Swimming World Training Set: Aerobic IM Progression

Swimming World Training Set: Aerobic IM Progression
From Swimming World’s vault, this training set is an aerobic IM progression set. Running through 200s of each stroke and 200 IMs, this set challenges swimmers to control their pace moving through each stroke while also pushing them aerobically. Take a look at the set below:
1 x 200 butterfly negative split
4 x 200 IMs descend
Rest :30
2 x 200 backstroke negative split
3 x 200 IMs descend
Rest :30
3 x 200 breaststroke negative split
2 x 200 IM descend
Rest :30
4 x 200 free negative split
1 x 200 IM all out
Beginning with a full stroke 200 butterfly, this set does not mess around. An ideal workout for high school, club, or college swimmers, the main focus of this set in negative splitting the 200s of stroke and descending all of the IM swims, ultimately ending with an all out 200 IM. Intervals should be constructed so swimmers get no less than :15 and no more than :30 seconds of rest between each swim, with an extra :30 to :60 seconds of rest after each round of IM swims.
The biggest point to get across with this set is consistency. Fast, technically correct turns and transitions should be stressed, as should controlling pace. Negative splitting the 200s of stroke teaches your swimmers how to control their tempo across all four strokes, which is key to any IM race. Additionally, by descending the 200 IMs they learn what it feels like to finish an IM swim fast even when they are tired.
If your swimmer descends down to a fast 200 IM on the first 4 x 200s but then progressively slows down throughout the set, then she is missing the point of the set. For slightly younger swimmers who may be moving into heavier training, it’s more than appropriate to adjust intervals to give swimmers additional rest. Pace and technique should be maintained throughout the set, so those same characteristics carry over when it is race time. Happy swimming!
Andy Landy
Wednesday night – you’re on! Only 1 issue for me – only 1 X 200 Fly ?
I think it would kill me but I’m willing to try ?
Birthday eve & you have aqua as well, might wait for following week ?
Yup ?