While Battling a Chronic Illness, Zach Barber Emerged As An Inspiration

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While Battling a Chronic Illness, Zach Barber Emerged As An Inspiration

By Lucas Draper, Swimming World Intern

Zach Barber is a man with an interesting story. At age 12, he received the news that he had an incurable chronic illness. His diagnosis, Eosinophilic Esophagitis, meant he spent eight years of his life, from the age of 15, unable to eat anything beside plain rice, canned pears, and medically prescribed shakes. Eosinophilic Esophagitis is a condition that causes a type of white blood cell to build up in the esophagus due to an allergic reaction. This buildup can cause damage to the esophageal tissue which can lead to difficulty swallowing (Mayo Clinic). This diagnosis is one that would cause many to give up their sport, but Barber used it as motivation to keep going. 

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Photo Courtesy: Zach Barber

Despite his medical condition, Barber worked with his medical team to allow him to continue to compete. His love for swimming was his constant motivator. It pushed him to continue to take his disgusting shakes, so he could continue to perform at his best. In his senior year of high school, Barber was fed by a feeding tube in his stomach. While only eating his rice and pears, he broke his high school’s 200 individual medley and 100 breaststroke records. Although these marks have since been broken, Barber is proud of his achievements, which are a testament to the power of determination. 

Last year, he was placed on a new medication, one which allowed him to expand his diet and eat proper food again. Even though he is now able to eat a much broader diet, there are still some foods he cannot eat. Barber now coaches swimming and is continuing to train, in the hopes of beating his old times. His reason for trying to break his records is to show others “not to let chronic illness hold you back. You can still try and achieve your goals.” Even though Barber is no longer competing, his determination to break his records is motivation enough to keep training.

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Photo Courtesy: Zach Barber

Barber also has a podcast called Rice Cakes and Pears, a reference to the two foods he was able to eat. His podcast aims to bring people together and celebrate differences. As he says in his podcast description, “we need to accept the dope-weirdness inside everyone.” His podcast doesn’t just cover swimming, but speaks to all kinds of people encountering a range of struggles. Barber’s one piece of advice for anyone in a situation similar to his is to “remember why you started in the first place… there is more to life than getting first place or getting a best time.” His advice is to focus on the love of the sport. 

Barber’s story is one that should be an inspiration to many. His ability to continue to chase his dreams despite battling a life-altering disease is incredible. He demonstrates to many young athletes that if you push forward, nothing can stand in your way. 

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3 years ago

Zach – I’m so proud of you and your accomplishments, despite the lousy hand you were dealt! Keep on, my man – you can do anything you put your mind to. I miss seeing you & I’m thinking of taking a train to visit!

With lots of love and praises for a job well
done. You have overcome adversity marvelously well!

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