 18 Potter, Jason    JR Gettysburg        1:39.84                   
                 23.34        48.81 (25.47)
        1:14.65 (25.84)     1:39.84 (25.19)
 19 Mock, Remy       SR MIT               1:39.95                   
                 23.16        48.20 (25.04)
        1:14.05 (25.85)     1:39.95 (25.90)
 20 Holder, Evan     FR Johns Hopkins     1:40.06                   
                 22.90        48.08 (25.18)
        1:13.68 (25.60)     1:40.06 (26.38)
 21 Seaver, Alexand  FR Kenyon            1:40.08                   
                 23.62        48.87 (25.25)
        1:14.73 (25.86)     1:40.08 (25.35)
 22 Resman, Shahar   SO Keene St.         1:40.24                   
                 24.17        49.66 (25.49)
        1:14.97 (25.31)     1:40.24 (25.27)
 23 Brus, Michael    SR Grinnell          1:40.26                   
                 22.90        47.79 (24.89)
        1:13.79 (26.00)     1:40.26 (26.47)
 24 Pedersen, Brett  JR College of NJ     1:40.36                   
                 23.45        48.81 (25.36)
        1:14.56 (25.75)     1:40.36 (25.80)
 24 Whiting, Camero  JR Claremont MS      1:40.36                   
                 23.37        48.90 (25.53)
        1:14.37 (25.47)     1:40.36 (25.99)
 26 Egan, Nick       SR Amherst           1:40.44                   
                 23.32        48.71 (25.39)
        1:14.54 (25.83)     1:40.44 (25.90)
 27 Grissom, Thomas  SO DePauw            1:40.48                   
                 22.93        47.88 (24.95)
        1:13.91 (26.03)     1:40.48 (26.57)
 28 Wolinski, Tomas  SO Stevens           1:40.49                   
                 23.52        49.17 (25.65)
        1:15.07 (25.90)     1:40.49 (25.42)
 29 Moody, Parker    SR Amherst           1:40.57                   
                 23.75        49.01 (25.26)
        1:14.86 (25.85)     1:40.57 (25.71)
 30 Noga, Nicholas   SR Stevens           1:40.60                   
                 23.40        48.36 (24.96)
        1:13.92 (25.56)     1:40.60 (26.68)
 31 Zettlemoyer, Ea  SO Emory             1:40.82                   
                 23.35        48.91 (25.56)
        1:15.12 (26.21)     1:40.82 (25.70)
 32 Johnson, Grant   FR Williams          1:40.91                   
                 24.17        49.28 (25.11)
        1:15.17 (25.89)     1:40.91 (25.74)
 33 Ortyn, David     SR Redlands          1:40.92                   
                 23.93        49.53 (25.60)
        1:15.45 (25.92)     1:40.92 (25.47)
 34 Mitchell, Andre  SR Calvin            1:41.19                   
                 22.92        47.88 (24.96)
        1:14.23 (26.35)     1:41.19 (26.96)
 35 Cunningham, Rya  JR Johns Hopkins     1:41.59                   
                 23.67        49.21 (25.54)
        1:15.09 (25.88)     1:41.59 (26.50)
 36 Andre, Drew      SO Connecticut       1:41.63                   
                 24.04        49.67 (25.63)
        1:15.67 (26.00)     1:41.63 (25.96)
 37 Brooks, Bradley  SO McDaniel          1:41.65                   
                 24.09        49.81 (25.72)
        1:15.82 (26.01)     1:41.65 (25.83)
 38 Greenhalgh, And  FR Johns Hopkins     1:41.70                   
                 24.28        49.82 (25.54)
        1:15.76 (25.94)     1:41.70 (25.94)
 39 McCarter, Alex   SO Williams          1:41.71                   
                 23.64        49.73 (26.09)
        1:15.62 (25.89)     1:41.71 (26.09)
 40 Meek, Thomas     SO Chicago           1:41.72                   
                 23.30        48.99 (25.69)
        1:15.43 (26.44)     1:41.72 (26.29)
 41 Fiorillo, Brian  SR Albion            1:43.08                   
                 23.57        50.06 (26.49)
        1:16.57 (26.51)     1:43.08 (26.51)
 42 Perez, Brian     JR College of NJ     1:43.66                   
                 23.75        49.20 (25.45)
        1:15.73 (26.53)     1:43.66 (27.93)
 43 Ellison, Andrew  FR Wash U. MO        1:43.92                   
                 24.46        50.64 (26.18)
        1:17.15 (26.51)     1:43.92 (26.77)
 44 Nasky, John      JR Suny Geneseo      1:45.77                   
                 24.87        51.83 (26.96)
        1:18.86 (27.03)     1:45.77 (26.91)
                 Men - Team Rankings - Through Event 16                  
  1. Denison                           254   2. Kenyon                            240
  3. Emory                             113   4. Johns Hopkins                     100
  5. College of NJ                      89   6. Keene St.                          80
  7. Chicago                            79   8. Mit                                68
  9. Claremont MS                       65  10. Connecticut                        57
 11. Williams                           56  12. St. Olaf                           53
 13. Gettysburg                         50  14. Amherst                            46
 15. Wash U. MO                         38  16. Mary Washington                    37
 17. DePauw                             36  18. Redlands                           34
 19. Middlebury                         22  19. Trinity U.                         22
 19. Tufts                              22  22. Coast Guard                        20
 22. Whitman                            20  24. St. Thomas                         16
 25. Usmma                              15  26. Colorado College                   14
 27. Rose-Hulman                        12  28. Ithaca                             11
 29. Albion                              7  29. Whitworth                           7
 31. Birmingham Southern                 5  31. UW LaCrosse                         5
 33. Union                               4  34. Rochester Inst of Technology        2
 34. Illinois Wesleyan                   2  36. Buffalo State                       1    
 IUPUI Natatorium - Site License                        3/20/2014 - 7:35 PM
         NCAA Division III Championships - 3/19/2014 to 3/22/2014          
               Hosted by Franklin College and IN Sports Corp               
                      IU Natatorium, Indianapolis, IN                      
                           Last Completed Event                            
 Event 17  Women 200 Yard Freestyle
  NCAA Record: * 1:44.82  3/24/2011 Kendra Stern, Amherst
 Meet Qualify:   1:52.16
  2013 Winner:   1:48.50            Sarah Thompson, Williams
    Name           Year School            Prelims     Finals       Points 
                       === Championship Final ===                        
  1 Bogdanovski, An  JR Johns Hopkins     1:48.26    1:47.74         20  
                 24.87        52.44 (27.57)
        1:20.04 (27.60)     1:47.74 (27.70)
  2 Thompson, Sarah  JR Williams          1:49.76    1:49.24         17  
                 25.82        53.37 (27.55)
        1:21.15 (27.78)     1:49.24 (28.09)
  3 Yarosh, Hillary  SR Kenyon            1:49.52    1:49.47         16  
                 25.77        53.45 (27.68)
        1:21.48 (28.03)     1:49.47 (27.99)
  4 Pennington, Kel  SR Springfield       1:51.05    1:50.21         15  
                 25.43        53.55 (28.12)
        1:21.54 (27.99)     1:50.21 (28.67)
  5 Costley, Campbe  FR Denison           1:50.57    1:50.48         14  
                 26.18        54.10 (27.92)
        1:22.45 (28.35)     1:50.48 (28.03)
  6 McAfee, Kristal  SO Wash U. MO        1:51.07    1:50.96         13  
                 26.32        54.19 (27.87)
        1:22.48 (28.29)     1:50.96 (28.48)
  7 Larson, Nancy    JR Emory             1:50.71    1:51.70         12  
                 26.17        54.32 (28.15)
        1:22.96 (28.64)     1:51.70 (28.74)
  8 Bergh, Marissa   FR Emory             1:50.85    1:53.01         11  
                 26.26        54.60 (28.34)
        1:23.36 (28.76)     1:53.01 (29.65)
                        === Consolation Final ===                        
  9 Pierce, Samanth  SO Connecticut       1:51.63    1:51.47          9  
                 26.21        54.58 (28.37)
        1:23.01 (28.43)     1:51.47 (28.46)
 10 Bonfield, Carol  SO Emory             1:51.70    1:51.50          7  
                 26.54        54.89 (28.35)
        1:23.60 (28.71)     1:51.50 (27.90)
 11 Willingham, Mol  JR Denison           1:51.79    1:51.52          6  
                 26.56        55.26 (28.70)
        1:23.26 (28.00)     1:51.52 (28.26)
 12 Max, Abigail     JR Suny Geneseo      1:51.26    1:51.54          5  
                 26.40        54.87 (28.47)
        1:23.60 (28.73)     1:51.54 (27.94)
 13 McDermott, Cour  SR Emory             1:51.80    1:51.82          4  
                 26.49        54.79 (28.30)
        1:23.57 (28.78)     1:51.82 (28.25)
 14 Wall, Alison     FR Chicago           1:51.45    1:52.04          3  
                 26.46        55.15 (28.69)
        1:23.80 (28.65)     1:52.04 (28.24)
 15 Rinsma, Sarah    SR Johns Hopkins     1:51.86    1:52.45          2  
                 25.57        54.08 (28.51)
        1:23.01 (28.93)     1:52.45 (29.44)
 16 Bridges, Caroli  SO DePauw            1:51.52    1:53.10          1  
                 26.24        55.04 (28.80)
        1:24.19 (29.15)     1:53.10 (28.91)
                          === Preliminaries ===                          
 17 Holt, Dana       JR Emory             1:51.90                   
                 25.87        53.60 (27.73)
        1:22.11 (28.51)     1:51.90 (29.79)
 18 Bradford, Tully  SR Denison           1:52.03                   
                 26.07        54.21 (28.14)
        1:22.86 (28.65)     1:52.03 (29.17)
 19 Jones, Lauren    FR Williams          1:52.31                   
                 26.53        55.15 (28.62)
        1:23.84 (28.69)     1:52.31 (28.47)
 19 Kane, Carolyn    FR Denison           1:52.31                   
                 25.54        53.56 (28.02)
        1:22.73 (29.17)     1:52.31 (29.58)
 21 Walker, Amanda   JR UW Stevens Point  1:52.37                   
                 26.50        54.67 (28.17)
        1:23.36 (28.69)     1:52.37 (29.01)
 22 Weber, Emily     JR DePauw            1:52.50                   
                 26.72        55.13 (28.41)
        1:23.74 (28.61)     1:52.50 (28.76)
 23 Townsend, Haley  SO Kenyon            1:52.74                   
                 26.21        54.59 (28.38)
        1:23.45 (28.86)     1:52.74 (29.29)
 24 Marcus, Ellen    SO Johns Hopkins     1:52.78                   
                 26.31        54.63 (28.32)
        1:23.42 (28.79)     1:52.78 (29.36)
 25 Van Leuven, Mar  SO Denison           1:52.99                   
                 26.47        54.91 (28.44)
        1:24.24 (29.33)     1:52.99 (28.75)
 26 Yeh, Joanna      SR MIT               1:53.37                   
                 26.80        55.54 (28.74)
        1:24.48 (28.94)     1:53.37 (28.89)
 27 Burke, Morgan    FR Middlebury        1:53.50                   
                 26.47        55.28 (28.81)
        1:24.52 (29.24)     1:53.50 (28.98)
 28 Ryan, Emily      JR MIT               1:53.54                   
                 26.25        54.80 (28.55)
        1:24.20 (29.40)     1:53.54 (29.34)
 29 Lopiano, Cara    FR Chicago           1:53.99                   
                 26.94        55.76 (28.82)
        1:24.93 (29.17)     1:53.99 (29.06)
 30 Lee, Madeline    SO St. Olaf          1:54.12                   
                 26.29        54.89 (28.60)
        1:23.85 (28.96)     1:54.12 (30.27)
 31 Slaughter, Kirs  SO IWU               1:54.15                   
                 26.63        56.27 (29.64)
        1:25.08 (28.81)     1:54.15 (29.07)
 32 Jedryka, Veroni  FR MIT               1:54.17                   
                 25.57        53.71 (28.14)
        1:23.27 (29.56)     1:54.17 (30.90)
 33 Phillips, Calli  SO Springfield       1:54.19                   
                 27.44        56.56 (29.12)
        1:25.35 (28.79)     1:54.19 (28.84)
 34 Socha, Milana    SR Carleton          1:54.42                   
                 26.06        55.22 (29.16)
        1:25.15 (29.93)     1:54.42 (29.27)
 35 Singer, Jessica  SR Mary Washington   1:54.50                   
                 26.24        55.29 (29.05)
        1:25.18 (29.89)     1:54.50 (29.32)
 36 Grant, Katherin  JR F&M               1:54.73                   
                 27.40        56.33 (28.93)
        1:25.77 (29.44)     1:54.73 (28.96)
 37 Zemanovic, Sara  SO UW LaCrosse       1:54.82                   
                 26.10        54.43 (28.33)
        1:23.87 (29.44)     1:54.82 (30.95)
 38 Slevin, Angela   JR Wesleyan          1:54.84                   
                 27.01        56.19 (29.18)
        1:25.32 (29.13)     1:54.84 (29.52)
 39 Chudy, Charlott  SO Amherst           1:55.51                   
                 27.22        56.50 (29.28)
        1:26.20 (29.70)     1:55.51 (29.31)
 40 Edsall, Tristyn  FR Kalamazoo         1:57.89                   
                 26.76        56.59 (29.83)
        1:27.00 (30.41)     1:57.89 (30.89)
 41 Kostin, Joanna   FR NYU               2:01.01                   
                 28.03        58.41 (30.38)
        1:29.72 (31.31)     2:01.01 (31.29)
 -- Monroe, Ashleig  SO Springfield           DQ                    
                 27.51        56.59 (29.08)
        1:25.38 (28.79)          DQ (28.20)
 -- Sultan, Faye     SO Williams             DFS                    
                Women - Team Rankings - Through Event 17                 
  1. Emory                             236   2. Johns Hopkins                     192
  3. Denison                           176   4. Kenyon                            162
  5. Williams                          108   6. Wash U. MO                         64
  7. Amherst                            62   8. Gustavus                           51
  9. Springfield                        44  10. Chicago                            41
 11. Connecticut                        37  12. Wheaton IL                         36
 13. Mit                                35  14. Claremont MS                       34
 15. Bates                              29  16. Middlebury                         26
 17. Rochester                          25  18. Luther                             24
 19. Nyu                                22  20. DePauw                             20
 21. Suny Geneseo                       18  22. Hamilton                           17
 23. Mount Holyoke                      15  24. Illinois Wesleyan                  14
 25. Stevens                            12  25. Case Western                       12
 27. Redlands                           11  28. Grove City                          8
 29. St. Thomas                          6  30. Ithaca                              4
 30. Carnegie Mellon                     4  32. Carleton                            2
 32. Trinity U.                          2  34. Colorado College                    1    
 IUPUI Natatorium - Site License                        3/20/2014 - 8:16 PM
         NCAA Division III Championships - 3/19/2014 to 3/22/2014          
               Hosted by Franklin College and IN Sports Corp               
                      IU Natatorium, Indianapolis, IN                      
                           Last Completed Event                            
 Event 18  Women 1 mtr Diving
  NCAA Record: * 515.90  3/25/2011 Danica Roskos, TCNJ
  2013 Winner:   466.65            Danica Roskos, TCNJ
    Name           Year School            Prelims     Finals       Points 
                       === Championship Final ===                        
  1 Jordan, Renee    SR Macalester         458.40     468.90         20  
  2 Zarka, Maria     SO Kenyon             449.45     463.05         17  
  3 Linsmayer, Kait  SR Amherst            400.90     443.50         16  
  4 Axness, Sara     SO UW Eau Claire      413.00     437.80         15  
  5 Thompson, Jen    SR Springfield        409.45     433.30         14  
  6 Murdoch, McKenz  SR Williams           411.30     424.40         13  
  7 Sheridan, Sarah  SO Hope College       400.50     416.90         12  
  8 Sheldon, Katie   SR Trinity U.         413.75     407.90         11  
                        === Consolation Final ===                        
  9 Higgins, Michel  JR Williams           399.40     411.60          9  
 10 Greene, Sarah    SR Emory              390.60     397.70          7  
 11 Keller, Ashley   SR Fredonia State     397.35     394.85          6  
 12 Heline, Ashley   SO Trinity U.         388.40     389.70          5  
 13 Fergus, Miranda  SO Suny Cortland      386.10     389.35          4  
 14 Nikolaki, Veron  SO WPI                383.50     388.70          3  
 15 Griesemer, Nick  FR Ithaca             397.00     380.50          2  
 16 Becker, Sierra   SO UW Whitewater      374.95     365.75          1  
                          === Preliminaries ===                          
 17 Neu, Danielle    FR Rochester          374.70                   
 18 Pekar, Christin  JR Lake Forest        373.05                   
 19 Markus, Heather  SR Ithaca             370.95                   
 20 Huselstein, Sam  JR RIT                368.70                   
 21 Harper, Colleen  JR Middlebury         363.95                   
 22 Haley, Katelyn   SR Fredonia State     359.45                   
 23 Bowker, Lindsay  SR Hartwick           355.20                   
 24 Robson, Jessica  SR Occidental         349.75                   
                Women - Team Rankings - Through Event 18                 
  1. Emory                             243   2. Johns Hopkins                     192
  3. Kenyon                            179   4. Denison                           176
  5. Williams                          130   6. Amherst                            78
  7. Wash U. MO                         64   8. Springfield                        58
  9. Gustavus                           51  10. Chicago                            41
 11. Connecticut                        37  12. Wheaton IL                         36
 13. Mit                                35  14. Claremont MS                       34
 15. Bates                              29  16. Middlebury                         26
 17. Rochester                          25  18. Luther                             24
 19. Nyu                                22  20. DePauw                             20
 20. Macalester                         20  22. Trinity U.                         18
 22. Suny Geneseo                       18  24. Hamilton                           17
 25. Mount Holyoke                      15  25. UW Eau Claire                      15
 27. Illinois Wesleyan                  14  28. Hope College                       12
 28. Stevens                            12  28. Case Western                       12
 31. Redlands                           11  32. Grove City                          8
 33. St. Thomas                          6  33. Ithaca                              6
 33. Fredonia State                      6  36. Suny Cortland                       4
 36. Carnegie Mellon                     4  38. Wpi                                 3
 39. Carleton                            2  40. Colorado College                    1
 40. UW Whitewater                       1    

 IUPUI Natatorium - Site License                        3/20/2014 - 8:36 PM
         NCAA Division III Championships - 3/19/2014 to 3/22/2014          
               Hosted by Franklin College and IN Sports Corp               
                      IU Natatorium, Indianapolis, IN                      
 Event 19  Men 400 Yard Medley Relay
  NCAA Record: * 3:15.09  3/22/2012 Denison
                          Barry, Rosenburg, Fronk, Barczak
 Meet Qualify:   3:22.11
  2013 Winner:   3:15.39            Kenyon
    School                        Prelims     Finals       Points 
                            === Championship Final ===                            
  1 Emory                         3:17.46    3:15.13         40  
     1) Spock, Ross SR                2) Wilson, Andrew SO            
     3) Baker, Hayden JR              4) Bass, Ryan SR                
                 23.58        48.28 (48.28)
        1:13.08 (24.80)     1:42.39 (54.11)
        2:04.42 (22.03)     2:30.35 (47.96)
        2:51.03 (20.68)     3:15.13 (44.78)
  2 MIT                           3:16.41    3:15.99         34  
     1) Mattix, Bo SO                 2) Liao, Michael SR             
     3) Corcoran, Sean SO             4) Fathman, Austin JR           
                 23.38        48.75 (48.75)
        1:13.98 (25.23)     1:43.12 (54.37)
        2:05.12 (22.00)     2:31.06 (47.94)
        2:51.32 (20.26)     3:15.99 (44.93)
  3 Kenyon                        3:17.61    3:16.60         32  
     1) Curley, Harrison JR           2) Manz, Trevor FR              
     3) Josephson, Christian SO       4) Caldwell, Austin JR          
                 23.93        49.37 (49.37)
        1:14.96 (25.59)     1:44.05 (54.68)
        2:06.48 (22.43)     2:32.98 (48.93)
        2:53.71 (20.73)     3:16.60 (43.62)
  4 Johns Hopkins                 3:17.70    3:16.78         30  
     1) Davis, Dylan JR               2) Acquaviva, Joseph SR         
     3) Kogut, Greg JR                4) Kimball, William SR          
                 23.62        48.67 (48.67)
        1:14.46 (25.79)     1:43.90 (55.23)
        2:06.47 (22.57)     2:32.73 (48.83)
        2:53.77 (21.04)     3:16.78 (44.05)
  5 Denison                       3:17.42    3:17.45         28  
     1) Humphrey, Jackson SR          2) Rosenburg, Damon JR          
     3) Maciel, Carlos SR             4) Wuorinen, Conrad SO          
                 24.35        50.67 (50.67)
        1:15.28 (24.61)     1:44.33 (53.66)
        2:06.82 (22.49)     2:33.10 (48.77)
        2:53.90 (20.80)     3:17.45 (44.35)
  6 Claremont MS                  3:17.79    3:18.06         26  
     1) Williams, Matthew FR          2) Alleva, Joseph SO            
     3) Shultz, Patrick JR            4) Poltash, Alex SO             
                 23.47        48.50 (48.50)
        1:14.31 (25.81)     1:45.24 (56.74)
        2:07.37 (22.13)     2:33.78 (48.54)
        2:54.39 (20.61)     3:18.06 (44.28)
  7 St. Olaf                      3:18.39    3:18.83         24  
     1) Gratz, Michael JR             2) Kubat, Colby SR              
     3) Brebrick, William SO          4) Roe, Tanner JR               
                 24.10        50.11 (50.11)
        1:15.19 (25.08)     1:45.48 (55.37)
        2:07.65 (22.17)     2:34.33 (48.85)
        2:55.12 (20.79)     3:18.83 (44.50)
 -- Williams                      3:17.89         DQ        
     1) Lin, Benjamin FR              2) Tamposi, Jacob SO            
     3) Ricotta, Thaddeus JR          4) Nanda, Alexander JR          
                 23.47        49.67 (49.67)
        1:14.92 (25.25)     1:44.67 (55.00)
        2:06.95 (22.28)     2:33.02 (48.35)
        2:54.35 (21.33)          DQ (45.50)
                            === Consolation Final ===                             
  9 Wash U. MO                    3:18.50    3:17.97         18  
     1) Nutter, Matthew JR            2) Lagieski, Michael FR         
     3) Dalton, Reed SO               4) Morrell, Justin FR           
                 24.52        50.62 (50.62)
        1:15.93 (25.31)     1:44.63 (54.01)
        2:07.09 (22.46)     2:32.44 (47.81)
        2:53.78 (21.34)     3:17.97 (45.53)
 10 Connecticut                   3:19.30    3:18.36         14  
     1) Gill, Samuel SR               2) Czelewicz, Kirk JR           
     3) Bowen, Loring SO              4) Andre, Drew SO               
                 23.24        48.20 (48.20)
        1:14.20 (26.00)     1:44.36 (56.16)
        2:06.78 (22.42)     2:33.81 (49.45)
        2:54.97 (21.16)     3:18.36 (44.55)
 11 College of NJ                 3:18.68    3:19.43         12  
     1) Burzynski, Aleksander JR      2) Shangle, James SO            
     3) Dunn, Joseph SO               4) Pedersen, Brett JR           
                 24.13        49.96 (49.96)
        1:15.98 (26.02)     1:45.77 (55.81)
        2:08.33 (22.56)     2:34.97 (49.20)
        2:55.90 (20.93)     3:19.43 (44.46)
 12 Calvin                        3:22.91    3:20.94         10  
     1) Mitchell, Andrew SR           2) Cochran, Johnson SO          
     3) Stoughton, Brett FR           4) Schroder, Mitchell SO        
                 24.74        51.17 (51.17)
        1:16.42 (25.25)     1:45.71 (54.54)
        2:08.31 (22.60)     2:34.88 (49.17)
        2:56.71 (21.83)     3:20.94 (46.06)
 13 DePauw                        3:23.53    3:21.86          8  
     1) Alfonso, Alexander JR         2) Gleason, Matthew SR          
     3) Lehmann, Blake SO             4) Burgeson, Jack SR            
                 24.74        51.63 (51.63)
        1:17.59 (25.96)     1:47.40 (55.77)
        2:09.67 (22.27)     2:36.14 (48.74)
        2:57.95 (21.81)     3:21.86 (45.72)
 14 Chicago                       3:21.51    3:22.33          6  
     1) Bunning, Bryan SO             2) Angeles, Andrew JR           
     3) Veldman, Matthew SO           4) Meek, Thomas SO              
                 24.69        51.53 (51.53)
        1:18.00 (26.47)     1:48.51 (56.98)
        2:10.94 (22.43)     2:37.70 (49.19)
        2:58.81 (21.11)     3:22.33 (44.63)
 15 NYU                           3:22.97    3:23.54          4  
     1) Wu, Charles SR                2) Kendall, Matthew JR          
     3) Tay, Daniel FR                4) Crowley, Jeremiah JR         
                 24.69        50.82 (50.82)
        1:16.90 (26.08)     1:47.37 (56.55)
        2:10.40 (23.03)     2:38.00 (50.63)
        2:59.25 (21.25)     3:23.54 (45.54)
 16 Union                         3:23.14    3:23.85          2  
     1) Welch, Andrew JR              2) Enquist, John FR             
     3) Wahl, Zachary SR              4) Nadareski, Benjamin SO       
                 24.06        49.54 (49.54)
        1:16.84 (27.30)     1:48.27 (58.73)
        2:11.13 (22.86)     2:37.47 (49.20)
        2:59.60 (22.13)     3:23.85 (46.38)
                              === Preliminaries ===                               
 17 Ithaca                        3:23.72                   
     1) White, Connor SR              2) Zelehowsky, Lucas JR         
     3) Van Cott, Taylor SR           4) Knight, Peter JR             
                 23.81        50.95 (50.95)
        1:17.03 (26.08)     1:47.78 (56.83)
        2:10.64 (22.86)     2:38.40 (50.62)
        2:59.62 (21.22)     3:23.72 (45.32)
 18 Stevens                       3:24.62                   
     1) Sun, Ravi SO                  2) Lefeber, Joshua SO           
     3) Rees, John JR                 4) Hanak, Shawn SR              
                 24.34        50.43 (50.43)
        1:17.48 (27.05)     1:48.43 (58.00)
        2:11.28 (22.85)     2:38.56 (50.13)
        3:00.03 (21.47)     3:24.62 (46.06)
 -- Amherst                           DQ                    
 -- Wheaton IL                       DFS                    
                      Men - Team Rankings - Through Event 19                      
  1. Denison                           282   2. Kenyon                            272
  3. Emory                             153   4. Johns Hopkins                     130
  5. Mit                               102   6. College of NJ                     101
  7. Claremont MS                       91   8. Chicago                            85
  9. Keene St.                          80  10. St. Olaf                           77
 11. Connecticut                        71  12. Williams                           56
 12. Wash U. MO                         56  14. Gettysburg                         50
 15. Amherst                            46  16. DePauw                             44
 17. Mary Washington                    37  18. Redlands                           34
 19. Tufts                              22  19. Middlebury                         22
 19. Trinity U.                         22  22. Whitman                            20
 22. Coast Guard                        20  24. St. Thomas                         16
 25. Usmma                              15  26. Colorado College                   14
 27. Rose-Hulman                        12  28. Ithaca                             11
 29. Calvin                             10  30. Albion                              7
 30. Whitworth                           7  32. Union                               6
 33. Birmingham Southern                 5  33. UW LaCrosse                         5
 35. Nyu                                 4  36. Illinois Wesleyan                   2
 36. Rochester Inst of Technology        2  38. Buffalo State                       1    
 IUPUI Natatorium - Site License                        3/20/2014 - 8:48 PM
         NCAA Division III Championships - 3/19/2014 to 3/22/2014          
               Hosted by Franklin College and IN Sports Corp               
                      IU Natatorium, Indianapolis, IN                      
 Event 20  Women 400 Yard Medley Relay
  NCAA Record: * 3:40.13  3/21/2013 Kenyon
                          Oberholzer, Kaestner, Saiz, Townsend
 Meet Qualify:   3:50.50
  2013 Winner:   3:40.13            Kenyon
    School                        Prelims     Finals       Points 
                            === Championship Final ===                            
  1 Johns Hopkins                 3:43.69    3:42.90         40  
     1) Kitayama, Taylor SR           2) Storm, Margaret JR           
     3) Ternes, Kylie SR              4) Bogdanovski, Anastasia JR    
                 26.24        54.19 (54.19)
        1:24.21 (30.02)   1:58.52 (1:04.33)
        2:24.10 (25.58)     2:54.42 (55.90)
        3:17.38 (22.96)     3:42.90 (48.48)
  2 Kenyon                        3:44.93    3:43.34         34  
     1) Oberholzer, Celia JR          2) Kaestner, Katie SO           
     3) Cline, Jourdan JR             4) Yarosh, Hillary SR           
                 26.64        54.96 (54.96)
        1:23.66 (28.70)   1:56.61 (1:01.65)
        2:22.05 (25.44)     2:52.66 (56.05)
        3:16.60 (23.94)     3:43.34 (50.68)
  3 Denison                       3:45.81    3:45.14         32  
     1) Willingham, Molly JR          2) Lugg, Natalie SR             
     3) Howell, Michelle JR           4) Kane, Carolyn FR             
                 27.34        56.55 (56.55)
        1:25.16 (28.61)   1:58.22 (1:01.67)
        2:24.07 (25.85)     2:54.26 (56.04)
        3:18.55 (24.29)     3:45.14 (50.88)
  4 Emory                         3:45.26    3:45.23         30  
     1) Thompson, Ella SO             2) Kowalsky, Annelise FR        
     3) Sanchez-Aizcorbe, Marcela FR  4) Larson, Nancy JR             
                 26.60        55.69 (55.69)
        1:24.85 (29.16)   1:59.00 (1:03.31)
        2:24.28 (25.28)     2:54.76 (55.76)
        3:18.79 (24.03)     3:45.23 (50.47)
  5 Gustavus                      3:48.18    3:46.97         28  
     1) Tinklenberg, Alissa SR        2) Strom, Jennifer JR           
     3) Klunk, Danielle FR            4) Olson, Catherine JR          
                 26.55        55.39 (55.39)
        1:24.61 (29.22)   1:58.98 (1:03.59)
        2:25.29 (26.31)     2:56.19 (57.21)
        3:19.99 (23.80)     3:46.97 (50.78)
  6 Wheaton IL                    3:47.57    3:47.82         26  
     1) Walitsch, Jamie SR            2) Bagley, Erin FR              
     3) Nitz, Kirsten SO              4) Cialkowski, Kathryn SO       
                 28.60        58.61 (58.61)
        1:28.32 (29.71)   2:02.53 (1:03.92)
        2:26.69 (24.16)     2:55.70 (53.17)
        3:20.72 (25.02)     3:47.82 (52.12)
  7 MIT                           3:49.07    3:49.59         24  
     1) Rogers, Christy SR            2) Finney, Kristen SO           
     3) Osmulski, Sarah SO            4) Jedryka, Veronika FR         
                 27.93        57.13 (57.13)
        1:26.96 (29.83)   2:01.47 (1:04.34)
        2:27.43 (25.96)     2:57.83 (56.36)
        3:21.91 (24.08)     3:49.59 (51.76)
  8 Amherst                       3:48.60    3:51.45         22  
     1) Lee, Sabrina JR               2) Hyde, Emily SO               
     3) Conklin, Sarah SO             4) Belak, Lauren SR             
                 28.36        58.61 (58.61)
        1:28.28 (29.67)   2:02.58 (1:03.97)
        2:28.48 (25.90)     2:58.89 (56.31)
        3:23.45 (24.56)     3:51.45 (52.56)
                            === Consolation Final ===                             
  9 Wash U. MO                    3:49.81    3:49.15         18  
     1) Anderson, Kathryn SO          2) Gan, Sophie SO               
     3) Carlos, Lauren FR             4) Taege, Sara JR               
                 27.74        57.20 (57.20)
        1:27.18 (29.98)   2:01.11 (1:03.91)
        2:26.58 (25.47)     2:57.53 (56.42)
        3:22.12 (24.59)     3:49.15 (51.62)
 10 Luther                        3:50.10    3:49.34         14  
     1) Slagel, Clare SO              2) Connolly, Erin SR            
     3) Scharmer, Alexandra SO        4) Anderson, Emily FR           
                 26.57        55.12 (55.12)
        1:24.76 (29.64)   1:59.32 (1:04.20)
        2:25.70 (26.38)     2:57.01 (57.69)
        3:21.86 (24.85)     3:49.34 (52.33)
 11 Chicago                       3:49.77    3:49.53         12  
     1) Wall, Alison FR               2) Hill, Jennifer JR            
     3) Erdmann, Abby FR              4) Scheidl, Maya FR             
                 27.63        56.70 (56.70)
        1:27.48 (30.78)   2:02.85 (1:06.15)
        2:28.01 (25.16)     2:58.29 (55.44)
        3:22.38 (24.09)     3:49.53 (51.24)
 12 Williams                      3:49.26    3:49.86         10  
     1) Bennett, Katherine SO         2) Clark, Olivia FR             
     3) Levine, Alyssa SR             4) Thompson, Sarah JR           
                 27.07        56.05 (56.05)
        1:26.77 (30.72)   2:02.14 (1:06.09)
        2:28.28 (26.14)     2:58.79 (56.65)
        3:23.09 (24.30)     3:49.86 (51.07)
 13 Claremont MS                  3:50.17    3:50.00          8  
     1) Maclean, Erin SR              2) Ngo, Kelly FR                
     3) Jessen, Annika SR             4) Kee, Michele SR              
                 27.79        58.24 (58.24)
        1:27.74 (29.50)   2:02.59 (1:04.35)
        2:28.43 (25.84)     2:58.58 (55.99)
        3:23.15 (24.57)     3:50.00 (51.42)
 14 Carnegie Mellon               3:50.16    3:50.34          6  
     1) Singhaus, Kira SO             2) Wang, Felicia SO             
     3) Crews, Gillian FR             4) Phan, Soleil SR              
                 28.09        57.85 (57.85)
        1:27.59 (29.74)   2:02.50 (1:04.65)
        2:28.03 (25.53)     2:58.29 (55.79)
        3:22.82 (24.53)     3:50.34 (52.05)
 15 Middlebury                    3:50.55    3:50.63          4  
     1) Tibbetts, Andrea SR           2) Hillas, Jamie JR             
     3) Griffin, Megan SO             4) Burke, Morgan FR             
                 28.12        57.81 (57.81)
        1:26.70 (28.89)   2:00.92 (1:03.11)
        2:26.48 (25.56)     2:58.82 (57.90)
        3:23.13 (24.31)     3:50.63 (51.81)
 -- Springfield                   3:51.03         DQ        
     1) Poole, Kelsey SR              2) Medeiros, Emily FR           
     3) Greco, Christiana FR          4) Pennington, Kellie SR        
                 29.22    1:00.76 (1:00.76)
        1:30.56 (29.80)   2:04.40 (1:03.64)
        2:30.45 (26.05)     3:01.53 (57.13)
        3:24.57 (23.04)          DQ (49.38)
                              === Preliminaries ===                               
 17 Rochester                     3:51.30                   
     1) Meess, Karen SR               2) Veech, Alexandra FR          
     3) Bailey, Lauren JR             4) Luan, Victoria SO            
                 28.28        57.85 (57.85)
        1:27.22 (29.37)   2:03.09 (1:05.24)
        2:28.97 (25.88)     2:59.40 (56.31)
        3:23.70 (24.30)     3:51.30 (51.90)
 18 St. Thomas                    3:53.72                   
     1) Trace, Hayley SR              2) Punyko, Emily JR             
     3) Kukielka, Mariann JR          4) Grunewald, Courtney FR       
                 28.44        59.13 (59.13)
        1:27.72 (28.59)   2:02.42 (1:03.29)
        2:28.71 (26.29)     3:00.35 (57.93)
        3:25.81 (25.46)     3:53.72 (53.37)
 19 NYU                           3:54.76                   
     1) Doerner, Emily JR             2) Webber, Kathryn FR           
     3) Traub, Krista SO              4) Gibbs, Rebecca FR            
                 27.39        57.27 (57.27)
        1:27.36 (30.09)   2:02.57 (1:05.30)
        2:29.47 (26.90)     3:01.05 (58.48)
        3:26.34 (25.29)     3:54.76 (53.71)
 20 UW LaCrosse                   3:57.37                   
     1) Reynolds, Brooke JR           2) Schwartzlow, Leanna JR       
     3) Yemm, Allison SR              4) Zemanovic, Sara SO           
                 27.72        56.74 (56.74)
        1:27.78 (31.04)   2:04.39 (1:07.65)
        2:32.24 (27.85)     3:03.98 (59.59)
        3:29.37 (25.39)     3:57.37 (53.39)
 21 Hope College                  4:00.93                   
     1) Northuis, Klare SO            2) Hance, Michelle SO           
     3) Meyer, Molly FR               4) Freyling, Mikayla FR         
                 28.84        59.53 (59.53)
        1:31.94 (32.41)   2:07.99 (1:08.46)
        2:34.52 (26.53)     3:05.24 (57.25)
        3:31.06 (25.82)     4:00.93 (55.69)
 22 Suny Geneseo                  4:04.14                   
     1) Boyce, Lauren SR              2) Wilkins, Kala SO             
     3) Holloway, Julie SO            4) Wilcoxen, Stephanie JR       
                 28.24        57.57 (57.57)
        1:30.84 (33.27)   2:09.10 (1:11.53)
        2:37.27 (28.17)   3:10.21 (1:01.11)
        3:35.77 (25.56)     4:04.14 (53.93)
 -- UW Whitewater                     DQ                    
     1) Thompson, Kendall SR          2) Spaay, Amy JR                
     3) Martin, Kayla JR              4) Kohlbeck, Kelsey JR          
                 28.94        59.51 (59.51)
        1:28.05 (28.54)   2:01.30 (1:01.79)
        2:28.37 (27.07)     3:00.83 (59.53)
        3:25.97 (25.14)          DQ (53.58)
                     Women - Team Rankings - Through Event 20                     
  1. Emory                             273   2. Johns Hopkins                     232
  3. Kenyon                            213   4. Denison                           208
  5. Williams                          140   6. Amherst                           100
  7. Wash U. MO                         82   8. Gustavus                           79
  9. Wheaton IL                         62  10. Mit                                59
 11. Springfield                        58  12. Chicago                            53
 13. Claremont MS                       42  14. Luther                             38
 15. Connecticut                        37  16. Middlebury                         30
 17. Bates                              29  18. Rochester                          25
 19. Nyu                                22  20. DePauw                             20
 20. Macalester                         20  22. Suny Geneseo                       18
 22. Trinity U.                         18  24. Hamilton                           17
 25. Mount Holyoke                      15  25. UW Eau Claire                      15
 27. Illinois Wesleyan                  14  28. Stevens                            12
 28. Hope College                       12  28. Case Western                       12
 31. Redlands                           11  32. Carnegie Mellon                    10
 33. Grove City                          8  34. Fredonia State                      6
 34. St. Thomas                          6  34. Ithaca                              6
 37. Suny Cortland                       4  38. Wpi                                 3
 39. Carleton                            2  40. UW Whitewater                       1
 40. Colorado College                    1                                                                                  
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