Sixteen NCAA Swimmers Win Medals at 2014 Commonwealth Games

GLASGOW, Scotland, July 29. SWIMMERS with ties to American universities claimed 28 medals at the Commonwealth Games in Glasgow, slightly less than the number of medals those with NCAA ties earned at the 2010 Games.

Of the 16 swimmers connected to American universities, seven of them no longer compete for their alma maters. Eight will return to their campuses in a few weeks with some great stories to tell their collegiate teammates, while one will be a freshman this fall. Four of this year’s swimmers were medalists in 2010.

At the 2010 Commonwealth Games, 13 swimmers with NCAA ties won medals, so American collegiate swimming remains a strong presence at the quadrennial meet. Below is the list of NCAA athletes who won medals in Glasgow:

Dylan Bosch, South Africa (Michigan): 800 free relay bronze, 400 medley relay bronze
Adam Brown, England (Auburn): 400 medley relay gold, 400 free relay bronze
James Disney-May, England (Auburn): 400 free relay bronze
Sebastien Rousseau, South Africa (Florida): 200 fly bronze, 400 IM bronze, 800 free relay bronze, 400 medley relay bronze
Roland Schoeman, South Africa (Arizona): 50 fly silver, 400 free relay silver
Joseph Schooling, Singapore (Texas): 100 fly silver
Daniel Wallace, Scotland (Florida): 200 IM silver, 400 IM gold, 800 free relay silver

Alyson Ackman, Canada (Penn State): 400 free relay bronze, 800 free relay silver
Alia Atkinson, Jamaica (Texas A&M): 50 breast silver, 100 breast bronze
Lauren Boyle, New Zealand (California-Berkeley): 400 free gold, 800 free silver
Samantha Cheverton, Canada (Ohio State): 800 free relay silver
Brittany MacLean, Canada (Georgia): 800 free bronze, 800 free relay silver
Sinead Russell, Canada (Florida): 400 medley relay bronze
Brooklynn Snodgrass, Canada (Indiana): 50 back bronze
Arianna Vanderpool-Wallace, Bahamas (Auburn): 50 fly silver
Michelle Williams, Canada (Ohio State): 400 free relay bronze, 400 medley relay bronze

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10 years ago

Sam Cheverton and Michelle Willams from Canada both went to Ohio

Jason Marsteller
10 years ago
Reply to  CanSwim13

Thanks, CanSwim! They are added!

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