USA Swimming Presents Virtual Meet Guidelines


USA Swimming has put together guidelines for virtual meets to be sanctioned. In light of the massive affects of the coronavirus pandemic, the governing body is looking at options.

These kinds of meets have happened before in times of severe weather and other factors, but with the need for social distancing and limited crowd size, it is something that might become more prevalent. How often virtual meets are held will depend on progress fighting Coronavirus.

Virtual meets will give clubs the opportunity to swim in their own pool but compete against other clubs, swimming in their own pool. This means intersquad meets can now be sanctioned if other teams are doing the same thing virtually, set up through USA Swimming.

The guidelines, released earlier this month, include formats and directions in how to set up a modern virtual meet.

Host teams should be determined with regular responsibilities of setting up the meet, and promoting it as well as tabulating the results and distributing them.

It something USA Swimming will continue to guide and tweak as needed, but it is an interesting alternative that could get things rolling at the club level a little earlier than travel meets.

Read the latest on USA swimming here.

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Kimberly Wright Reher
4 years ago

Swimmers gotta get in the pools first!??

Kelly Spencer Williams

Different pools equal different results….

Nichol Tran
4 years ago

I just want practice for my kid…idc about meets

Stacey Donovan Smith
4 years ago
Reply to  Nichol Tran

Nichol Tran I agree!!!

Christine Shuttz-Raches
Reply to  Nichol Tran

Nichol Tran yes!! Practice only is fine. Let’s just get them back in the water.

John Mullins
John Mullins
4 years ago


Carrie Smurawa-Calaway
Reply to  Nichol Tran

I agree… mine are sick of dry land and running

Kristi Mustard Tully
4 years ago

We are getting closer!???‍♀️?‍♂️

Jeannine Juskalian
4 years ago

I know these swimmers need to get back in the pool so they stand a chance for next year championships

Allison Gober
4 years ago

Can we just start practice?!?!?!?!

4 years ago

Start having meets without parents for certain age divisions.

David Moreno
4 years ago

Let’s have meets without parents for the older divisions. Teams, Official only and a Live feed for parents to watch on their phone or computer.

4 years ago

Don’t care about meets at this point… just need athletes to practice. Running is trashing my kids shins and backs. This is why they swim.

John Mullins
John Mullins
4 years ago

Do mean inter squad there when you write intrasquad for virtual meets?

John Lohn - Editor-in-Chief
Reply to  John Mullins

Hi John. Intersquad is what is meant, as the meets would take place between opposing clubs. Thanks for noting. Correction is made.

Nick Lizalde
4 years ago

JT Tiernan

Pamela Wu
Pamela Wu
4 years ago

Let them go back into the pool and practice first. There is no point to run any meet, they have been out for over 3 months already!! Please open the pool!!!!!!!

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