Swimming: A Sport That Prepares You For Life


Swimming: A Sport That Prepares You For Life

By Evangelia Vasilakis, Swimming World College Intern.

Swimming, a sport where you have to be physically strong and mentally strong to succeed. Athletes of all ages have to be able to handle many different stresses throughout their time participating in the sport. From not so great swims and grueling practices, swimmers conquer it all. This sport gives the athletes that participate so many important life experiences that will help guide them for the rest of their lives. Whether you are in high school, college, a Masters swimmer or in the workforce, swimming gives a person the strength and wisdom to succeed. 

1. Teamwork


Members of the Cali Condors celebrate winning the ISL Grand Final Sunday; Photo Courtesy: Mine Kasapoglu/ISL

Swimmers have great teamwork. Many swimmers credit their team and coaches for their success. Without teamwork, swimmers would struggle. A team helps push and motivate you to do better.  At any age, swimmers are always cheering on their teammates at the ends of their lane. Teams of all ages and skill levels can be found cheering each other on at meets. Coaches and swimmers alike can be found running up and down the pool deck waving their arms and motivating their team to do better. Nothing has been more encouraging while swimming than looking up or over and seeing your coaches and teammates ready to support you through your race.

We know the strength of the team is important. Teammates will always push each other to do the best they can, whether it be practicing or racing. Past and present swimmers will always be there to support their friends, co-workers and teammates. We push each other to work harder and always want the best for each other. Swimmers will make sure everyone is on task and ready to work hard.

2. Math Skills

Math Class

Photo Courtesy: Melissa Wolf

Although many people think swimmers are just strong, we are smart too! All swimmers have this incredible ability to do quick math in their heads. We are always thinking of the interval, the times we come in on, and counting our laps in our head. They have to be able to calculate quick math to figure out the next push of time. Swimmers continuously do this during practice while they have to focus on many other things as well, like technique and possibly what they are eating for dinner after practice. I even find myself often counting the total yards while I am practicing too! Swimmers are no stranger to numbers and quick thinking. 

3. Time Management

Swimmers are reliant on their time management skills. They have to balance every aspect of their lives to a schedule. Most swimmers often have to work, go to school, do homework, have a social life and find time to eat between all this! Somehow, swimmers get this done. Many swimmers can be seen doing homework on deck or in the car between practices. Others find an empty hour or two to work or hang out with friends. As people, we will always have these skills. They will always be able to balance a hectic schedule and still put their best work forward wherever their future may bring them. 

4. Work Ethic

Swimmers have an incredible work ethic. They know that they have to work hard to achieve their goals. Unlike many other sports, swimming is almost entirely up to the individual, although the team helps a lot with motivation and support. A swimmer knows if they do not work hard in and out of the pool, they will not drop times and achieve their goal. They know they have to put all their willpower and give it their 100 percent to be able to succeed. A swimmer will always have this amazing and important quality about them.

5. Never Giving Up  


Photo Courtesy: @ikee.rikako

Most importantly, swimmers have this amazing ability to never give up. We face so many difficult paths in our personal swimming journeys. Many swimmers face not dropping times, injuries and mental blocks. Our passion for this sport drives this ability to never let any hardship stop us. This is a hugely desirable trait in any path a person chooses. Swimmers are the type of people who can endure physical and mental pain and never let it stop them. Swimmers will work hard and fast and never disappoint. They have had long careers of success and failure and they have not stopped or given up. They take the failures and learn and grow from them, creating a stronger and better version of themselves in the process. 

Overall, swimmers are a smart and talented group of people. They are ready to go face the world head on. They have no fears since swimming has taught them to be brave and strong. Swimmers are hardworking and team-oriented people who will never let anyone down. Swimming is a sport where it teaches more than how to compete. It is a sport that gifts its participants with the knowledge they need for the rest of their lives. Swimming is a sport that gives you the keys you need to unlock your future. Without this sport, I would have never become the strong person I am today.

All commentaries are the opinion of the author and do not necessarily reflect the views of Swimming World Magazine nor its staff.

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3 years ago

An excellent article.

Sally Atkinson
Sally Atkinson
1 year ago

Good reading.Was taught to swim by my parents,then and now a swimmer in all waters.Became a lifeguard,coach,team member,examiner,Masters swimmer, encourager,teacher again whilst still swimming into my 60’s.
One of the best communities in the world to be involved in,always learning,always sharing skills.
Just keep swimming..?????

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