Canadian Olympian Taylor Ruck Leads Scottsdale Aquatic Club to Victory at Speedo Sectionals Federal Way

taylor-ruck-winter-junior-nationals-2014 (2)
Photo Courtesy: Melissa Lundie

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Competition concluded this evening at Speedo Sectionals Federal Way with night four of finals. Scottsdale Aquatic Club finished first overall in team scores, garnering 1210 total points. King Aquatic Club were the runner-ups, tallying 999 points. Tualatin Hills Swim Club scored 761 points for third place.

Scottsdale Aquatic Club 16-year-old standout Taylor Ruck absolutely dominated the women’s 200 IM, dropping two seconds from her prelims time to finish in 1:57.97, almost five seconds ahead of the rest of the field. 15-year-old Mandolin Nguyen of Central Area Aquatic Team was the second-place finisher in 2:02.28. Third place went to Katharine Berkoff of Missoula Aquatic Club in 2:02.62.

                            === A - Final ===                            
  1 Ruck, Taylor M         16 Scottsdale Aquat  1:59.97    1:57.97   20  
       26.05    28.58    36.13    27.21
  2 Nguyen, Mandolin M     15 Central Area Aqu  2:03.37    2:02.28   17  
       26.30    30.70    35.85    29.43
  3 Berkoff, Katharine F   16 Missoula Aquatic  2:02.95    2:02.62   16  
       26.59    28.86    38.22    28.95
  4 Limberg, Nicole R      17 West Coast Aquat  2:04.22    2:04.29   15  
       26.93    32.52    35.67    29.17
  5 Felner, Grace E        15 King Aquatic Clu  2:04.98    2:04.47   14  
       26.39    31.55    36.21    30.32
  6 Aoki, Mari             17 Missoula Aquatic  2:04.83    2:04.59   13  
       27.37    31.34    36.89    28.99
  7 Stone, Jamie M         18 Mount Hood Aquat  2:05.01    2:04.94   12  
       26.48    32.87    37.37    28.22
  8 Huffer, Kelly S        17 Scottsdale Aquat  2:04.25    2:05.06   11  
       26.72    31.75    37.66    28.93

Canadian Olympian and record holder Ruck dropped 0.82 from her prelims time for another huge swim in the women’s 50 freestyle, touching in 22.31, which ranks as the 15th best all-time swim for the 15-16 girls age group. Her teammate Claire Grover sprinted to a time of 22.71 for second place, while Jamie Stone of Mount Hood Aquatics took third in 22.83.

                            === A - Final ===                            
  1 Ruck, Taylor M         16 Scottsdale Aquat    23.13      22.31   20  
  2 Grover, Claire R       16 Scottsdale Aquat    23.07      22.71   17  
  3 Stone, Jamie M         18 Mount Hood Aquat    23.22      22.83   16  
  4 Connor, Alayna E       17 The Dolphins Por    23.04      22.93   15  
  5 Carlton, Emma L        16 Bellingham Bay S    23.16      22.99   14  
  6 Wu, Joanna W           22 Central Area Aqu    23.45      23.09   13  
  7 Whitty, Sydnee D       16 Iolani Swim Club    23.39      23.33   12  
  8 Beers, Eleanor D       14 Bainbridge Islan    23.32      23.42   11

University of Nevada-Las Vegas graduate Dillon Virva dominated in the men’s 50 freestyle, touching in 19.22. He was over a second ahead of second-place Evan Carlson of Tualatin Hills Swim Club, who finished in a time of 20.43. Third place went to Jian Mao of Sunshine Aquatics Swim Club in 20.54.

                            === A - Final ===                            
  1 Virva, Dillon R        23 King Aquatic Clu    19.57      19.22   20  
  2 Carlson, Evan H        17 Tualatin Hills S    20.70      20.43   17  
  3 Mao, Jian              17 Sun-shine Aquati    20.66      20.54   16  
  4 Corbeau, Caspar J      15 Tualatin Hills S    20.74      20.57   15  
  5 Eiber, Griffin H       18 Aces Swim Club-C    20.86      20.75   14  
  6 Bouda, James           17 Kalispell Aquati    20.86      20.91   13  
  7 Nguyen, Dean D         18 Central Area Aqu    20.96      20.94   12  
  8 Zhi, Qian              18 Sun-shine Aquati    20.95      21.08   11

The men’s 200 IM was commanded by youngsters, with 16-year-old Jonathan Cook of West Coast Aquatics finishing in first place with his time of 1:48.81. 15-year-old Ethan Heasley of Hillsboro Swim Team took second place with a 1:50.19, and third place went to Griffin Eiber of Aces Swim Club in 1:50.90.

                            === A - Final ===                            
  1 Cook, Jonathan S       16 West Coast Aquat  1:50.52    1:48.81   20  
       23.89    28.30    30.41    26.21
  2 Heasley, Ethan T       15 Hillsboro Swim T  1:50.64    1:50.19   17  
       24.08    28.51    31.43    26.17
  3 Eiber, Griffin H       18 Aces Swim Club-C  1:52.00    1:50.90   16  
       24.50    28.62    31.86    25.92
  4 Jacome, Jose M         17 King Aquatic Clu  1:50.94    1:50.96   15  
       24.32    28.60    32.62    25.42
  5 Stump, Isaac C         17 Flying Fish of A  1:50.67    1:51.22   14  
       23.95    28.46    32.79    26.02
  6 Bottelberghe, Joshua   17 Portland Aquatic  1:52.13    1:51.55   13  
       24.23    30.76    31.23    25.33
  7 Zhi, Qian              18 Sun-shine Aquati  1:52.42    1:51.70   12  
       24.05    29.33    32.01    26.31
  8 Dang, Ethan V          15 King Aquatic Clu  1:52.48    1:51.79   11  
       24.85    30.25    30.02    26.67

Scottsdale Aquatic Club notched another first-place swim in the women’s 1650 with Mckenzee Gordon‘s time of 16:22.66. Gordon was almost 12 seconds ahead of second-place Sarah Dimeco, who finished in 16:34.41. Gordon’s teammate Samantha Milewski touched third in 16:40.30.

 Event 33  Women 1650 Yard Freestyle
    Name                  Age Team                 Seed     Finals Points 
  1 Gordon, Mckenzee M     17 Scottsdale Aquat 16:33.50   16:22.66   20  
       27.26    28.99    29.15    29.25
       29.34    29.37    29.73    29.77
       29.97    30.01    30.04    29.97
       30.11    29.91    30.39    30.09
       29.96    29.90    30.18    30.06
       30.16    30.06    30.20    30.21
       30.02    29.82    30.12    30.04
       30.02    30.26    30.03    29.81    28.46
  2 Dimeco, Sarah E        16 Issaquah Swim Te 16:34.45   16:34.41   17  
       27.47    29.56    30.15    30.27
       30.20    30.22    30.19    30.24
       30.45    30.41    30.20    30.40
       30.13    30.01    30.52    30.19
       30.33    30.16    30.26    30.27
       30.21    30.26    30.23    30.33
       30.34    30.38    30.26    30.48
       30.44    30.40    30.02    30.09    29.34
  3 Milewski, Samantha R   17 Scottsdale Aquat 16:46.15   16:40.30   16  
       27.79    29.87    30.43    30.33
       30.30    30.30    30.34    30.49
       30.76    30.59    30.45    30.49
       30.44    30.47    30.37    30.41
       30.36    30.41    30.54    30.55
       30.32    30.45    30.54    30.56
       30.49    30.46    30.57    30.57
       30.61    30.48    30.29    30.37    28.90
  4 Hill, Hayley B         18 Scottsdale Aquat 16:39.27   16:42.67   15  
       27.91    30.11    30.57    30.36
       30.56    30.80    30.71    30.86
       30.81    30.93    30.34    30.57
       30.54    30.45    30.56    30.57
       30.64    30.63    30.53    30.82
       29.90    30.31    30.40    30.54
       30.25    30.49    30.39    30.65
       30.58    30.84    30.58    29.52    28.95
  5 Bains, Francesca G     18 Woodmoor Waves-C 16:52.13   16:43.12   14  
       28.23    30.49    30.61    31.12
       30.82    30.62    30.52    30.34
       30.29    30.30    30.46    30.29
       30.53    30.30    30.50    30.28
       30.27    30.62    30.21    30.47
       30.50    30.34    30.57    30.55
       30.67    30.44    30.70    30.62
       30.70    30.86    30.33    30.38    29.19
  6 Nicolaisen, Shae L     16 Scottsdale Aquat 16:57.28   16:50.27   13  
       28.30    30.44    30.99    31.05
       31.11    31.16    31.11    30.97
       31.12    30.99    31.09    30.92
       30.88    30.71    30.74    30.73
       30.60    30.61    30.73    30.66
       30.62    30.49    30.62    30.36
       30.47    30.31    30.59    30.59
       30.42    30.63    30.33    30.49    29.44
  7 Wilson, Caitlyn E      18 Tualatin Hills S 16:56.52   16:53.66   12  
       28.16    30.48    30.83    31.12
       30.88    30.86    30.65    30.75
       30.48    30.62    30.49    30.49
       30.54    30.73    30.89    30.88
       30.49    30.61    30.83    30.82
       31.02    31.15    30.96    30.95
       30.87    30.92    31.12    30.99
       31.21    31.23    31.16    30.70    29.78
  8 Strouse, Ashley P      14 Scottsdale Aquat 17:15.65   16:59.11   11  
       28.07    30.90    31.04    31.09
       31.07    31.25    31.00    31.30
       31.08    31.22    30.87    31.10
       31.06    30.78    30.87    31.17
       30.85    31.10    31.00    31.34
       30.72    30.84    31.20    30.78
       31.08    31.15    31.06    31.18
       31.01    30.59    30.99    30.92    29.43

Luke Thornbrue of Hillsboro Swim Team touched first for the men in the 1650 with a time of 15:16.97. His teammate Heasley touched about 14 seconds later in second place, with a time of 15:30.94. Flying Fish of Arizona Swim Team’s Isaac Stump finished third in 15:33.98.

 Event 34  Men 1650 Yard Freestyle
    Name                  Age Team                 Seed     Finals Points 
  1 Thornbrue, Luke W      16 Hillsboro Swim T 15:19.31   15:16.97   20  
       25.35    27.38    28.03    28.13
       28.10    28.14    28.04    28.08
       28.13    28.18    28.12    27.91
       28.02    28.11    27.92    27.70
       27.68    27.86    27.86    27.79
       27.72    27.95    27.66    27.66
       28.20    27.80    27.75    27.82
       27.91    27.74    27.86    27.68    26.69
  2 Heasley, Ethan T       15 Hillsboro Swim T 15:34.95   15:30.94   17  
       25.10    27.96    28.29    28.30
       28.18    28.53    28.35    28.26
       28.29    28.38    28.41    28.30
       28.29    28.36    28.28    28.51
       28.38    28.18    28.49    28.43
       28.16    28.23    28.11    28.39
       28.42    28.38    28.38    28.56
       28.46    28.65    28.36    28.15    27.42
  3 Stump, Isaac C         17 Flying Fish of A 16:25.35   15:33.98   16  
       25.09    27.72    28.34    28.46
       28.46    28.32    28.59    28.51
       28.49    28.46    28.59    28.71
       28.55    28.57    28.59    28.46
       28.53    28.48    28.95    28.53
       28.52    28.31    28.56    28.66
       28.36    28.56    28.48    28.47
       28.59    28.30    28.46    28.19    26.12
  4 Jacome, Jose M         17 King Aquatic Clu 15:48.73   15:44.94   15  
       25.30    27.98    28.39    28.42
       28.66    28.49    28.44    28.56
       28.60    28.74    28.60    28.64
       28.90    28.67    28.65    28.78
       28.72    28.80    28.69    28.74
       28.90    28.78    29.03    28.84
       29.00    28.81    29.33    29.05
       29.13    29.26    29.12    28.96    27.96
  5 Wright, Alexander E    17 Evergreen Swim C 15:36.58   15:47.88   14  
       25.15    27.72    28.06    28.27
       28.18    28.11    28.49    28.44
       28.72    28.79    28.65    28.60
       28.87    28.83    28.98    29.10
       29.21    29.20    29.34    29.31
       29.28    28.94    29.16    29.11
       29.19    29.12    28.81    29.30
       29.30    29.14    28.86    28.89    28.76
  6 Yang, Terry            16 Scottsdale Aquat 15:59.07   15:52.67   13  
       24.92    27.99    28.20    28.45
       28.73    28.75    28.86    28.84
       29.19    29.01    29.11    29.10
       29.27    29.26    29.36    29.29
       29.51    29.38    29.22    29.60
       29.35    29.73    29.46    29.23
       28.74    29.04    29.42    29.64
       29.25    29.40    28.68    28.35    26.34
  7 Cooley, Stefan V       16 Scottsdale Aquat 15:56.79   15:53.76   12  
       25.29    28.13    28.53    28.83
       28.73    28.42    28.63    28.85
       28.71    29.04    28.82    29.24
       29.06    29.44    29.28    29.29
       29.47    29.29    29.47    29.52
       29.57    29.40    29.52    28.88
       29.33    29.20    29.13    29.26
       29.14    29.29    29.18    28.49    27.33
  8 Shenkin, Zachary A     17 Bellingham Bay S 15:55.57   15:55.47   11  
       25.59    27.89    28.42    28.76
       28.72    28.96    29.09    29.10
       29.17    29.33    29.31    29.14
       29.20    29.31    29.26    29.15
       29.32    29.22    29.08    29.31
       29.29    29.39    29.23    29.11
       29.08    29.10    29.09    29.39
       29.20    29.44    29.21    28.76    27.85

To finish off a weekend of fast swimming, Bellingham Bay Swim Team took the win from top seed Scottsdale Aquatic Club in the women’s 400 medley relay, as Emma Frey, Yanran Le, Emma Carlton, and Sydney Wong combined for a winning time of 3:42.36. Scottsdale Aquatic Club’s A-squad of Ruck, Grover, Kelly Huffer, and Gabriella Fagan touched second in 3:43.45. Third place went to Jessica Maeda, Elizabeth Cook, Fay Marie Lustria, and Emily Cook with their time of 3:44.27.

 Event 37  Women 400 Yard Medley Relay
    Team                                   Seed     Finals Points 
  1 Bellingham Bay S-PN  'A'            3:44.40    3:42.36   40  
     1) Frey, Emma A 17               2) Le, Yanran 16                
     3) Carlton, Emma L 16            4) Wong, Sydney 17              
       26.99    55.82    29.16  1:02.42
       23.83    52.74    24.06    51.38
  2 Scottsdale Aquat-AZ  'A'            3:42.39    3:43.45   34  
     1) Ruck, Taylor M 16             2) Grover, Claire R 16          
     3) Huffer, Kelly S 17            4) Fagan, Gabriella A 17        
       26.36    53.89    28.89  1:03.12
       25.36    54.94    24.64    51.50
  3 Tualatin Hills S-OR  'A'            3:50.13    3:44.27   32  
     1) Maeda, Jessica Y 13           2) Cook, Elizabeth K 14         
     3) Lustria, Fay Marie S 13       4) Cook, Emily N 18             
       25.78    54.32    29.89  1:03.64
       26.31    56.62    23.70    49.69
  4 Central Area Aqu-PN  'A'            3:49.37    3:44.48   30  
     1) Wu, Joanna W 22               2) Nguyen, Mandolin M 15        
     3) Markle, Shayla A 15           4) Pressler, Madison A 18       
       25.06    52.84    29.14  1:02.63
       26.68    57.16    24.74    51.85
  5 The Dolphins Por-OR  'A'            3:46.82    3:46.30   28  
     1) Ashmore, Jordan W 17          2) Dobler, Kaitlyn M 15         
     3) Swail, Lindsay I 17           4) Connor, Alayna E 17          
       27.19    56.91    29.24  1:02.72
       26.18    56.50    23.62    50.17
  6 King Aquatic Clu-PN  'A'            3:48.68    3:47.80   26  
     1) Kim, Eva J 17                 2) Battistoni, Isabella B 14    
     3) Kim, Erin J 16                4) Ward, Emily R 15             
       26.80    56.27    29.67  1:04.25
       26.06    56.13    24.34    51.15
  7 Bellevue Club Sw-PN  'A'            3:50.58    3:50.04   24  
     1) Nguyen, Rachel 16             2) Li, Delora Z 15              
     3) Pak, Jazlynn S 14             4) Harvey, Erin K 17            
       27.83    57.51    30.53  1:05.39
       25.34    55.31    24.95    51.83
  8 Scottsdale Aquat-AZ  'B'            3:44.28    3:50.83   22  
     1) Markl, Alexa E 16             2) Yancy, Alyson M 17           
     3) Lizzul, Gabriella L 16        4) Cramm-Tamisiea, Morgan A 17  
       27.91    57.45    30.66  1:06.04
       25.65    55.85    24.61    51.49

For the men, King Aquatic Club went 1-2 in the event, with their B-squad of Tyler Lu, Ethan Dang, Mitchell Hovis, and Virva finishing first in 3:18.50. Virva split a 43.70 on the anchor freestyle leg. King Aquatic Club’s A-relay of Cameron King, Daniel Roy, Michael Chwaluk, and Zackary O’Haver finished second in 3:19.23. Third place went to Ethan Luc, Casper Corbeau, Carlson, and Trenton Martinez of Tualatin Hills Swim Club in 3:21.43.

 Event 38  Men 400 Yard Medley Relay
    Team                                   Seed     Finals Points 
  1 King Aquatic Clu-PN  'B'            3:21.90    3:18.50   40  
     1) Lu, Tyler Y 14                2) Dang, Ethan V 15             
     3) Hovis, Mitchell R 17          4) Virva, Dillon R 23           
       24.16    50.05    25.66    54.90
       22.97    49.85    20.65    43.70
  2 King Aquatic Clu-PN  'A'            3:17.62    3:19.23   34  
     1) King, Cameron M 17            2) Roy, Daniel J 17             
     3) Chwaluk, Michael P 16         4) O'Haver, Zackary I 16        
       23.89    49.89    25.61    54.11
       23.07    49.71    21.52    45.52
  3 Tualatin Hills S-OR  'A'            3:22.63    3:21.43   32  
     1) Luc, Ethan H 16               2) Corbeau, Caspar J 15         
     3) Carlson, Evan H 17            4) Martinez, Trenton J 16       
       24.87    51.63    25.62    55.58
       22.33    48.42    21.97    45.80
  4 Bellevue Club Sw-PN  'A'            3:22.19    3:22.11   30  
     1) Millis, Kyle C 17             2) Crewe, William D 17          
     3) Lucco, Henry W 16             4) Boden, Andrew J 17           
       24.53    50.19    27.04    58.51
       22.15    48.62    20.93    44.79
  5 Central Area Aqu-PN  'A'            3:32.55    3:23.36   28  
     1) Wayte, Emmett M 17            2) Nguyen, Dean D 18            
     3) Hall, Thomas E 19             4) Stenfjord, Anders K 17       
       24.30    50.81    26.00    55.81
       22.82    49.63    22.42    47.11
  6 Scottsdale Aquat-AZ  'A'            3:22.21    3:24.66   26  
     1) Yang, Terry 16                2) Snoddy, Jeffrey H 18         
     3) Hudson, David C 17            4) Hughes, Parker A 15          
       25.43    52.13    26.44    56.93
       22.55    49.29    22.21    46.31
  7 Bellevue Club Sw-PN  'B'            3:28.53    3:26.59   24  
     1) Eggenberger, Thomas J 18      2) Polyakov, Nikita A 16        
     3) Zhou, William 16              4) Shao, Nathan R 17            
       24.57    51.04    26.87    58.80
       23.34    50.00    22.02    46.75
  8 Hillsboro Swim T-OR  'A'            3:24.81    3:26.81   22  
     1) Duncan, Jerrad A 16           2) Champlin, Brett C 16         
     3) Heasley, Ethan T 15           4) Thornbrue, Luke W 16         
       26.00    52.61    26.79    57.31
       23.21    50.24    22.44    46.65

Full meet results can also be found on Meet Mobile under 2017 Spring Senior Sectionals.

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