Water Not the Problem at Swimming Pools; Social Environment is Issue

Photo Courtesy: Peter H. Bick

Will it be safe to swim in a swimming pool? A Purdue University expert sets out the difference between pool water and the environment

Ernest “Chip” Blatchley III, an Environmental Engineering professor at Purdue University, says there is no data to show how the coronavirus responds to chlorine, but that chlorine effectively inactivates similar viruses. The bigger issue as pools start to open up after COVID-19 lockdown, is the wider environment at swimming facilities, he suggests.

Blatchley researches how chlorine in swimming pools reacts with contaminants such as human body fluids, pharmaceuticals and personal care products, according to a news release from Purdue University. He is one of the more respected people in his profession, having studied water treatment and chemistry for more than 20 years. His work has resulted in dozens of peer-reviewed published papers on pool water chemistry and he is currently serving on two committees within the Council for the Model Aquatic Health Code to develop guidance on pool management in the U.S.

Swimming pools across the United States are starting to re-open to the public under strict guidelines that vary by state. The question that is on everyone’s mind: is it safe? According to Purdue University research, if pool chlorine levels are properly mandated, treated pool water poses minimal risk when it comes to spreading the disease. The bigger problem is coronavirus spreading through poor air circulation, overcrowding, and on contaminated surfaces. He notes:

“In the U.S., the general guidance for keeping pools properly disinfected is maintaining a free chlorine concentration between 1 and 5 milligrams per liter,” Blatchley said. “If a pool has that concentration, there would be very little infective novel coronavirus in the water.

“On the other hand, the air in an indoor pool is likely to pose similar risks of coronavirus spread as other indoor spaces. A person’s risk would not be affected by the water. The most relevant issue would be contamination of the air or surfaces in these facilities.”

Many states in the US have decided to open up public pools but have limited the number of patrons in a facility. USA Swimming sent out to each of its members detailing strict guidelines that the swimmers will have to adhere to in order to run practice. A club team in Alaska incorporated special lane line shields at the end of each lane to minimize the contact between swimmers when sitting at the wall.

Swimming Through a Pandemic

The postponements and cancellations wrought by COVID-19 haven’t just affected the Olympics and the ranks of elite swimmers. They’ve trickled down to neighborhood clubs and summer youth leagues, affecting thousands of recreational and competitive swimmers alike. Here is some of our coverage of COVID-19’s effect on the American summer swimming calendar.

Resources for returning to the pool in the COVID-19 era

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Liesl Taner
4 years ago

This article says indoor pool air would be just as infectious as outdoor air. But there is peer reviewed research bout high humidity quickly breaking down influenza and corona viruses. Indoor pool rooms have very high humidity therefore making the air much safer to breathe as the virus breaks down very quickly. https://www.cdc.gov/niosh/nioshtic-2/20042261.html

Erika Marie
4 years ago
Reply to  Liesl Taner

Liesl Taner outdoors is much safer especially in the sun. Your link is about the flu!

Liesl Taner
4 years ago
Reply to  Liesl Taner

Erika Marie it applies for both influenza and Corona viruses.

Im saying swimming in both indoor and outdoor settings is safer than being in a restaurant, gym, etc.


Ildiko Morris
4 years ago
Reply to  Liesl Taner

Liesl Taner outdoor is pretty safe so indoor pools r probably the safest place to be

4 years ago
Reply to  Liesl Taner

Andy…. please. Your first statement or summary of the article is not what the author says. Very disappointing reporting. If you don’t have capacity or training to conduct proper journalism than simply don’t. Facts actually do matter. Another drop in quality for Swimming World. Look at the comments section. For the most part pure deplorable stupidity. Encouraged by this article. Shame on you and Swimming World. I won’t be renewing.

Jason Barnard
4 years ago
Reply to  Liesl Taner

Liesl Taner just goes to show that anyone can write an article and spin to their view.

Loretta Harris
4 years ago
Reply to  Liesl Taner

Liesl Taner I’ve been in a few indoor pools for competitions…sat in the last bleacher, top row…and the fumes alone would kill…I think whether your indoors or out it’s safe. People need to make whatever choices are right for them…and let others make their own decisions. If an individual is still afraid to swim…then they can choose to skip…but if another person chooses to swim…swim…it’s their choice. Willing to sign waivers to get my swimmer back in.

Al JJ Renaud
4 years ago
Reply to  Liesl Taner

Jason Barnard the first post was from the CDC.gov page so they are just not anybody

Jason Barnard
4 years ago
Reply to  Liesl Taner

Al JJ Renaud you mean the CDC that predicted we’d have something like 1.5M deaths back 2 months ago? Those guys?

Al JJ Renaud
4 years ago
Reply to  Liesl Taner

Jason Barnard lol, Good point!!

Craig Lord
4 years ago
Reply to  Al JJ Renaud

A point out of context, actually.
That was a worst-case scenario if no containment measures were taken and the higher risk of ‘herd immunity’ was followed, as stated by the CDC at the time. Note:

“The CDC-led effort is developing more sophisticated models showing how interventions might decrease the worst-case numbers, though their projections have not been made public.

“When people change their behavior,” said Lauren Gardner, an associate professor at the Johns Hopkins Whiting School of Engineering who models epidemics, “those model parameters are no longer applicable,” so short-term forecasts are likely to be more accurate. “There is a lot of room for improvement if we act appropriately.”

Those actions include testing for the virus, tracing contacts, and reducing human interactions by stopping mass gatherings, working from home and curbing travel….”

Etc… context, context, context…

Peter Scott
4 years ago

Of course the quantity of chlorine or humidity will have little or no effect if someone exhales into your face…….we all have to be very careful?stay safe?

Tammy Arbogast
4 years ago
Reply to  Peter Scott

I think the air around the pool might be well disinfected like the pool. This virus so far seems affected by conditions similarly to flu. Flu, as we know from scientific publications a super long time ago (in guinea pigs – that’s how long ago), it also may not be active in chlorinated humidity. Humidity is toast for flu – it was found that it just can’t stay airborne in humidity at all. This hasn’t been done for this virus. But I think the outside air might be less safe than the disinfected air at a pool. Open water, if they each start staggered at 10 meters apart it might be pretty safe too. I am mid level scientist an no expert, but this is just a bit of information to be taken as a grain of salt.

Doug Schack
4 years ago
Reply to  Peter Scott

Peter Scott literally a one in a million chance. Someone has to exhale in your face, and they have to be infected. Weigh your risks.

Tina Evans
4 years ago
Reply to  Peter Scott

Peter Scott stay home.. and stay safe!

Peter Scott
4 years ago
Reply to  Peter Scott

Tina Evans thanks?

Peter Scott
4 years ago
Reply to  Peter Scott

Doug Schack now the virus is becoming more widespread the chances will likely increase?stay safe?

Junior Rada
4 years ago

Jevi Mae

Jessica Schulz
4 years ago

I sure hope this is the case. I’ve been missing the pool. ?

Jennifer Shipp Graham
4 years ago

I think everyone should evaluate their own risk profile and if concerned stay home until those concerns have been resolved, but IMO, no need to keep every lap pool in America closed up indefinitely-

Doug Schack
4 years ago

Jennifer Shipp Graham wow! Freaking logic being applied. Thank you! Evaluate your own risk profile.

Kimberly Joy
4 years ago

I think pools and practices should go back to normal immediately. Even in the unlikely event someone gets the virus, it has a recovery rate akin to regular flu. There was no need for all this.

Lisa Greenberg
4 years ago
Reply to  Kimberly Joy

Kimberly Joy Thank you!

Leticia Flores
4 years ago

NelsonVargas FamilyFitness

Flynn Burroughs
4 years ago

And in particularly as it pertains to USA Swimming…

According to the CDC (https://www.cdc.gov/nchs/nvss/vsrr/covid_weekly/index.htm#AgeAndSex)
of all COVID deaths, those between the ages of 5 and 24 make up 0.12% of them (66 / 54,861 X 100 = 0.12%).

That’s 0.12 of those who died of COVID, NOT 0.12% of ALL confirmed COVID cases.

Also keep in mind that “Confirmed COVID Cases” do not include asymptomatic or undiagnosed mild cases – which antibody tests have shown to be highly prevalent.

Therefore the overall mortality rate (number of COVID deaths / number of COVID cases X 100 = mortality rate) of those between the ages of 5 and 24 is in fact SIGNIFICANTLY less than 0.12%.

Regardless, over the same period of time the CDC chart shows that of the 6110 reported influenza deaths that 85 of those who died were between the ages of 5 and 24. So, the flu mortality rate over the same period time for those age groups is: 85 / 6110 X 100 = 1.4%

Facts before Fear.

Peter Scott
4 years ago

Maybe younger persons are less likely to suffer the affects of the virus however younger persons can be excellent carriers of the virus to the older population……..since most of their parents will be in that age group and likely to have grand parents as well………just to note it is certainly not just about death but also the debilitating effects of the virus even after so called ‘recovery’…….since we are just at the start of the pandemic the full implications are certainly not clear. We all have to be very careful?stay safe?

Andy Gallion
4 years ago

If the water and AQ at Wakefield High School has the same effect on my lungs, hair, and skin as it does on covid19, I’m 100% comfortable swimming there.

4 years ago
Reply to  Andy Gallion

you made me laugh!

Amy Jensen Crumpacker
4 years ago

The pools aren’t the issue, the locker rooms and bathrooms are, as well as all of the other surfaces people touch in an indoor pool…

Kimberly McClure Hickey

Amy Jensen Crumpacker exactly. So many pools can barely keep up with the pee smells, god help them try to disinfect for covid. And who will do it? Smaller pools use the lifeguards to shoot down the bathrooms and decks.

Amy Jensen Crumpacker
4 years ago

Kimberly McClure Hickey yep…my son is a lifeguard and swims for his college team…

Leslie Cichocki
4 years ago

Chlorine is awesome.

Donald P. Spellman
4 years ago

Leslie Cichocki …….except during WWI.

Jiri F. Smetana
4 years ago

Chlorine always wins. Why do you think it’s in bleach? Now let’s swim!!

Kathy Allman
4 years ago

So then for the love of all things SWIM, open the damn poooooooolsssssss! Let us make our own informed decisions.

Josh Heebner
4 years ago

Laura Kulp Heebner

Lin Moore
4 years ago

No locker room, no problem.

Tammy Arbogast
4 years ago

Finally the powers that be realize that pools, by definition, are in constant disinfection mode.

Jorge Rodriguez
4 years ago

What about sweat mucus coughing saliva spit immediately next swimmer ??‍♀️??‍♀️??‍♀️??‍♀️?

Rob Richardson
4 years ago

Jorge Rodriguez did you worry about that before Jan 2020?

Jorge Rodriguez
4 years ago

Rob Richardson no because there was not a virus spread or diluted in the water

Lisa Ernsberger
4 years ago

Open the pools!

Mario Ribeiro
4 years ago

“Ernest “Chip” Blatchley III, an Environmental Engineering professor at Purdue University, says there is no data to show how the coronavirus responds to chlorine” – WHY???
There were several headlines at the begining of March about studies being initiated to investigate this, if I recall correctly one was at Harvard. So why 3 months later do we still have no data on this. There isn’t any data worldwide?? Surely it’s in the best interest of FINA and every single swimming federation for these studies to be concluded quickly for the sake of the sport and athletes?

Darsha Doran
4 years ago

Who’s worried about the water, more like dressing rooms, showers, lobbies etc……..contact with other people who may be capable of spreading the Covid-19 virus before they have symptoms or those who are carriers and never knew they were exposed and therefore never were tested?

Rob Richardson
4 years ago
Reply to  Darsha Doran

Darsha Doran I guess that your version is for people that will just stay home forever? Did anyone ever worry about the spread of the flu or any other virus before Jan 2020? I know this one is worse but we can’t just shut down the world. There has to be a balance

4 years ago

Keep parents and grandparents out of pool! Invest in swim cam and per view from the parking lot.

Laura Kulp Heebner
4 years ago

Let them swim!! The physiological and psychological benefits totally outweigh the infinitesimally small risk. Being fit and happy is a great first defense against all sickness!

Michael Nowling
4 years ago

Laura Kulp Heebner I have been trying to toss Naomi into the pond but Sarah Schultz Nowling won’t let me…

Laura Kulp Heebner
4 years ago

Michael Nowling Hmmm I’ve seen that pond. Gonna have to side with Sarah ?

Sheri Thompson
4 years ago


Tyler Kauth
4 years ago

Does swimming world have a stance on anything? Yesterday the author of one of their articles is bashing everyone desperate to open pools and today they’re citing experts who say pools operating is safe. Jeez. “Whatever makes you feel good, we’ve got and article for you! ALSO.. if you disagree, we’ll get the author in the comments to absolutely attack your whole life!” Worthless outlet.

Craig Lord
4 years ago
Reply to  Tyler Kauth

Tyler. The pieces you cite neither bashed anyone nor did they do the opposite. They were news stories reflecting what experts and others were and are saying. When we have an opinion on this, we’ll give it to you in a commentary piece. I can tell you now that it won’t be ‘open all the pools and to hell with controls and constraints’.

Susan Strickland Scruggs

Tennessee. Needs to know this

Bess Swanson
4 years ago

Well how about we ask the coaches? It’s all Fine and dandy the parents feels it’s safe for Johnny but what about the coach who takes it home to their spouse or parents. Absolutely selfish talk!

Rob Richardson
4 years ago
Reply to  Bess Swanson

Bess Swanson they are on deck way more than 6 feet away from any swimmer. They will be closer to people going to the grocery store or Home Depot. More dangerous to drive their car to/from practice!

Bess Swanson
4 years ago
Reply to  Bess Swanson

Still gotta have a club/ city/ willing to take on the risk. Then the coaches & lastly the athlete.

Cecilia Orrell Ball
4 years ago

Extra chlorine

Alex Dakers
4 years ago

This has been common knowledge. During swimming is not the problem – the risks come from a) when swimmers are directly next to each other, breathing heavily on the wall between reps / sets, and b) all the time spent around the pool deck and not IN the pool. It’s pretty simple.

Leslie Cichocki
4 years ago

Governor JB Pritzker

Todd Stultz
Todd Stultz
4 years ago

For now will stick to P90x, Vasa erg, and endless pool. When they open the Y – avoid the locker room, clorox wipe for the deck spot where the gear goes, and be there right at 5:30 when they open. Get the technique work in at the pool — in and out in an hour, volume on the vasa and in the EP

Karla Verónica
4 years ago

Raul Villavicencio F ?

Bill Fleming
4 years ago

This was obvious two months ago to anyone with a background in water and wastewater treatment and disinfection. Water with chlorine in it is likely to kill the virus very quickly. The virus thrives in moist environs, like an indoor pool. Unless you can hold your breath long enough to get into the water, indoor air at a pool is a real problem. Outdoor pool not so much, I think.

Pamela Wu
4 years ago

So everyone else can practice except swimmers in Illinois?….that is just very sad.

Jennifer Rinesmith
4 years ago
Reply to  Pamela Wu

Pamela Wu Missouri isn’t in either. We have been told June 15, and we are hoping that doesn’t change for the later!

Jen Mirandy Raue
4 years ago
Reply to  Pamela Wu

Pamela Wu no practice in NJ

Pamela Wu
4 years ago
Reply to  Pamela Wu

Jennifer Rinesmith God help us please!

Pamela Wu
4 years ago
Reply to  Pamela Wu

Jen Mirandy Raue God help us please!

Catharine Robinson Christopherson
Reply to  Pamela Wu

It’s not just Illinois. Add NC to the list.

Colleen Goldblatt
4 years ago
Reply to  Pamela Wu

Kansas is the same… list of places that can’t open: Bars, nightclubs, and pools. (But movie theaters and trampoline parks are fine. ☹️)

Kelly Hoffman Elliott
4 years ago
Reply to  Pamela Wu

Pamela Wu Maryland can’t either. Let’s see, one of the wealthiest, most highly educated states in the country home to olympians and some of the best swim clubs in the nation. But we can’t safely open a pool? Got it.

Dennis Page
4 years ago
Reply to  Pamela Wu

NO Mich!

Betsy Ann
4 years ago
Reply to  Pamela Wu

Pamela Wu Also pretty much every other country on the planet, if that makes you feel better.

Pamela Wu
4 years ago
Reply to  Pamela Wu

Betsy Ann that’s why God help us please! I want everyone specially the kids stay safe and healthy, I felt really bad for them, I think I really need to look into buying a portable pool and let them “swim” in it when it’s warm enough. ?

Lisa Lundquist Kanak
4 years ago
Reply to  Pamela Wu

Betsy Ann Italian pools are opening. Some kids I coached are back at it.

Michelle Davidson
4 years ago
Reply to  Pamela Wu

Ohio has the permission on May 26th, but our club has no date known at this time. So frustrating.

Pamela Wu
4 years ago
Reply to  Pamela Wu

Michelle Davidson at least you see some light, I am sure your club just make sure they are able to follow the guidelines before sending out a start date. Hope you guys will have some good news soon!

Michelle Davidson
4 years ago
Reply to  Pamela Wu

Pamela Wu thanks, girl! I hope you do too!?

Carrie Smurawa-Calaway
Reply to  Pamela Wu

WI isn’t in either.

Amy Lynn
4 years ago
Reply to  Pamela Wu

Pamela Wu no swim practice in MN yet. MN kids are swimming in 58 deg lakes right now.

Amy Lynn
4 years ago
Reply to  Pamela Wu

Pamela Wu better buy it soon, the stores will run out of them.

Charlene Tallen
4 years ago
Reply to  Pamela Wu

Pamela Wu no pools open in Minnesota either

Jennifer Shipp Graham
4 years ago
Reply to  Pamela Wu

Mississippi is a no- some private gym based pools have opened, but the bigger city pools thats USA and Masters swimmers use to train have yet to reopen- no teams are practicing to my knowledge and all summer rec teams have been cancelled ???

Jenny Alexander Hennings

Shannon Kelly Miller…. ?

Shannon Kelly Miller
4 years ago

Jenny Alexander Hennings so no spectators. Just let the swimmers compete. And officials and those running the meet wear masks?

Jenny Alexander Hennings

Shannon, Unfortunately, I feel poor air circulation and over crowding is always an issue ??

Shannon Kelly Miller
4 years ago

Jenny Alexander Hennings no argument there.

Kelly Hoffman Elliott
4 years ago

Jenny Alexander Hennings if their is a silver lining in this I hope pool operators wake up to poor air quality. My kids have been subjected to that for 15 years.

Bess Swanson
4 years ago

Our school pools and most rec centers are closed in MN you are not alone. Only clubs training own there pools and most have only senior swimmers

Lisa Cary Zubar
4 years ago

Kira Zubar pass on to Gio!

Kathryn Newberry
4 years ago

Everything is closed up tight here in Canada.

Kelly Hoffman Elliott
4 years ago

My kid can go work at at grocery store checking out 100s of people a day but can’t swim laps. I’m sorry but this makes no sense. I’m mad that no one is fighting for these kids.

Michele Coates
4 years ago

Kelly Hoffman Elliott I hear you loud and clear!!! Our LSC just put out a petition to our governer! So ridiculous!

Jennifer Brurok
4 years ago

Kelly Hoffman Elliott well said

Kelly Hoffman Elliott
4 years ago

This is what we have done to our kids. I’m not going down without a war.

Tucker Rivera
4 years ago

Kelly Hoffman Elliott grocery stores are essential swimming is not. Trust me I want to get back in the water, but you’re making a false equation

Mike Tanti
4 years ago

Groceries are essential while swimming is not!? and that to you is the correct equation? People at supermarkets buy 80% rubbish. How much of that is truly essential? What is essential is to have a meal yes, but these kids are investing their own time and money to improve their health and wellbeing while being less of a burden on the health system and still paying tax like everyone else, while others sit around all day, shove the unhealthy food they buy from the super markets down their gullets, smoke and destroy their health and put themselves in the vulnerable bracket all by themselves while they point their finger at and blame healthy people for trying to keep healthy.. Sport is essential fullstop!

Patricia Frank
4 years ago

Kelly Hoffman Elliott I agree! My granddaughter is working in a nursing home.

Tucker Rivera
4 years ago

Mike Tanti you’re just wrong and that’s okay lol. You can exercise at home, you can’t feed yourself if you don’t have food.

Wendy Dollins
4 years ago

Mike Tanti not to mention many competitive swimmers are lifeguards, some are training for careers in the Coast Guard, college teams, or the Olympics. Fitness, mental health, and future aspirations are all essential.

Tucker Rivera
4 years ago

Wendy Dollins I understand your point, but this is also a false equation. Those things are all important, but they are not essential.

Robert Dollins
4 years ago

Tucker Rivera the false equation is saying a virus that is significantly less dangerous than the common flu to children and young adults in the age range of competive swimmers should force them to give up their health dreams and goals because of misdirected fear. (check any stats you want, they all say the same including the CDC)

Tucker Rivera
4 years ago

Robert Dollins it has nothing to do with swimmers getting each other sick, and everything with increasing the rate of spread

Jo Ann Porter
4 years ago

Poor Tucker. You can’t outrun this virus, you can’t hide from this virus. Healthy kids and adults need to get it while at risk populations shelter in place. Herd immunity. Science. That’s the equation.

Luis Moreno
4 years ago

Mike Tanti as a water polo coach, player & swimmer!
Yours is a false equivalence. 1st those kids aren’t paying taxes as you claim. 2ndly, it’s their parents that are investing the money, not the kids. I know I ran a water polo club. And out of over 500 kids through my program, only 2 kids ever paid for it themselves. Also, I’m well aware that kids and myself are waiting to get in again. I don’t know if you’re a swimmer or anything of an aquatic athlete, but I’ll tell ya… there were practices I was in and could smell the alcohol on masters water polo players… that means the breath from their air travelled across/on the water. I could smell it or if someone had bad breath. Now obviously submerged in the water no the virus probably won’t survive because of the chemicals.

But please quit crying because you or a kid can’t swim laps. It shows lack of understanding the current situation & only that you’re acting like a petulant child.

Craig Lord
4 years ago
Reply to  Luis Moreno

Thanks for that insight Luis.

Kelly Hoffman Elliott
4 years ago

Luis Moreno I couldn’t disagree with you more. If my kid can safely do dryland in a small group she can also safely do laps with that same group.

My kid can go work at a grocery store and be exposed to 100s of different people a day but can’t safely swim laps with the same small group of people day after day? I can teach yoga outside but my friend can’t teach water aerobics?

I work for a Dr so I thoroughly understand the situation and I think that if society is okay with an 18 year old working in a grocery store but they aren’t okay with them swimming laps for MENTAL and physical health than we need to dig deeper into why. Allowing outdoor physical exercises classes MUST include lap swimming. It’s MORE safe not less safe.

Sco Bro
4 years ago

Tucker Rivera 1.2 million people drown per year as opposed to the relevantly small amount from COVID. Learning to Swim is far more important than your COViD paranoia.

Jennifer Pearson-Hardin

Sco Bro 5.11 million have died in a matter of months from COVID. How in the world is that small compared to 1.2 million?!

Kelly Hoffman Elliott
4 years ago

Jennifer Pearson-Hardin the obvious solution is to close pools in some states but not others. And then tell kids they can’t lap swim with one another BUT it’s perfectly safe for them to exercise together in the parking lot of the outdoor pool that’s closed.

Jason Barnard
4 years ago

Jennifer Pearson-Hardin good job taking a worldwide death # and applying it to a local ruling to keep pools closed. Nice job of manipulating the stats to your advantage.

Jennifer Pearson-Hardin

Kelly Hoffman Elliott I am hopeful that the enormous amount of effort put into plans by US Swimming and local departments will create environments where the risk is as minimal as possible. But I am really, really tired of people downplaying this.

In our state we are opening pools next week. They opened gyms first but not pools which didn’t make a lot of sense to me, except someone explained part of it was that lifeguards have to get so close if something happens.

But I think we can have a rational discussion about it without downplaying the devastation this virus has caused worldwide.

Jennifer Pearson-Hardin

Jason Barnard I didn’t manipulate any numbers. If you will look, I was replying to one specific comment. He stated that worldwide, there were 1+ million drowning deaths annually which was much more than from covid. It’s simply not true.

Jason Barnard
4 years ago

Jennifer Pearson-Hardin I think you need to read it again. He didn’t say the 1.2M was a worldwide number and I don’t think it is.

Jennifer Pearson-Hardin

Sorry, it’s early and my numbers are off. Their are 333k covid deaths, 5 million deaths. But there are not 1 million drowning deaths annually. There are 320k according to WHO and we have already surpassed that with COVID.

Jennifer Pearson-Hardin

Jason Barnard 1.2 isn’t even a correct number worldwide. There are an average of 3,536 deaths from drowning in the US. We have had 95k in the us. 27 times more deaths from Covid than from drowning.

Jessica Katherine
4 years ago

Yeesh I bet you’re “that mom” at swim meets too ?

Kelly Hoffman Elliott
4 years ago

Jessica Katherine if you’re referring to me I’ll take that as a compliment.

I’m well versed on the risks and the severity of this pandemic and have taken it extremely serious.

The point you all seem to be missing is that if some states can open, others can too. I’m teaching my kids that you should advocate and fight for things you believe in. And I believe that if Georgia can open their pools so can Maryland. I’m proud to be “that mom” and I’ll gladly back down if you or anyone else can explain why some states CAN open pools and others CANNOT.

Jean MacIver Follmer
4 years ago

CA is not in the water either.

Amy Lynn
4 years ago

Jean MacIver Follmer WA, OR and MN all are not swimming yet-unless in a lake.

Jean MacIver Follmer
4 years ago

Amy Lynn so unfortunate!

Pita Navarro Anaya
4 years ago

César Sandoval

Molly Cochran
4 years ago

Kids are practicing in lakes in MN, in wetsuits

Debbie Konarski
4 years ago

?? my kid needs back in the pool.

Kathy Fitch Johnson
4 years ago

I recognize this great pool! Boiler up!

Steve Cox
4 years ago

I saw kids practicing at my club tonight. TN

Amy Lynn
4 years ago


Time to update the Swimming World article based on the CDC’s latest findings. Surfaces are actually NOW considered by the CDC to be, “low risk.”

Craig Lord
4 years ago
Reply to  Amy Lynn

Amy Lynn there have been further updates since then and we have published them – search CDC … the issues go beyond ‘water’ and ‘chlorine’ … https://www.swimmingworldmagazine.com/news/covid-19-pools-guidance-updated-by-cdc-on-healthy-environments-operations/

Colleen Tessler
4 years ago

Teach your children that we are going thru a pandemic and that life is not always a bowl of cherries. They sooner they learn to roll with the punches, the better off they will be. Of course, everyone wants to get back in the pool. But until then, learn to do other exercises to stay in shape for physical and mental well-being.

Kelly Hoffman Elliott
4 years ago

Colleen Tessler so it’s okay in half the states to train but not the other half? And it’s okay to do yoga or cross fit outside but not water aerobics? This isn’t about rolling with the punches my friend it’s about making sound decisions which it sounds like only some states are able to do.

I think my kid who missed her senior years, prom, graduation that intends to swim D1 next year but has been out of the pool for TEN weeks so far and who knows how many more and has LOST her summer job coaching understands that life isn’t a bowl of cherries at this point but to downplay the mental well being of kids in this position is cold and callous. BTW she has knee problems and can’t run or do lower body weight hearing activities so I would love to know your thoughts on how to replace 20 hours a week of training.

I’ll just send them to another state to train. Which is what many people are planning to do.

Jennifer Shipp Graham
4 years ago

Well right HERE- its not my KIDS that want to swim but ME- and and I’m 50 now and do realize life isn’t a bowl of cherries nor a box of chocolates, but I’m done running 30 miles a week and being shut out of facilities that have no valid reason for remaining closed while other fitness facilities are up and running-

Megan Cadis-Hudzinski
4 years ago

Colleen Tessler “ teach your kids?” What? Teach? They are enduring, suffering, they will learn from this all right. Mentally, physically, socially, Addiction, and suicides are going through the roof. Let the kids swim, yes they will have a new normal, but let them have what they love and have a normal that they thrive in.

Heidi Bauer Gurley
4 years ago

Kelly Hoffman Elliott In the exact same boat.

Cindy Sykes Denny
4 years ago

Kelly Hoffman Elliott love this response. Amen

Jason Cronk
4 years ago

Kelly Hoffman Elliott Can’t agree more. Hope your daughter is able to get in the pool soon. Enough is enough.

Heather Llewellyn
4 years ago

Kelly Hoffman Elliott ??

Jodie Miller Brewer
4 years ago

It’s bull….300 people at a wedding reception but a kid can’t swim laps all Bull

Craig Lord
4 years ago

“a kid” (and many of them) are swimming laps out there in the world, of course, mainly in highly controlled environments that look nothing like ‘traditional pool scenario’. Safety planning can and will help to ensure that “a kid” becomes many more kids as the weeks go by – but safety planning has to be a part of that. The wedding sounds like folly, of course, unless they too had safety measures as part of the proceedings … existing studies of how COVID-19 spread show clearly why large gatherings are deeply unwise with this virus at this time.

Kate Dunne
4 years ago

If you are scared stay home! Open the pools

Jennifer Shipp Graham
4 years ago
Reply to  Kate Dunne
Paul Poitevent
4 years ago

The Chinese national team is training though. Good thing the Chinese closed domestic travel within their country from Wuhan but not international travel.

Craig Lord
4 years ago
Reply to  Paul Poitevent

They’re not alone. Training ism underway in several key European programs at the elite end, in controlled environments that make it all possible, complete with safety measures stretching to equipment, air circulation, numbers in the pool, use/no use of changing areas etc etc.

Paul Poitevent
4 years ago

Minnesota is resuming practices June 1st, but sharing equipment is not recommended. Would a lane be considered equipment or would that just be suitsuits?

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