SWIMINFO Rated Top Swimming Web Site
SWIMINFO.COM–the web site for Swimming World, SWIM and Swimming Technique magazines–was rated the top swimming web site in the world by ACCESS Magazine in its May 28 issue.
ACCESS is the Sunday supplement that is distributed to millions of newspaper subscribers throughout the United States.
In its weekly "Web Sites Worth the Trip" section, SWIMINFO was one of only two swimming web sites given ACCESS's highest rating: four stars. The USA Swimming web site was the other four-star site.
ACCESS described SWIMINFO this way: "This site is packed with feature and technique-specific articles from three magazines–Swimming World, Swim Technqiue and SWIM. Lane 9 houses current news, with updates on major races and top swimmers. More meet news can be found in the Results area, where you'll also find top 25 times, world records and time conversions. Rounding out the site is a shop stockjed with swim caps, goggles, wetsuits and chlorine-removing cleaners, which includes an area devoted to triathletes.