Swim Camp of the Week: North Baltimore Aquatic Club Swim Camp
BALTIMORE – North Baltimore Aquatic Club Swim Camps rely on small numbers, quality coaching, interacting with Olympic and international-level swimmers, along with mental and physical training to teach the “NBAC Way.”
This summer, we will conduct two weeks of “Goals, Growth & Greatness,” a five-day camp for ages 9-13 with day and overnight campers with a maximum enrollment of 40. Each day includes underwater analysis of strokes and instruction in all four competitive strokes, starts and turns. Two in-water sessions are included per day plus dry land, with an emphasis in this camp on teaching about training. Costs: Day Camp $775, Overnight $950.
We also offer two weeks of “Reach, Risk and Race,” a four-day camp which seeks athletes for a fast-paced, high-level training experience with NBAC’s coaching staff and nearby collegiate coaches. In addition to on-deck instruction, these coaches will speak directly to campers about collegiate swimming. Swim twice a day for four days and do dry land. Maximum enrollment is 40. There is underwater analysis and instruction, but the emphasis is on training. Costs: Day Camp $650, Overnight $800
North Baltimore Aquatic Club Swim Camp Dates
Goals, Growth & Greatness: (Ages 9-13)
Week One June 22-26
Week Two June 29-July3
Reach, Risk, & Race (Ages 14-18)
Week One June 16-19
Week Two July 6-9
North Baltimore Aquatic Club Swim Camp Contact
John Cadigan
5700 Cottonworth Ave
Baltimore, MD 21209
Email: jcadigan@nbac.net