Summer Pools Closed in Wisconsin; Likely Just the Start

Summer Swim
The first domino falls; La Crosse, Wisconsin closed its swimming pools for the summer. Photo Courtesy: Connor Trimble

Summer pool closures are underway as the City of La Crosse Parks, Recreation and Forestry Department in La Crosse, Wisconsin announced Thursday the closure of three of its municipal swimming pools for the 2020 summer season due to concerns over the coronavirus. The virus has caused cancellations all over the world as sports have come to a screeching halt in recent months with no news of when normalcy will return.

This is an early domino to fall in terms of the cancellation of summer swimming. It will definitely not be the last as cities weigh their individual situations. In La Crosse specifically, there were safety concerns regarding the virus and whether it would be safe to operate the three pools in the summer months. With the number of people it would take to run a facility for the summer, it was not possible for the city to open the three pools.

Department Director Jay Odegaard said, “Understanding this is another setback in the extraordinary changes upon us, the La Crosse Parks and Recreation Department will be utilizing staff and resources to provide other recreation opportunities that can safely be implemented in this trying time.

“Splash pads and beaches will continue to be prepared for summer use. With the minimal amount of lead time associated with these facilities, the department will be ready to open once a determination on safety is made. Thank you for understanding these difficult decisions. We look forward to returning the programs and opportunities the community has come to expect from this department.”

It will be interesting to see what unfolds in other cities across the country. Summer pools present a two-pronged situation. On one hand, summer pools play a major role for friendships and fun, providing the opportunity for children to interact. Additionally, summer pools are tremendous starting points for children getting their first taste of competitive swimming.

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Lexie Joy
4 years ago

Christy Evans Rebecca Ensor

Nichol Tran
4 years ago

Lets watch teen pregnancy, kids acting out in other ways….go up. Idle hands….also the psychological aspect. I wish some of these places would alow down and make decisions in the moment.

Brooke Lee
4 years ago
Reply to  Nichol Tran

Nichol Tran so have the clubs been swimming this whole time?
Out here in California, our clubs have been shut down since middle of March.

Nichol Tran
4 years ago
Reply to  Nichol Tran

Brooke Lee no we are shut down as well. I am still paying full rates but they gave the option not to pay or pay partial. I am paying because I believe in our team and my son needs it in his life. My fear is there wont be a team to go back to though.However if this is how it is through lets say August 1st (so 6 months) I have a hard time believing most people will continue to pay. Then the clubs will not be getting money right?

Brooke Lee
4 years ago
Reply to  Nichol Tran

Nichol Tran correct. Was just clarifying if just now the pools were closed.

Nichol Tran
4 years ago
Reply to  Nichol Tran

Brooke Lee I get closing it but I don’t get making the choice for stuff months away.

4 years ago
Reply to  Nichol Tran

It’s easier and less consequences to reverse the decisions to open than the other way around.

Paul Anthony
4 years ago

NYC was the first. It stinks and an over-reaction IMO

Jennifer Williams
4 years ago
Reply to  Paul Anthony

Paul Anthony and no science behind it…just fear

Lisa Ann
4 years ago
Reply to  Paul Anthony

Jennifer Williams are you just stupid or naïve

4 years ago
Reply to  Lisa Ann

Hey, Lisa.
Calling people names and using bad grammar makes people discredit your arguments. Present your argument in a way that people will actually read it. That being said, why are so many people treating this situation like it’s one or the other? Covid is not something to just brush off but our reaction is way overblown. COVID is about 5 times more deadly than the flu (they’ll say it’s 2-3% but that is wrong because of the crazy number of unreported cases). People should be restricting their behavior a little bit. Pools staying closed is understandable to me. But treating this by shutting everybody down is illogical. It will be back in the fall, and not enough people will have had it for some sort of herd immunity. Our goal with the shutdown is to not overwhelm the health system, not to eradicate COVID. That’s not going to happen. Another thing that won’t happen is shutting down America for 18 months waiting for a vaccine. The domino effect of that would make coronavirus look like a breezy Sunday summer morning. World starvation, 30% unemployment, etc. will follow COVID, and staying home to wait it out will not be possible. Regardless of what the government may make you think, money does not grow on trees, and this crazy influx of cash will send the value of the dollar to the basement. Let’s all practice social distancing by modifying our behavior a little bit, and call on your congressmen to open up our economies with social distancing in mind. We’ll get through this but going at each other is pointless.

Jennifer Williams
4 years ago
Reply to  Paul Anthony

Lisa Ann another polite person? What does the data say? What is the likelihood I will get it? If I do what is the likelihood I will recover? The numbers are there. What is the likelihood that people can’t pay their bills? Provide for their family? I am sure as a fellow human you can respond politely. I believe that humans can make good choices.

4 years ago

complete over reaction how much more fear can be instilled in the American people. So it’s ok for children to stay locked up in houses rebreathing the same air and become obese and lack any Chance of receiving Vitamin D. This is I guess the plan to DRAG this out until election. Wake Up people.

Lisa Ann
4 years ago
Reply to  Paul Anthony

People are very scared to face reality. Find all kind of excuses, conspiracies and think they are still 16 and have the opportunity to rebel. Countries have never shut down, this should be one hint that this is real. Until these people live it , themselves getting sick or a love one dying they will realize. But it will be too late for their stupidity They will ride down the road of regret.

4 years ago
Reply to  Lisa Ann

Mark my words, in a year we will realize the lockdown was the wrong approach. Sweden may have the correct approach.

Tony Trefoil
4 years ago
Reply to  Paul Anthony

Lisa Ann you’re the only person with any sense on this entire post.

Paul Anthony
4 years ago
Reply to  Paul Anthony

Lisa Ann It’s an over reaction; about the same as a seasonal flu. More testing is done the less harmless the virus will turn out to be (e.g. antibody stats indicate millions of New Yorkers affected with no harm). Sad some are very sick and dying but needs to be put in perspective.

4 years ago
Reply to  Paul Anthony

This is not the flu. Easier to transmit, longer incubation (but still can be spread), longer time infected and 10 x more deadly (if your ok with 2% mortality, that is on you). And even though younger people are less likely to die, they transmit to older people who are more likely to die. But its an over reaction…..

4 years ago
Reply to  Paul Anthony

It is far more dangerous than the seasonal flu.

4 years ago
Reply to  Paul Anthony

I agree. The most recent reports have the case fatality rate at about 0.5% after the most recent antibody test results in California, NYC and Boston. This is most definitely an over reaction. The virus doesn’t live very long on surfaces exposed to sun an UV light. Our kids are safer outside than in!

Jenny McCauley
4 years ago

Chris McCauley

Mary-Helen Hopkins
4 years ago

Ours has been closed since March 13. Missing it terribly! ?

Clifford Shine
4 years ago

Close pools for the summer?Way too early to determine that is it not?

Maria Angelica Antequera
Reply to  Clifford Shine

Clifford Shine its ok to closed until we have a vaccine, we are talking about kids lives here.

Clifford Shine
4 years ago
Reply to  Clifford Shine

Maria Angelica Antequera I would not financially function for 2 years without income and would certainly take my chances considering there is greater risk of auto fatalities than this virus.

Dragan Jovanovic
4 years ago
Reply to  Clifford Shine

Maria Angelica Antequera kids lives? Don’t you think that is exaggerating!!!! How many kids died from Covid 19 in the whole world? Perhaps you should watch this press conference and get a better understanding.

Rob Richardson
4 years ago

What science is this decision based on? I assume these are indoor pools so maybe that is the issue (ie a closed space with lots of people). I guess swimming in chlorinated water doesn’t kill any germs?!

Cathy Austin Bach
4 years ago
Reply to  Rob Richardson

Rob Richardson these are outdoor community pools.

Rob Richardson
4 years ago
Reply to  Rob Richardson

Cathy Austin Bach then what sense does that make? Being outside decreases the risk, not to mention the benefits of sunshine and exercise.

Cathy Austin Bach
4 years ago
Reply to  Rob Richardson

Rob Richardson I’m thinking because it actually takes quite a bit to get those pools up and running for the season they are drained every year

Rob Richardson
4 years ago
Reply to  Rob Richardson

Cathy Austin Bach so it’s a funding issue not a safety issue?

Cathy Austin Bach
4 years ago
Reply to  Rob Richardson

Rob Richardson both would be my guess and our governor is not helping He’s trying to say he doesn’t even know if kids will go back to school in the fall. Not trying to make this about politics but unfortunately I feel it’s playing very heavy into this decision

Rob Richardson
4 years ago
Reply to  Rob Richardson

Cathy Austin Bach wow – good luck. Some in Arizona are going to the Capital (again) on May 1 to demand the state reopen. We have flattened the curve and our hospitals are pretty empty.

Cathy Austin Bach
4 years ago
Reply to  Rob Richardson

Rob Richardson same here. There is a rally at our capital tomorrow.

Jenoa Olson
4 years ago
Reply to  Rob Richardson

Rob Richardson in our city it’s an issue of no tax revenue coming in to do any repairs necessary to get them open. Plus restrictions on gatherings until July.

Claire Elwell
4 years ago
Reply to  Rob Richardson

Rob Richardson our pools in the U.K. have been closed for 5 weeks now and no sign of opening any time soon?

Greg Potempa
4 years ago
Reply to  Rob Richardson

Cathy Austin Bach it’s ALL about politics!!

Vicky Van de Putte
4 years ago
Reply to  Rob Richardson

Claire Elwell , our pools in South Africa have also been closed now for 5 weeks.

Taff Jones
4 years ago
Reply to  Rob Richardson

Claire Elwell as they should be!

Claire Elwell
4 years ago
Reply to  Rob Richardson

Taff Jones I never said they shouldn’t be? I was just replying to a comment?

Taff Jones
4 years ago
Reply to  Rob Richardson

Claire Elwell I was agreeing with you

4 years ago
Reply to  Rob Richardson

It isn’t the water. My understanding is the pool crowds. Also they are unable to find enough lifeguards. They have to be willing to give mouth to mouth saving techniques and with a highly contagious disease there aren’t a lot applying for the job. It is being done early because training if lifeguards, purchasing pool chemicals etc all need to be done in advance.

Jennifer Williams
4 years ago

I wondering if swimming world can post about the pools open? Give us hope. Sweden? Who is swimming in Sweden? Take lead and report HOPE and what CAN be done.

Lynette Besonday-Washburn

I’m in Arizona and most if not all the pools are outside and they have been closed since early March. Boo

Kayleen Moss
4 years ago

Australia they were all closed end of March

Kate Burns
4 years ago

I don’t think public city/town swimming pools in NY State will be open this summer for two reason:
1. Difficulty with maintaining social distancing and cleaning restrooms, locker rooms, and benches, ect.
2. Most Towns and Cities do not have the funds to support pool operations because of the pandemic. No money to spare for chemicals, repairs, lifeguards, and staff to name a few.

In NY if we do not receive Federal funding come September Education and Health care funding will be cut along with Firer Fighters and Police funding. This pandemic will change life as we know it here in NY for years to come.

Laurel Moston
4 years ago

Get used to it! In Australia all Pools indoor outdoor private have been closed since March

Kimberly Joy
4 years ago

Ridiculous since the virus doesnt survive in water and has a minimum 99.3 percent survival rate. It is overreactions like this that are causing people to lose their jobs and life as they know-it-all across our country.

Louise Holden
4 years ago

Pools closed in UK since March

Julie Lee
4 years ago

Ours are reopening! Ahead of the curve in Australia ?????‍♀️

Mike Kahn
4 years ago

This is crazy. Why not wait to see what happens at the end of May. Some of the pools in PA will never open again if they don’t open this summer

Jennifer Williams
4 years ago

I am wondering if swimming world can post about the pools open? Give us hope. Sweden? Who is swimming in Sweden? Take the lead and report HOPE and what CAN be done.
Swimming World please help swimming. What is your interest?

Buster Smith
4 years ago

Jennifer Williams Sweden’s plan of hers immunity back fired and they now have a 9% death rate. There’s your hope ?

Jennifer Williams
4 years ago

Buster Smith not what have read. Source?
Recovery rate?
Swimmers on swim teams dying?

Jennifer Williams
4 years ago

No one got sick or died? Did they?

Jennifer Williams
4 years ago

Did anyone get sick? Die?

Dave Johnson
4 years ago

Buster Smith 9% death rate?

Buster Smith
4 years ago

Dave Johnson 17567 confirmed covid cases vs 2152 COVID deaths. There’s been a small drop but that is still 8.1%. Those are the numbers being pulled right now. My sources are (their official homepage with info), business insider, and Bloomberg news.

Jennifer Williams
4 years ago

Buster Smith to clarify? 8% of the Sweden population has died? Sorry need to understand?
And was swimming where they contracted the virus?

Dave Johnson
4 years ago

Buster Smith that doesn’t account for all affected as the only folks tested are the ones bad enough to end up in the hospital…so 8% of the tested. As we know from the new studies there’s way more infected than the previous models…

Jennifer Williams
4 years ago

Dave Johnson I see the word
“Model” not actual. I also see the word “suggest” -not fact. And again did 8% die? Or am I misreading the speculative article? I am up for enlightenmentment. But I am tired of the words “could” “may” “would” or “suggest”. That is not evidence. I appreciate your politeness. ✌?

Dave Johnson
4 years ago

Jennifer Williams 8% of the tested cases is what his numbers represent. In Sweden only those bad enough to go to the hospital get tested. Per article I linked. So there’s no way you can have an 8% death rate as only a small fraction tested of the overall infected population.

Jennifer Williams
4 years ago

Dave Johnson ?

Jennifer Williams
4 years ago

Dave Johnson ?

Jenn Rose Beech
4 years ago

Jennifer Williams I just compared numbers of Sweden vs California. California has a population of 39 million and Sweden just 10 million. In CA where stay-in orders happened they have seen 1400 COVID-19 deaths and in Sweden they are at over 2,000 deaths with a much lower population. So yeah I’m going to say it’s too soon to say Sweden has done this right.

Linda B. Goller
4 years ago

Yep, the virus dies in humidity and sunlight. Add chlorine.

Doug Schack
4 years ago

Linda B. Goller add chlorine…..and remove politics. Recipe for success!

Seth Perkin
4 years ago

Linda B. Goller changing rooms, lifeguards, other areas of leisure centres. Use your brains

Linda B. Goller
4 years ago

Seth Perkin swimmers don’t need to use changing rooms. Lifeguards? I am using my head. Not drinking koolide. Coaches will always put their swimmer first. Let them use their heads, instead of blanket closures.

Seth Perkin
4 years ago

Linda B. Goller as a swimmer and lifeguard in England, there is absolutely no way any leisure facilities should remain open. It’s not essential and if you think risking lives in order to carry on a sport is justified then please wake up

Linda B. Goller
4 years ago

Seth Perkin awake and aware. Just stay home

Doug Schack
4 years ago

Wash your hands, don’t touch your face, don’t drink the koolaide, jump in the water.

Susan Brown
4 years ago

Linda B. Goller rubbish!!!

Buster Smith
4 years ago

Linda B. Goller lifeguards shouldn’t have to risk their life so you can swim slow laps at the pool. It’s not essential. You want low paid workers to go back so you can have some fun. How selfish of ya

Linda B. Goller
4 years ago

Buster Smith last I checked. Lifeguards sit on stand which high and pretty far away from swimmers or anyone else.

Seth Perkin
4 years ago

Doug Schack yep because wouldn’t life be so easy if everyone did exactly what they were told and never broke the rules. Sorry to break your bubble

Seth Perkin
4 years ago

Linda B. Goller last I checked, AS A LIFEGUARD, there is more to just sitting on a chair your ignorant prick. Stop being selfish. If my sister can’t compete in the British Olympic trials then so be it but hey it’s better then someone dying.

Kim Holstine-Strong
4 years ago

Linda B. Goller if the virus supposedly dies in humidity and sunlight, why is it doing so well in Thailand, The Philippines and such places? I just returned from Thailand a month ago. It is over 90 and very humid every day.

Doug Schack
4 years ago

Kim Holstine-Strong population density and sanitary conditions? Most viruses die in humidity, but not if there is an immediate hand on the surface to contact, collect and infect. There is a time contingent also to the humidity and UV equation.

Doug Schack
4 years ago

Seth Perkin i couldn’t care less what others do. The above list is what I do to keep myself safe and what others should do too instead of hoping their government will keep them safe.

Buster Smith
4 years ago

Linda B. Goller then you have never been a lifeguard. I have. You have to roam, some pools have you do clean up, it’s more than just sitting in a high chair. You’re trying to shoe horn simple solutions into complex problems and getting frustrated that you aren’t seeing the result you want.

Seth Perkin
4 years ago

Doug Schack haha what are you on about. The whole point is that you should care what others are doing as it’s going to have a huge impact on a global scale of all walks of life. People like you always drone on about the government like it’s such a bad negative thing. Guess what, there’s health officials in every government with years more experience on this then you. Its also just about having common sense to not go to public places unless absolutely necessary and having to be a bit selfless

Doug Schack
4 years ago

Seth Perkin above all else, concern yourself about what everyone else is doing. Control that person! Would work out a lot better if a person concentrated as much on their own actions as everyone else’s. Those officials are just looking out for themselves and how they can grow their department. Government begets more government, control begets more control. There’s an amount of necessary government but it’s been far exceeded in the last 20 years.

Seth Perkin
4 years ago

Doug Schack okay how does that relate to swimming pools remaining open in a time when all non essential things should be on lockdown, which is not only government, but also the advice of health workers and anyone with common sense. Stop eluding from the point at hand to try and make this an anti-government ordeal

Linda B. Goller
4 years ago

Seth Perkin stop being nasty. Name calling will not help you. Get your facts about the virus. If you live in U.K. really not sure why US POOLS are of your concern.

Seth Perkin
4 years ago

Linda B. Goller I’m not name calling in any way, and I’m more then certain about my facts. The fact also that you think it’s none of my concern because I love in another part of the world is also rather alarming. Here’s what the facts are so please read and take it in. The US have the largest number of cases of COVID. The spread of any virus is made a lot worse when swimming pools and leisure centres alike remain open. There are many, many reasons for this including air particles from sneezing, coughing etc. Changing rooms also play a huge role in being a vector for transmission and I can ensure you as a lifeguard who cleans them there’s is zero possibility of cleaning them effectively enough to prevent this. Yes being in the water will most likely kill the pathogens but obviously it’s not just leaving your house and immediately being in the pool. Just by taking more trips in the car and in public your increasing transmission. Again, we as lifegaurds are not essential workers; we don’t need to risk becoming ill and possibly risk the lives of our family’s simply for selfish people to be able to swim and if you think there’s zero chance of transmission between swimmers and lifeguards because all we do is sit a few meters away then please go and educate yourself. Again these are just A FEW reasons why your point is so utterly stupid. You also say that it’s the coaches responsibility…okay that’s great but guess really isn’t. Coaches don’t run pools, they don’t run the leisure centres nor do they have any control on the well being of the swimmers. I couldn’t care less what level of swimming your talking about as I’ve said my sister is a highly competitive swimmer who trains at several different pools over 7 times a week and is not able to compete in the British Olympic trails this summer. But guess what? She’s not hesitating for a second to adhere to this advice because at the end of the day this is such a complex issue with so so many knock on effects. This is not about people like you being able to bend the rules so that you or relatives can train it’s about the whole world sticking together to minimise the deaths and economic losses of this disease.
Does that satisfy as a proper argument to you?

Becky Morrow Widman
4 years ago

Linda B. Goller it doesn’t die in humidity.

Linda B. Goller
4 years ago

Becky Morrow Widman with combination.

Becky Morrow Widman
4 years ago

Linda B. Goller sunlight, yes! humidity, no! Just FYI because people are putting packages and such in humid environments like garages and basements before they open them. If possible, just leave that stuff outside in the sunlight. Much better for killing the virus, but humidity is not the answer.

Linda B. Goller
4 years ago

Seth Perkin you delete the name calling. And you need some else to do then writing books on FB. Have a great life. Don’t go out you may get hit by bus, struck by lightning.
Have a great life

Doug Schack
4 years ago

Seth Perkin how does that relate to swimming pools? We’re all being toyed with. We’re being controlled and kept from things we would normally do. Years from now psychology students will study this timeframe as a period of mass hysteria. Yes there is a disease out there. Is it the bubonic plague or the four horsemen of the apocalypse? Data is starting to show it is certainly not!

Dan Seidberg
4 years ago

Rather misleading headline. 3 pools closed, in one city.

Greg Pinchbeck
4 years ago
Reply to  Dan Seidberg

Ive found many that comment don’t bother to read past the headline

Karen Kieffer Heinz
4 years ago

Michele Firlie

Marga Torrence Mikulecky

NO! Try distancing, limiting lanes to two kids…anything…

Rebecca Lauterbach
4 years ago

This is getting crazy! Sunlight kills the virus…check. Chlorine kills the virus….check. Stop taking from our swimmers and get them back in the pools!

Buster Smith
4 years ago

Rebecca Lauterbach a slight inconvenience is worth someone else’s life ? That’s quite selfish. Changing rooms, gas station stops to and from the pool. This is a small blip over the span of their lives they will be okay. It’s not like they are missing the cut for the Olympics . Think about others

Marga Torrence Mikulecky

Buster Smith It would certainly have to be with significant limitations in order to protect people as much as possible. What I would like to see is brainstorming ways it could be done with safety in mind, not just a wholesale shuttering of the pools without looking at ways it might be possible. In the end, even with limitations, it may not be feasible, but let’s at least explore the possibility.

Rebecca Lauterbach
4 years ago

Marga Torrence Mikulecky exactly! That’s all we are asking for!

Kelly Spencer Williams

Buster Smith and you know who does and doesn’t have an Olympic trial cut? I know swimmers who do have the cuts who cannot get in a pool to practice. How about the rising juniors and seniors who are looking to make cuts to get a spot on a college team? This affects many things. Those who chose not to go to the pool can do so, but those who want to be in the water shouldn’t be punished.

Buster Smith
4 years ago

Kelly Spencer Williams great thing the Olympic s were pushed back. Rising juniors and seniors are all in the same boat so the playing field stays even. A component college team isn’t going to cut off recruiting because swimmers can’t swim. You have to go to extremes to try to make that point. You’re talking about those wanting to go to the pool but can’t as a punishment. You could think about someone else for a change. You just don’t like being inconvenienced for any amount of time.

Kelly Spencer Williams

Buster Smith this isn’t about inconvenience, I have a 25 meter lap lane in my backyard for my riding junior to continue training. Thank you very much. It’s about the fact that CHLORINE AND SUN kill the virus!! You don’t want to go, don’t! The rest of us should have a choice!

David Moreno
4 years ago

No pools open here since March 15

Heath Watts
4 years ago

Pools in my home state have been closed for weeks…… 🙁

June Vyse Gravener
4 years ago
Reply to  Heath Watts

Heath Watts yes I miss my swimming
Pool closed for weeks

Jonathan Ballard
4 years ago

I guess Wisconsin competitive swimmers will have to go elsewhere to practice.

Shawn Clark Sabo
4 years ago

Praying and praying does not sweep the country…..

Carolyn Mcclow-Joniak
4 years ago

My pool in the summer is closed this summer…they told us a few weeks ago …I am so bummed. I’m a teacher and spend all my summers there ..I would swim 3 to 4 miles there 5 to 6 days and would just spend the rest of my time chillaxin ?

Jim Bowser
4 years ago

Nice back dive tuck in the pic?.
I feared the summer swim season would be cancelled For club competition. Safe, nevertheless a real bummer for the swim community.

Lisa Zenoff Harris
4 years ago


John Brigham
4 years ago


Raymond Vervlied
4 years ago


Diana Rugg
4 years ago

Ridiculous. Outdoor pools have sunshine and chlorine. Limit changing rooms if you must.

Julie Grigar
4 years ago
Reply to  Diana Rugg

Diana Rugg or don’t allow swimmers to use them…wrap up in a towel or parka and then shower/change at home. ??‍♀️

Shauna Braun-Zukowski
4 years ago

Chlorine kills everything. Crazy

Sarah McNew
4 years ago

Miriam Clark Watson No!!!

Miriam Clark Watson
4 years ago
Reply to  Sarah McNew

Sarah McNew it’s just beyond ridiculous

Matt Ciavarelli
4 years ago

Lori Lynn

Martha Kessens
4 years ago

Extremely awful decision by Wisconsin.

Lyndsay Watts
4 years ago
Reply to  Martha Kessens

Martha Kessens I’m west of Tulsa and I just messaged the city to see if ours will be staying closed for the summer. ? Not looking forward to the response. ?

Lisa Greenberg
4 years ago
Reply to  Bess Swanson

Bess Swanson Never said it was a treatment in The press conference. It was brought up by an expert there that said how long it lasts outside in the air on warm days..1 minute!
Ever revised. Just giving stats. She sat there saying nothing

Erika Marie
4 years ago

Why? We cannot live this way!

Carmen Cleare
4 years ago
Reply to  Erika Marie

Erika Marie pools closed in Australia for nearly 2 months now. Our Summer season was ended overnight, no competition, no Nationals and no Olympic Trials.

James Bainbridge
4 years ago

Reading some of the comments, it’s absolutely no surprise that the USA is now top of the league for Covid-19 infections and deaths, and likely to continue rising.

A moron for a President, an obsession with the Constitution and personal freedoms and a total failure to grasp how viral infections spread & how serious this one is.

– Anyone can carry it with few/no symptoms.
– Anyone can pass it on.
– Anyone can catch it.
– Anyone can die from it.

Act as though you HAVE the virus, that way you’re less likely to act in a way that transmits it.

Shutting pools makes sense. Going for a swim is neither essential or sensible at the moment. Do something else that requires contact with fewer people and fewer potential methods/routes of transmission.

The virus is highly unlikely to respond to ‘hopes and prayers’.

Similarly, don’t eat lightbulbs or drink bleach. ?

The harder we lockdown now, the shorter and less painful the recovery period will be.

Ryan Connell
4 years ago

“an obsession with the Constitution and personal freedoms ” I heard North Korea is open for immigration…

James Bainbridge
4 years ago

Ryan Connell ?

Ryan Connell
4 years ago

James Bainbridge how are those knife drop boxes working out for y’all?

James Bainbridge
4 years ago

Ryan Connell ??

Maria Angelica Antequera

Stay Safe Wisconsin

Allison Gober
4 years ago

Directly from CDC’s website…so why are pools closing?!?!

Jenn Rose Beech
4 years ago
Reply to  Allison Gober

Allison Gober I think it’s more financial reasons. Most pool facilities make its operating money on learn to swim and pack them in. With the need for social distancing I think most facilities don’t see how they are going to be able to run learn-to-swim programs to get that operational funds they need.

Carmen Cleare
4 years ago
Reply to  Allison Gober

Allison Gober you cant train competitive swimmer socially distanced either. It’s has nothing to do with having clean water, it’s the close proximity of the swimmers in the same lanes.

Steven Rose
4 years ago


Bess Swanson
4 years ago

Sad truth is. You cannot close a pool to community open swim & keep it open for team practice. So the hard decision was to close to all. No expenses. No need to open/hire/ clean/etc. right or wrong it’s what these decisions are based on

Julie Grigar
4 years ago
Reply to  Bess Swanson

Bess Swanson yes but when your high school swimmer only gets their training thru club (only one on team and no pool at school) it makes it near impossible to train….

Bess Swanson
4 years ago
Reply to  Bess Swanson

Julie Grigar Same when u have a college swimmer home. I think swimming as a whole is shut down in the state of Minnesota.

Julie Grigar
4 years ago
Reply to  Bess Swanson

Bess Swanson I think a lot of these decisions were made a bit premature ??‍♀️?

Donna Sizemore Hale
4 years ago

Bad decision

Ron Lulich
4 years ago

Bummer-Just got back into Masters shape when we stopped. First time in 20 years I’ve been out of the water this long. Miss it

Heidi Ho
4 years ago

Stop it

Jill Decker Johnson
4 years ago


Ryan Connell
4 years ago

Feelings are trumping facts as always. Wisconsin death are trending down and have been for three weeks.

Ryan Connell
4 years ago
Reply to  Ryan Connell

Michael White not unexpected with continued expansion of testing. The more useful data are deaths and hospitalization.

Tim Damico
4 years ago
Reply to  Ryan Connell

Ryan Connell here is a pretty accurate reporting of the hospital utilization in Wisconsin

Angela Monty
4 years ago
Reply to  Ryan Connell

Ryan Connell not unexpected when the state feels it is acceptable to hold in person elections during a world wide pandemic.

Jen Feiten Parkinson
4 years ago

It seems really early to be closing pools up North when we don’t even get nice weather until mid June! A lot can happen in 8 weeks!

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