Texas Demolishes NCAA, U.S. Open Record in 800 Free Relay With a 6:08

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Texas led a trio of teams under the NCAA and U.S. Open record in the men’s 800-yard free relay at the 2016 NCAA Division I Men’s Championships.
Led by a sizzling leadoff of 1:31.89 by Jack Conger that ranked him seventh all time in the 200, Texas smashed the previous record as Conger (1:31.89), Townley Haas (1:30.52), Clark Smith (1:33.28) and Joseph Schooling (1:32.34) cranked out a mind-blowing 6:08.03. That time blasted the previous record of 6:09.85 set by Michigan in 2014.
Texas still owns the American record with a 6:10.16 from 2009 as Schooling represents Singapore internationally and cannot set an American mark.
That’s Texas’ NCAA-record 13th win the event’s history. Southern California is a distant second with nine victories.
Previous Texas Wins:
1988 Texas (Jeff Olsen, Adam Werth, Shaun Jordan, Doug Gjertsen), 6:23.47
1989 Texas (Adam Werth, Shaun Jordan, Matt Stahlman, Doug Gjertsen), 6:22.51
1990 Texas (Shaun Jordan, Adam Werth, Matt Stahlman, Doug Gjertsen), 6:21.39
1991 Texas (Josh Davis, Matt Stahlman, Kevin Williams, Adam Werth), 6:24.18
1998 Texas (Bryan Jones, Scott Goldblatt, Nate Dusing, Jamie Rauch), 6:23.78
1999 Texas (Bryan Jones, Scott Goldblatt, Nate Dusing, Jamie Rauch), 6:23.03
2000 Texas (Jon Younghouse, Nate Dusing, Scott Goldblatt, Jamie Rauch), 7:05.05 *
2001 Texas (Scott Goldblatt, Nate Dusing, Chris Kemp, Jamie Rauch), 6:18.00
2003 Texas (Aaron Peirsol, John Suchand, Rainer Kendrick, Chris Kemp), 6:18.62
2009 Texas (Dave Walters, Ricky Berens, Scott Jostes, Michael Klueh), 6:10.16
2010 Texas (Scott Jostes, Dave Walters, Neil Caskey, Ricky Berens), 6:12.77
2012 Texas (Dax Hill, Clay Youngquist, Kip Darmody, Neil Caskey), 6:15.55
NC State’s Simonas Bilis moved to 10th all time with a 1:32.02 leadoff for his squad as Bilis (1:32.02), Ryan Held (1:32.06), Justin Ress (1:33.64) and Soeren Dahl (1:31.86) collected second-place honors in 6:09.58.
Florida’s Pawel Werner (1:33.11), Jan Switkowski (1:31.33), Mitch D’Arrigo (1:32.69) and Mark Szaranek (1:32.71) also cleared the previous NCAA record with a third-place 6:09.84.
“Look at what the times were,” Texas head coach Eddie Reese said. “All the previous records were set at the conference meet pretty much. And that’s the first relay. Obviously, I liked it.”
All Time Top 10 200 Free
1 1:31.20 Simon Burnett Arizona Atlanta, Ga. 3/24/06
2 1:31.31 Ricky Berens Texas Austin, TX 3/7/13
3 1:31.51 Joao De Lucca, Louisville, 3/28/13
4 1:31.70 Shaune Fraser Florida TAMU 3/27/09
5 1:31.72r David Walters Texas TAMU 3/27/09
6 1:31.73r Conor Dwyer Florida Gainesville 2/16/11
7 1:31.89r Jack Conger Texas Atlanta 3/23/16
8 1:31.90 Yannick Agnel, NBAC 11/14/13
9 1:31.93 Darian Townsend, Unattached 12/5/13
10 1:32.02r Simonas Bilis NC State Atlanta 3/23/16
California (6:11.30), Georgia (6:12.54), Michigan (6:13.94), Louisville (6:15.86) and Auburn (6:16.11) closed out the top eight in the timed final event.
1 Texas 6:14.79 6:08.03NA 40 1) Conger, Jack JR 2) r:0.18 Haas, Townley FR 3) r:0.23 Smith, Clark JR 4) r:0.38 Schooling, Joseph SO r:+0.71 21.19 44.31 (44.31) 1:08.02 (1:08.02) 1:31.89 (1:31.89) 1:52.30 (20.41) 2:15.25 (43.36) 2:38.78 (1:06.89) 3:02.41 (1:30.52) 3:23.74 (21.33) 3:47.03 (44.62) 4:11.39 (1:08.98) 4:35.69 (1:33.28) 4:56.10 (20.41) 5:19.03 (43.34) 5:43.17 (1:07.48) 6:08.03 (1:32.34) 2 NC State 6:12.76 6:09.58NA 34 1) Bilis, Simonas SR 2) r:0.29 Held, Ryan SO 3) r:0.28 Ress, Justin FR 4) r:0.31 Dahl, Soeren JR r:+0.67 21.17 45.34 (45.34) 1:08.45 (1:08.45) 1:32.02 (1:32.02) 1:52.75 (20.73) 2:16.10 (44.08) 2:40.02 (1:08.00) 3:04.08 (1:32.06) 3:25.42 (21.34) 3:49.53 (45.45) 4:13.83 (1:09.75) 4:37.72 (1:33.64) 4:58.94 (21.22) 5:22.39 (44.67) 5:45.68 (1:07.96) 6:09.58 (1:31.86) 3 Florida 6:13.64 6:09.84NA 32 1) Werner, Pawel SR 2) r:0.36 Switkowski, Jan SO 3) r:0.34 D'Arrigo, Mitch JR 4) r:0.36 Szaranek, Mark SO r:+0.78 21.88 45.65 (45.65) 1:09.11 (1:09.11) 1:33.11 (1:33.11) 1:53.76 (20.65) 2:16.79 (43.68) 2:40.34 (1:07.23) 3:04.44 (1:31.33) 3:26.38 (21.94) 3:49.83 (45.39) 4:13.66 (1:09.22) 4:37.13 (1:32.69) 4:58.08 (20.95) 5:20.98 (43.85) 5:44.85 (1:07.72) 6:09.84 (1:32.71) 4 California 6:16.41 6:11.30PA 30 1) Gutierrez, Long JR 2) r:0.23 Williams, Trent SR 3) r:0.23 Seliskar, Andrew FR 4) r:0.21 Pebley, Jacob SR r:+0.66 21.47 44.65 (44.65) 1:08.47 (1:08.47) 1:32.74 (1:32.74) 1:53.91 (21.17) 2:17.24 (44.50) 2:41.07 (1:08.33) 3:05.51 (1:32.77) 4:13.50 (1:07.99) 4:37.93 (1:32.42) 4:58.82 (20.89) 6:11.30 (1:33.37) 5 Georgia 6:17.40 6:12.54 A 28 1) Koski, Matias SR 2) r:0.28 Clark, Pace JR 3) r:0.36 Litherland, Jay SO 4) r:0.34 Bentz, Gunnar SO r:+0.78 21.68 44.97 (44.97) 1:08.78 (1:08.78) 1:32.31 (1:32.31) 1:53.93 (21.62) 2:17.92 (45.61) 2:41.85 (1:09.54) 3:05.63 (1:33.32) 3:26.85 (21.22) 3:51.04 (45.41) 4:15.49 (1:09.86) 4:40.18 (1:34.55) 5:01.47 (21.29) 5:24.56 (44.38) 5:48.58 (1:08.40) 6:12.54 (1:32.36) 6 Michigan 6:14.96 6:13.94 A 26 1) Nielsen, Anders SR 2) r:0.24 Brumm, Pete SR 3) r:0.17 Mangan, Jack JR 4) r:0.32 Bosch, Dylan SR r:+0.72 21.27 44.43 (44.43) 1:08.16 (1:08.16) 1:32.50 (1:32.50) 1:53.23 (20.73) 2:16.81 (44.31) 2:41.27 (1:08.77) 3:06.32 (1:33.82) 3:27.98 (21.66) 3:51.52 (45.20) 4:15.56 (1:09.24) 4:39.97 (1:33.65) 5:01.35 (21.38) 5:24.59 (44.62) 5:49.05 (1:09.08) 6:13.94 (1:33.97) 7 Louisville 6:14.96 6:15.86 A 24 1) Carroll, Trevor JR 2) r:0.34 Lindenbauer, Mahias JR 3) r:0.38 Tarasevich, Grigory JR 4) r:0.41 Harting, Zach FR r:+0.73 21.89 45.66 (45.66) 1:09.38 (1:09.38) 1:33.68 (1:33.68) 1:54.69 (21.01) 2:18.27 (44.59) 2:42.59 (1:08.91) 3:07.72 (1:34.04) 3:28.59 (20.87) 3:52.19 (44.47) 4:16.66 (1:08.94) 4:41.48 (1:33.76) 5:03.28 (21.80) 5:27.64 (46.16) 5:51.90 (1:10.42) 6:15.86 (1:34.38) 8 Auburn 6:15.59 6:16.11 A 22 1) Morris, Hugo SO 2) r:0.35 Mendes, Arthur SR 3) r:0.15 Holoda, Peter SO 4) r:0.08 Patching, Joe JR r:+0.71 21.42 45.15 (45.15) 1:09.51 (1:09.51) 1:34.13 (1:34.13) 1:55.40 (21.27) 2:19.18 (45.05) 2:43.28 (1:09.15) 3:07.99 (1:33.86) 3:29.43 (21.44) 3:53.08 (45.09) 4:17.84 (1:09.85) 4:43.02 (1:35.03) 5:03.93 (20.91) 5:27.96 (44.94) 5:52.36 (1:09.34) 6:16.11 (1:33.09) 9 USC 6:16.77 6:17.38 A 18 1) Mulcare, Patrick FR 2) r:0.13 Domagala, Michael JR 3) r:0.17 Klarskov, Morten SR 4) r:0.45 Malone, Reed JR r:+0.65 22.37 45.92 (45.92) 1:09.66 (1:09.66) 1:34.16 (1:34.16) 1:55.42 (21.26) 2:19.28 (45.12) 2:43.48 (1:09.32) 3:08.60 (1:34.44) 3:31.13 (22.53) 3:56.15 (47.55) 4:21.00 (1:12.40) 4:45.44 (1:36.84) 5:06.74 (21.30) 5:29.85 (44.41) 5:53.51 (1:08.07) 6:17.38 (1:31.94) 10 Indiana 6:16.28 6:17.73 A 14 1) Pieroni, Blake SO 2) r:0.37 Tavcar, Anze JR 3) r:0.23 Miller, Jackson JR 4) r:0.40 Irwin, Max JR r:+0.67 21.06 44.58 (44.58) 1:08.55 (1:08.55) 1:32.96 (1:32.96) 1:54.34 (21.38) 2:17.83 (44.87) 2:42.55 (1:09.59) 3:07.32 (1:34.36) 3:29.24 (21.92) 3:53.06 (45.74) 4:17.33 (1:10.01) 4:42.10 (1:34.78) 5:04.49 (22.39) 5:29.05 (46.95) 5:53.54 (1:11.44) 6:17.73 (1:35.63) 11 Missouri 6:19.17 6:18.25 A 12 1) Chadwick, Michael JR 2) r:0.37 Schreuders, Mikel FR 3) r:0.18 Griffin, Carter JR 4) r:0.32 Schwingenschlogbian JR r:+0.68 21.66 45.52 (45.52) 1:09.59 (1:09.59) 1:33.64 (1:33.64) 1:55.98 (22.34) 2:19.48 (45.84) 2:43.79 (1:10.15) 3:08.24 (1:34.60) 3:30.09 (21.85) 3:53.60 (45.36) 4:17.81 (1:09.57) 4:42.76 (1:34.52) 5:04.33 (21.57) 5:28.69 (45.93) 5:53.32 (1:10.56) 6:18.25 (1:35.49) 12 Wisconsin 6:18.27 6:18.68 A 10 1) Clifton, Cannon JR 2) r:0.33 Stack, Ryan SO 3) r:-0.01 Hutchins, Matthew JR 4) r:0.30 Pinfold, Brett JR r:+0.81 22.03 45.61 (45.61) 1:09.43 (1:09.43) 1:34.37 (1:34.37) 1:55.84 (21.47) 2:19.73 (45.36) 2:44.59 (1:10.22) 3:10.17 (1:35.80) 3:31.66 (21.49) 3:55.58 (45.41) 4:20.11 (1:09.94) 4:45.05 (1:34.88) 5:07.01 (21.96) 5:31.02 (45.97) 5:54.96 (1:09.91) 6:18.68 (1:33.63) 13 Stanford 6:18.16 6:19.06 A 8 1) Umbach, Gray SR 2) r:0.28 Thomson, Danny SR 3) r:0.13 Duggan, Sean SR 4) r:0.36 Egan, Liam SO r:+0.74 22.82 46.71 (46.71) 1:10.30 (1:10.30) 1:34.89 (1:34.89) 1:56.34 (21.45) 2:20.14 (45.25) 2:44.47 (1:09.58) 3:08.86 (1:33.97) 3:31.04 (22.18) 3:55.10 (46.24) 4:19.85 (1:10.99) 4:44.49 (1:35.63) 5:06.74 (22.25) 5:30.71 (46.22) 5:54.90 (1:10.41) 6:19.06 (1:34.57) 14 Tennessee 6:22.98 6:19.92 A 6 1) Lehane, Sean SR 2) r:0.27 Reilman, Joey FR 3) r:0.26 McHugh, Sam SO 4) r:0.37 Aberg Lejdstromstav SR r:+0.68 22.18 46.38 (46.38) 1:10.35 (1:10.35) 1:34.44 (1:34.44) 1:56.20 (21.76) 2:20.19 (45.75) 2:44.56 (1:10.12) 3:09.26 (1:34.82) 3:31.17 (21.91) 3:55.09 (45.83) 4:19.82 (1:10.56) 4:45.21 (1:35.95) 5:07.32 (22.11) 5:31.63 (46.42) 5:55.98 (1:10.77) 6:19.92 (1:34.71) 15 S Carolina 6:24.43 6:19.93 A 4 1) Leithold, Kevin SR 2) r:0.22 Mahmoud, Akaram SO 3) r:0.26 Minuth, Fynn FR 4) r:0.17 Peribonio, Tom SO r:+0.77 22.19 46.27 (46.27) 1:10.54 (1:10.54) 1:35.19 (1:35.19) 1:57.11 (21.92) 2:21.37 (46.18) 2:45.68 (1:10.49) 3:09.59 (1:34.40) 3:32.04 (22.45) 3:56.58 (46.99) 4:20.98 (1:11.39) 4:45.52 (1:35.93) 5:06.86 (21.34) 5:30.78 (45.26) 5:55.40 (1:09.88) 6:19.93 (1:34.41) 16 Alabama 6:22.97 6:20.09 A 2 1) Reid, Christopher SO 2) r:0.30 Gray, Alex JR 3) r:0.26 Adams, Matthew SO 4) r:0.34 Wellford, Crews SR r:+0.68 21.47 45.04 (45.04) 1:09.33 (1:09.33) 1:34.37 (1:34.37) 1:55.66 (21.29) 2:19.85 (45.48) 2:45.09 (1:10.72) 3:09.88 (1:35.51) 3:30.94 (21.06) 3:54.71 (44.83) 4:19.35 (1:09.47) 4:44.80 (1:34.92) 5:06.49 (21.69) 5:30.43 (45.63) 5:55.10 (1:10.30) 6:20.09 (1:35.29) 17 Arizona 6:19.31 6:20.73 A 1) Maestri, Riccardo SO 2) r:0.02 Maudslien, Thane JR 3) r:0.26 Thorne, Nick SO 4) r:0.43 Jones, Parks FR r:+0.69 22.08 46.05 (46.05) 1:10.79 (1:10.79) 1:35.98 (1:35.98) 1:57.63 (21.65) 2:21.60 (45.62) 2:45.97 (1:09.99) 3:09.98 (1:34.00) 3:31.49 (21.51) 3:55.72 (45.74) 4:20.52 (1:10.54) 4:45.16 (1:35.18) 5:07.12 (21.96) 5:31.17 (46.01) 5:55.74 (1:10.58) 6:20.73 (1:35.57) 18 Arizona St 6:24.26 6:22.06 B 1) Bohus, Richard JR 2) r:0.19 Park, Patrick SO 3) r:0.22 Martins, Thomaz JR 4) r:0.35 Perry, Barkley JR r:+0.74 23.18 47.56 (47.56) 1:11.92 (1:11.92) 1:36.66 (1:36.66) 1:58.46 (21.80) 2:23.02 (46.36) 2:47.10 (1:10.44) 3:11.64 (1:34.98) 3:33.64 (22.00) 3:58.02 (46.38) 4:22.52 (1:10.88) 4:47.22 (1:35.58) 5:09.34 (22.12) 5:33.70 (46.48) 5:57.87 (1:10.65) 6:22.06 (1:34.84) 19 Ohio St 6:19.68 6:22.09 B 1) Appleby, Andrew JR 2) r:0.31 Hillmer, Steffen JR 3) r:0.21 Lim, Ching SO 4) r:0.38 Seal, Brayden SO r:+0.68 21.52 45.27 (45.27) 1:09.74 (1:09.74) 1:34.61 (1:34.61) 1:56.54 (21.93) 2:21.20 (46.59) 2:45.86 (1:11.25) 3:10.69 (1:36.08) 3:32.23 (21.54) 3:56.34 (45.65) 4:21.03 (1:10.34) 4:45.90 (1:35.21) 5:08.10 (22.20) 5:32.34 (46.44) 5:57.19 (1:11.29) 6:22.09 (1:36.19) 20 UNC 6:23.62 6:26.74 1) Campbell, Henry SO 2) r:0.30 Graesser, Nic SR 3) r:0.18 Heck, Logan SR 4) r:0.34 Deforest, Mitchell SR r:+0.65 22.59 46.92 (46.92) 1:11.25 (1:11.25) 1:36.15 (1:36.15) 1:58.30 (22.15) 2:22.18 (46.03) 2:46.50 (1:10.35) 3:11.94 (1:35.79) 3:33.98 (22.04) 3:58.85 (46.91) 4:23.63 (1:11.69) 4:49.01 (1:37.07) 5:11.21 (22.20) 5:35.77 (46.76) 6:01.46 (1:12.45) 6:26.74 (1:37.73) 21 Notre Dame 6:23.77 6:28.37 1) Jackson, Trent JR 2) r:0.08 Afrik, Tabahn FR 3) r:0.15 Speers, Daniel FR 4) r:0.38 Grauslys, Matt FR r:+0.72 22.31 46.52 (46.52) 1:10.81 (1:10.81) 1:35.55 (1:35.55) 1:57.23 (21.68) 2:21.64 (46.09) 2:46.38 (1:10.83) 3:11.81 (1:36.26) 3:34.86 (23.05) 4:01.07 (49.26) 4:25.51 (1:13.70) 4:49.65 (1:37.84) 5:12.09 (22.44) 5:37.17 (47.52) 6:02.89 (1:13.24) 6:28.37 (1:38.72) Men - Team Rankings - Through Event 1 1. Texas 40 2. NC State 34 3. Florida 32 4. California 30 5. Georgia 28 6. Michigan 26 7. Louisville 24 8. Auburn 22 9. Southern Cali 18 10. Indiana 14 11. Missouri 12 12. Wisconsin 10 13. Stanford 8 14. Tennessee 6 15. South Carolina 4 16. Alabama 2
Tori Trees Smith