Unfiltered Waters Podcast Delivers Special Mother’s Day Edition Featuring D.A. Franklin and Jeanne Hoff (Video)

Unfiltered Waters

Unfiltered Waters Podcast Delivers Special Mother’s Day Edition Featuring D.A. Franklin and Jeanne Hoff (Video)

Unfiltered Waters, the sensational podcast developed by Olympians Missy Franklin and Katie Hoff, returned with a special episode this week. A few days after Mother’s Day, Franklin and Hoff welcomed their moms, D.A. and Jeanne, to the show and explored a number of topics with these special women in their lives.

Unfiltered Waters

Unfiltered Waters

This episode of Unfiltered Waters presented an opportunity for D.A. Franklin and Jeanne Hoff to discuss their roles as parents to elite-level athletes. Throughout the podcast, which spanned a little more than an hour, there was a mixture of advice, storytelling and reflection. A specific topic that was covered was how a parent should be involved in their child’s athletic career. More, advice was offered on how to support an athlete during both good times and rough patches.

D.A. and Jeanne were always present during their daughters’ careers and to hear them share favorite memories and specifics from the competitive days of Missy and Katie was enlightening, and endearing. Watch the latest episode of Unfiltered Waters below.

Note: The episode beautifully opened with Katie Hoff paying tribute to legendary coach Jon Urbanchek, who passed away last week at the age of 87. Urbanchek was a titan in the coaching world, having led an NCAA championship program at Michigan in addition to molding the careers of numerous Olympians. More than anything, though, Urbanchek will be remembered for what he meant to the sport, its athletes and fellow coaches as a great man.

Unfiltered Waters is available on numerous podcast-carrying platforms, including Apple, Spotify and YouTube.


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