Speed Interview For A Sprinter: Florent Manaudou Goes 18 Questions Off 10 seconds
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Just when Florent Manaudou thought he’d done talking to Swimming World’s Sabrina Knoll in Marseille, the reporter put the sprinter through a last speed test of the day:
18 questions in 180 seconds – A sprint interview with Florent Manaudou
- Cats or dogs? Cats
- Football or Handball? Handball
- Playstation or Netflix? Netflix now
- Comedy or Action movies? Comedy
- Batman or Superman? Batman, because he does not have a real super power
- Classic or Pop? Pop
- Singing or dancing? I will have to say dance, because I really can’t sing
- Sweet or salty? Salty
- Cook or eat out? Eat out. I did cook a cheese fondue a while back
- Pizza or Pasta? Pizza
- Dreamer or realist? That is a difficult one, but I think I am a dreamer
- Chaotic or organised? Organised. Sometime maybe too much
- Legs or arms? Arms, definitely arms
- 10×100 or 1k? Depends on the intensity but I think for me it is better to swim 1k easy to create more power
- Training or racing? It is still racing, but not that far ahead of training any more
- Too much or not enough? (laughs) You have to ask my coach. I hope for the perfect amount. But sometimes it is not enough, I know that.
- World champion or world record? World champion
- Worlds or Olympics? Olympics
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