Who Ya Gonna Find? The Different Kinds of Swimmers at Meets

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Who Ya Gonna Find? The Different Kinds of Swimmers at Meets

Every swimmer knows there are numerous types of swimmers you find at swim meets. Various kinds of swimmers react differently at meets. Some are cool and collected and others are nervous. Some swimmers find multiple ways to have fun while others are steadily thinking about going home. Here is a look at some of the swimmer types you will encounter.

The Overthinker

Many swimmers have trained hard and feel physically prepared, but overthinkers get in their own heads. They let their nerves get the best of them. They overthink everything instead of relaxing. These swimmers are capable of so much but they need to figure out a way to not overthink. Some things that might help these swimmers is taking a deep breath and trusting that all their hard work will pay off in the end. 

The No-Practice Superstar

These swimmers are miraculous at meets but never show up at practice. They pull times out of nowhere. These swimmers have so much talent and if they went to practice, they would be unstoppable. I think many of us are jealous of these swimmers and their natural talent. 

The Ready-to-Go Type

These swimmers are all-in from the start at meets. They will win their races and they are always prepared. These swimmers are ready to race from the time they get to the meet to the time they leave the meet. They are up at the blocks early to stretch and they are the first to have their caps and goggles on and ready. They are the type who leads the team to victory. 

The Cheerleader 

This swimmer may not always be the fastest. But this swimmer is always cheering for the team and trying to get the team’s morale up. They lead the team cheer and they are always supporting all of their teammates. I like to call them the glue that holds the team together. They are the happiest people and are needed on the pool deck. 

The Overpacker

arena_usa_swimming_navy_backpack_side_1_swimming_hall_of_fame_swimming_world_540xThis swimmer has everything that they or their teammates might need. From extra food to extra towels, this person has everything. I have always been an overpacker myself. This swimmer has several different pairs of caps and goggles and they always lend a hand to others who forget something. 

The All By Myself

This person sticks to themselves. These swimmers listen to their music and stay away from others. They have figured out that they need to be isolated to swim fast at a meet. Swimmers that stick to themselves are found listening to music in random places to avoid conversations. They need to stay in their own heads to do well in their races.

The Goofy One 

This swimmer does not allow anything to get them down. They make the most stressful meets fun and they always make the team laugh. This swimmer is funny behind the block and loves the attention. The team goofball is the heart of the team and teams would not be the same without them. 

The different kinds of swimmers at meets are crucial to the success of the team. Everyone has come across one of these swimmers at some point in their career. Who do you know who fits these categories?

All commentaries are the opinion of the author and do not necessarily reflect the views of Swimming World Magazine nor its staff.

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