Read more2Doping's Darkest Hour; The East Germans And The 1976 Montreal Games28 November 2013In the second day of our landmark five-day series announcing Swimming World's unprecedented move to strip the East German women of our prestigious World and European Swimmers of the Year awards, we look back at some of the people most victimized by the systematic doping regime. While East Germany's ...
Read moreShirley Babashoff Supports Swimming World's East German Title Strip, Plans Continued Efforts01 January 2014PHOENIX, Arizona, January 1. JUST a month since Swimming World made the landmark decision to strip 28 titles from East German women based on a mix of positive tests, personal admissions and doping admissions from their coaches, Shirley Babashoff has released a statement in support of the action. "I ...
Read more152007 Vault: Shirley Babashoff Breaks 30-Year Silence on East Germany's Systematic Doping of Olympians05 February 20162016 is the 40th Anniversary of 1976 Olympics. The following article reflected on those games and the truth about that era. It was first published January 9, 2007 and Swimming World wants to share some of those painful lessons with today's readers. USA Swimming produced a documentary on the 1976 W...
Read more37Shirley Babashoff Wants Her Place In History - Exclusive Swimming World TV Interview15 September 2016Shirley Babashoff sat down for an exclusive interview with SwimmingWorld.TV's Brent Rutemiller to discuss the 1976 Montreal Olympics and the systematic doping of the East German women swimmers. Rutemiller touched on a lot of subjects including Babashoff's place in history, The Last Gold Documentary,...
Read moreSTRIPPED! Swimming World Vacates Awards of GDR Drug-Fueled Swimmers01 December 2013Based on a mix of positive tests, personal admissions as well as doping admissions from their coaches, Swimming World Magazine has stripped Kornelia Ender, Ulrike Tauber, Petra Schneider, Ute Geweniger and Kristin Otto of their World Swimmer of the Year awards from the 1970s and '80s. Those five swi...
Read more9Former Athletes Of East Germany Open Up About Unknown PEDs27 March 2018It has been a long time since East Germany ruled the Olympic games with performance-enhancing drugs. The issue in swimming has been brought to the forefront as Shirley Babashoff and the 1976 women’s swim team in the documentary “The Last Gold.” The documentary tells the story of the swimmers affecte...
Read moreRare Audio Reliving 1976 USA Women's 400 Free Relay "Last Gold" Victory Over East Germans16 June 2016With all the buzz over USA Swimming's Last Gold Documentary, Swimming World republished a rarely heard audio interview with Jack Nelson. Nelson, was a major force in coaching the American women to gold over the East Germans in the 400 free relay at the 1976 Olympics. He had a storied coaching care...
Read more7Babashoff, Sterkel and Boglioli Welcome Duplicate Medals Mending 1976 Olympic Stain28 July 2016Commentary by Brent T. Rutemiller. When I stepped into the pressroom there were only a few people in the room. At first I thought I came at the wrong time or perhaps the wrong room. I glanced around and saw three middle-aged blonde women chatting and goofing around in the back. It was Jill Sterkel, ...
Read moreThe Last Gold Chosen As An Official Program Selection For The 2016 LA Film Festival26 April 2016USA Swimming announced today that "The Last Gold" will have it's World Premiere at the 2016 LA Film Festival in Culver City, CA on June 6. The documentary, which features the story of the women's 1976 Olympic swim team and how they rallied against the East Germans to win gold, is one of twelve docum...
Read moreCall to the IOC: MAKE IT RIGHT!02 December 2013The past five days, Swimming World has laid out the background and the evidence of just how much the East German doping regime defrauded the athletic process in the 1970s and 1980s, going as far as vacating a fifth of the most prestigious awards in the sport of swimming. Today, we reiterate our call...
Read more10The Miracle On Ice Was Actually In Water (Video)28 February 2015PHOENIX - Today marks the 35th anniversary of the USA Hockey team's defeat of the Russian Hockey team at the 1980 Olympic Games as the miracle on ice. Many believe that this was the greatest underdog Olympic moment in history. We at Swimming World Magazine believe that the greatest upset of all ti...
Read moreReaders React Strongly To Shirley Babashoff's Comments About East Germany's 1976 Systematic Doping of Olympians01 March 2007PHOENIX, Arizona, March 1. COMMENTS from around the world flooded into Swimming World Magazine after the posting of the exclusive article titled Shirley Babashoff Breaks 30-Year Silence on East Germany's 1976 Systematic Doping of Olympians The following are just some of the comments… Shirley is abso...
Read moreThey Cheated. They Stole. They Lied.13 December 2007By Brent Rutemiller PHOENIX, Arizona, December 13. They set records. They became famous. They became rich. They cheated. They stole. They lied. They were idolized. They were paraded. They were crowned. They cheated. They stole. They lied. Marion Jones and the 1976 East Germans have a lot in common. ...
Read more1An Open Letter Asking FINA To Recognize All Victims During The DDR Olympic Reign - Republished28 April 2016First Published in PHOENIX, Arizona January 3. THIS is an open letter asking FINA to recognize all victims during the DDR Olympic reign. Swimming World Magazine and are asking the swimming community worldwide to join in their request by SIGNING THE OPEN LETTER ONLINE. Dear FINA Board ...
Read moreEmotional Reactions From Then-And-Now Regarding East German Award Strip04 December 2013Today, on the fourth of a five-day call to the International Olympic Committee to make things right regarding the drug-fueled East Germans of the 70s and 80s, we present to you some of the strongest reactions to our landmark decision to strip the East Germans of the World and European Swimmers of th...
Read moreThe Morning Swim Show: Wendy Boglioli Talks About East German Systematic Doping in 1976 Olympics and Participation in PBS Documentary25 April 2008PHOENIX, Arizona, April 28. MONDAY'S episode of The Morning Swim Show is a must-see, featuring a compelling interview with a 1976 USA Olympian who talks about her East German (DDR) competitors, the race the Americans won against all odds and her confrontation with a former DDR swimmer. Wendy Bogliol...
Read more[Radio] Re-Visiting The Wrongs Of The 1976 Montreal Games21 August 2016As the 2016 Rio Olympic Games wrap up with today's Closing Ceremony in Rio Swimming World wanted to take a moment to remember the Olympic Games that took place forty years ago and all who suffered during those Olympic Games in Montreal. The Current, a popular radio show based out of Canada through C...
Read moreBabashoff Honored by USOC for Role in Anti-Doping Battle02 May 2005PHOENIX, May 2. LONG overdue recognition was awarded to Shirley Babashoff over the weekend, when the United States Olympic Committee presented the two-time Olympian with its Olympic Order. Babashoff was honored for speaking out against doping in swimming. Attending the 1972 and 1976 Games in Munich ...
Read more1Rare ISHOF Video of Team USA beating East German Swimmers in Dual Meet04 May 20151974 highlights from the USA vs. East German dual swimming meet in Concord California. At the height of the cold war, it was one of the most anticipated swimming meets in history and it did not disappoint the thousands of spectators who saw it. The US Team was led by Tim Shaw, John Naber and Shirley...
Read moreExecutive Producer of "Doping for Gold" Talks About Making Revealing Documentary on The Morning Swim Show, Sept. 24, 200924 September 2009PHOENIX, Arizona, September 24. THE executive producer of a documentary detailing East Germany's systematic doping of its athletes is the highlight of today's edition of The Morning Swim Show. Host Peter Busch talks to Jared Lipworth about making "Doping for Gold," a documentary that chronicled how ...