Video Coverage of Georgia vs. Georgia Tech; Stars of the Meet Speak

ATHENS, Georgia, October 16. YESTERDAY, the Georgia men and women handled their business with wins against in-state rivals Georgia Tech. The men took a 187-104 victory, while the women scored a 184-109 triumph.

Rebecca Noblett, a budding journalism student was there to help provide some extra coverage to the meet for Swimming World. Not only did she follow the meet via Twitter for @SwimmingWorld followers, she also had the chance to do a few interviews following the meet.

We apologize for the audio issues in advance, but her quick interviews do have some insightful responses from the five people she interviewed, including Georgia Tech head coach Courtney Shealy Hart returning to her alma mater. Noblett also spoke with Georgia Tech’s Andrew Kosic, and had a Georgia trifecta with Olivia Smoliga, Chase Kalisz and Shannon Vreeland all taking time to talk to Noblett.

Georgia Tech head coach Courtney Shealy Hart

Georgia’s Olivia Smoliga, Chase Kalisz, Shannon Vreeland

Georgia Tech’s Andrew Kosic

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