Dive into the Archives!

Explore Our Extensive Collection of Swimming World Publications!


Delve into the depths of our archives dating back to 1960 and discover a wealth of swimming knowledge and inspiration. In the archive you’ll find past issues of Swimming World, Swimming World Biweekly, Swimming Technique, and SWIM Magazine that span decades of aquatic excellence.


Swimming World Magazine

Swimming World Magazine debuted in 1960. It has been, and continues to be a leader in providing comprehensive coverage of swimming, from grassroots to the Olympics. With over six decades of history, it delivers in-depth articles, interviews, and features on competitive swimming, water polo, synchronized swimming, and more. Whether you’re an athlete, coach, or enthusiast, Swimming World Magazine provides valuable insights and inspiration to help you succeed in the pool.


Swimming World Magazine – See archive of all Swimming World Magazines


Swimming World Biweekly

Swimming World Biweekly Magazine began in 2015 as a dynamic publication offering timely and insightful coverage of the swimming world. Released every two weeks, it provides readers with up-to-date news, analysis, and features on all aspects of the sport, from elite competitions to grassroots initiatives. With its quick turnaround and comprehensive content, Swimming World Biweekly magazine is a must-read for swimmers, coaches, and fans looking to stay informed and engaged with the latest developments in swimming.

Swimming World Biweekly - 9-21-22-Great-Races-A-Look-Back-At-Great-Races-From-History Cover

Swimming World Biweekly – See archive of all Swimming World Biweekly Editions


Swimming Technique

Swimming Technique Magazine first published in 1966 as a specialized publication dedicated to the finer points of swimming form and performance. Offering expert advice, drills, and insights from top coaches and athletes, each issue focuses on refining technique, improving efficiency, and maximizing speed in the water. Whether you’re a novice swimmer or a seasoned competitor, Swimming Technique magazine provides valuable resources to help you enhance your skills and achieve your swimming goals with precision and power.

Swimming Technique January 2020

Swimming Technique – See archive of all Swimming Technique Magazines



SWIM magazine is a vibrant publication celebrating the culture, community, and excitement of swimming. Filled with inspiring stories, profiles of top swimmers, and coverage of major events, each issue captures the spirit of the sport and its impact on individuals and communities. With a mix of articles, photography, and features, SWIM magazine offers readers a captivating glimpse into the world of swimming.

SWIM Magazine – See archive of all SWIM Magazines