Rebecca Millard Anchors Texas Women to Big 12 Relay Record

Photo Courtesy: Andy Ringgold/Aringo

The 2017 Big 12 Swimming & Diving Championships began earlier today with a time trials session that saw Texas senior Will Licon post a new school and championship record in the 100 breast.

The evening session of day one featured some fast relay swims as teams competed in the 200 medley relays, 800 free relays, and finals of the men’s 1-meter diving.

Night One Results

Women’s 200 Medley Relay

The Texas women started the meet on a high note with a new Big 12 conference and championship meet record in the 200 medley relay. The team of Tasija Karosas (24.22), Madisyn Cox (26.59), Remedy Rule (23.23), and Rebecca Millard (21.35) turned in a combined time of 1:35.39 to lower Texas A&M’s 2012 record of 1:36.02.

Kansas’ relay team of Yulduz Kuchkarova, Haley Downey, Pia Pavlic, and Carly Straight finished second overall with a time of 1:40.03, improving upon their entry time of 1:42.70 by more than a second and a half.

Iowa State’s Kasey RobertsDanica Delaquis, Harper Emswiler, and Laura Miksch posted a third place finish of 1:40.54.

TCU picked up fourth with a 1:40.83, while West Virginia finished fifth with a time of 1:41.78.

 Event 1  Women 200 Yard Medley Relay
    School                                 Seed     Finals        
  1 Texas                               1:36.52    1:35.39  
     1) Tasija Karosas SR             2) Madisyn Cox SR               
     3) Remedy Rule SO                4) Rebecca Millard JR           
  2 Kansas                              1:42.70    1:40.03  
     1) Yulduz Kuchkarova             2) Haley Downey                 
     3) Pia Pavlic                    4) Carly Straight               
  3 Iowa State                          1:42.58    1:40.54  
     1) Kasey Roberts JR              2) Danica Delaquis JR           
     3) Harper Emswiler JR            4) Laura Miksch JR              
  4 Tx Christian                        1:43.82    1:40.83  
     1) Madison Ibrahim SO            2) Devin Newton JR              
     3) Micaela Roemer SO             4) Claire Munster FR            
  5 West Virginia                       1:43.13    1:41.78  
     1) Julia Miranda FR              2) Emma Harris SO               
     3) Morgan Bullock FR             4) Julia Nilton                 
 -- Texas  'B'                          1:37.52   X1:38.80  
     1) Claire Adams FR               2) Olivia Anderson SO           
     3) Brynne Wong SR                4) *Jordan Wheeler FR           
 -- Texas  'C'                          1:38.44   X1:39.09  
     1) Kaitlin Harty FR              2) Jordan Surhoff SR            
     3) Lauren Case FR                4) Brooke Hansen SO             
 -- Kansas  'B'                         1:45.99   X1:43.37  
     1) Hannah Angell                 2) Lydia Pocisk                 
     3) Leah Pfitzer                  4) *Brie Balsbough              
 -- Iowa State  'B'                     1:46.21   X1:43.46  
     1) Emma Ruehle FR                2) Megan Childs SR              
     3) Kenzie Goudreau SR            4) Savanna Townsend SR          
 -- Kansas  'C'                         1:48.99   X1:44.87  
     1) Taylor Sieperda               2) Gretchen Pocisk              
     3) *Zoya Wahlstrom               4) *Katy Schlies                
 -- Tx Christian  'B'                   1:45.82   X1:44.89  
     1) Elise Forzley FR              2) Ashley Dyke SR               
     3) Maddison Johnson JR           4) Hannah Dooley FR             
 -- Iowa State  'C'                     1:48.88   X1:45.97  
     1) *Evan Hundley SO              2) Haley Ruegemer SO            
     3) *Ashton Ehrecke SO            4) Maddie Rastall SR            
 -- Kansas  'D'                         1:51.99   X1:46.62  
     1) Madison Hutchison             2) *Hannah Driscoll             
     3) *Cassaundra Pino              4) Nika Fellows                 
 -- Tx Christian  'C'                   1:47.82   X1:47.13  
     1) *Ruby Powell SO               2) *Bryn Lohrberg SO            
     3) Madie Sandberg FR             4) Amanda Key FR

Men’s 200 Medley Relay

The Texas men began the championship with a win and a championship record tie. The relay team of John Shebat (21.20), Will Licon (23.70), Joseph Schooling (20.31), and Brett Ringgold (19.02) posted a combined time of 1:24.23, which ties the championship meet record of 1:24.23 set in 2009 (also by Texas).

West Virginia’s Luke Hene, Jake Armstrong, Jack Frazier, and Merwane Elmerini picked up the silver medal with a 1:28.71, while the relay team of Darian Nezami, Jakub Swierczynski, John Smith, and Garrett Hills turned in a 1:28.80 for TCU.

 Event 2  Men 200 Yard Medley Relay
    School                                 Seed     Finals        
  1 UT                                  1:25.73    1:24.23  
     1) John Shebat SO                2) Will Licon SR                
     3) Joseph Schooling JR           4) Brett Ringgold JR            
  2 West Virginia                       1:31.32    1:28.71  
     1) Luke Hene FR                  2) Jake Armstrong SO            
     3) Jack Frazier FR               4) Merwane Elmerini SO          
  3 Tx Christian                        1:30.02    1:28.80  
     1) Darian Nezami JR              2) Jakub Swierczynski JR        
     3) John Smith JR                 4) Garrett Hills SR             
 -- UT  'C'                             1:29.07   X1:26.87  
     1) *Braxton Moore FR             2) Casey Melzer SO              
     3) Tate Jackson SO               4) *Jeremy Nichols SO           
 -- UT  'B'                             1:28.44   X1:27.89  
     1) *Preston Varozza FR           2) Austin Temple JR             
     3) Will Glass SR                 4) *Jacob Huerta FR             
 -- Tx Christian  'B'                   1:32.02   X1:30.92  
     1) Christopher Hearl SR          2) Migs Martin FR               
     3) Matthew Spallas JR            4) Jonathan Drewes SO           
 -- West Virginia  'B'                       NT   X1:31.10  
     1) *Austin Hartke FR             2) *Tony Sekowski JR            
     3) Sam Neaveill FR               4) *Adam Poe SO                 
 -- Tx Christian  'C'                   1:34.02   X1:34.44  
     1) Jake Powell SR                2) John Remetta SR              
     3) *Alexander Garriga SO         4) *Ryan Whelan JR

Men’s 1-Meter Diving

Texas’ Mark Anderson took home the first individual title of the meet with a strong performance in the men’s 1-meter diving. Anderson flirted with the 400 point range as he grabbed gold with a total of 398.20 points.

West Virginia’s Michael Proietto turned in a second place finish of 366.85 points for the silver medal, while Texas freshman Jacob Cornish made his Big 12 Championship debut with a third place finish of 342.55.

 Event 4  Men 1 mtr Diving
       Big 12: * 442.70  3/26/2009 Drew Livingston, Texas
         Meet: # 441.50  2/25/2015 Will Chandler, Texas
    Name                 Year School            Prelims     Finals Points 
                             === Finals ===                              
  1 Mark Anderson          JR UT                 389.25     398.20   20  
  2 Michael Proietto       JR West Virginia      355.15     366.85   17  
  3 Jacob Cornish          FR UT                 317.45     342.55   16  
  4 Logan McHenry          JR West Virginia      313.25     314.75   15  
  5 Alex Obendorf          JR West Virginia      313.35     312.00   14  
  6 Grayson Campbell       FR UT                 340.85     300.15   13  
  7 Austin Smith           SO West Virginia      295.35     288.90   12  
  8 Gerald Hodges          FR West Virginia      263.95     229.45   11  
                          === Preliminaries ===                          
  9 Andrew Shurtleff       SO Tx Christian       253.50               9  
 10 Owen Moncino           FR Tx Christian       239.50               7  
 11 Brett Budde            FR Tx Christian       228.65               6  
 12 Coord Wiseman          FR Tx Christian       121.55               5  
                  Men - Team Rankings - Through Event 4                  
  1. West Virginia University          103   2. University of Texas                89
  3. Texas Christian University         59

Women’s 800 Free Relay

Texas continued to set themselves apart in the relays with a dominating finish of 7:00.70 in the 800 free relay. Both Madisyn Cox and Tasija Karosas returned to the pool just shortly after leading Texas to new records in the 200 medley relay. Cox led off the 800 free relay with a 1:45.09, before turning it over to Joanna Evans (1:44.27). Freshman Claire Adams delivered a 1:44.95 split, while Karosas brought the race home in 1:46.39.

Second place was picked up by Kansas’ relay team of Haley Bishop (1:48.23), Jenny Nusbaum (1:47.16), Sammie Schurig (1:49.71), and Madison Straight (1:49.71. Together the four stopped the clock at a 7:14.91.

Iowa State’s Keely Soellner (1:49.49), Silqi Luo (1:49.86), Brooke Evensen (1:49.13), and Kasey Roberts (1:51.09) posted a combined 7:19.57 for third.

West Virginia finished fourth overall with a 7:20.87, while TCU was fifth with a 7:24.12.

 Event 5  Women 800 Yard Freestyle Relay
     NCAA "A": A 7:05.68
 2016 Invited:   7:09.67
     NCAA "B": B 7:08.93
     American:   6:50.18  2/25/2015 California
                          Runge, Pelton, Piehl, Franklin
      US Open:   6:50.18  2/25/2015 California
                          Runge, Pelton, Piehl, Franklin
      NCAA D1:   6:50.18  2/25/2015 California
                          Runge, Pelton, Piehl, Franklin
       Big 12: * 6:56.52  11/30/2016University of Texas
                          Cox, Evans, Adams, Karosas
         Meet: # 6:58.37  2/25/2009 University of Texas
                          Bispo, Gingrich, Riefenstahl, Hersey
    School                                 Seed     Finals Points 
  1 Texas                               6:54.77    7:00.70A  40  
     1) Madisyn Cox SR                2) r:+0.21 Joanna Evans SO      
     3) r:+0.28 Claire Adams FR       4) r:+0.22 Tasija Karosas SR    
    r:+0.69  24.69        51.68 (51.68)
      1:18.68 (1:18.68)   1:45.09 (1:45.09)
        2:09.24 (24.15)     2:35.55 (50.46)
      3:02.40 (1:17.31)   3:29.36 (1:44.27)
        3:53.03 (23.67)     4:19.54 (50.18)
      4:46.98 (1:17.62)   5:14.31 (1:44.95)
        5:38.69 (24.38)     6:06.15 (51.84)
      6:33.60 (1:19.29)   7:00.70 (1:46.39)
  2 Kansas                              7:20.05    7:14.81   34  
     1) Haley Bishop                  2) r:+0.29 Jenny Nusbaum        
     3) r:+0.33 Sammie Schurig        4) r:+0.24 Madison Straight     
    r:+0.79  25.56        52.87 (52.87)
      1:20.34 (1:20.34)   1:48.23 (1:48.23)
        2:13.50 (25.27)     2:40.74 (52.51)
      3:07.92 (1:19.69)   3:35.39 (1:47.16)
        4:00.85 (25.46)     4:28.51 (53.12)
      4:56.70 (1:21.31)   5:25.10 (1:49.71)
                            6:18.21 (53.11)
      6:46.55 (1:21.45)   7:14.81 (1:49.71)
  3 Iowa State                          7:27.39    7:19.57   32  
     1) Keely Soellner FR             2) r:+0.17 Silqi Luo JR         
     3) r:+0.23 Brooke Evensen SR     4) r:+0.32 Kasey Roberts JR     
    r:+0.67  25.46        52.78 (52.78)
      1:20.83 (1:20.83)   1:49.49 (1:49.49)
        2:14.42 (24.93)     2:42.36 (52.87)
      3:10.75 (1:21.26)   3:39.35 (1:49.86)
        4:04.20 (24.85)     4:31.60 (52.25)
      4:59.65 (1:20.30)   5:28.48 (1:49.13)
        5:53.68 (25.20)     6:21.65 (53.17)
      6:50.32 (1:21.84)   7:19.57 (1:51.09)
  4 West Virginia                       7:29.72    7:20.87   30  
     1) Amelie Currat JR              2) r:+0.63 Emma Skelley SR      
     3) r:+0.39 Morgan Carr SO        4) r:+0.29 Alex Pampalone FR    
    r:+0.73  25.75        53.00 (53.00)
      1:20.52 (1:20.52)   1:48.53 (1:48.53)
        2:14.80 (26.27)     2:42.68 (54.15)
      3:10.78 (1:22.25)   3:38.56 (1:50.03)
        4:03.83 (25.27)     4:31.84 (53.28)
      5:00.45 (1:21.89)   5:29.02 (1:50.46)
                            6:23.23 (54.21)
      6:52.41 (1:23.39)   7:20.87 (1:51.85)
  5 Tx Christian                        7:32.29    7:24.12   28  
     1) Claire Munster FR             2) r:+0.44 Nicqueline Retberg FR
     3) r:+0.23 Taylor Newton FR      4) r:+0.22 Catherine Maxey SO   
    r:+0.72  25.42        52.94 (52.94)
      1:21.41 (1:21.41)   1:51.26 (1:51.26)
        2:16.68 (25.42)     2:44.77 (53.51)
      3:13.63 (1:22.37)   3:42.56 (1:51.30)
        4:07.87 (25.31)     4:35.69 (53.13)
      5:04.48 (1:21.92)   5:33.95 (1:51.39)
        5:59.05 (25.10)     6:26.95 (53.00)
      6:55.40 (1:21.45)   7:24.12 (1:50.17)

Men’s 800 Free Relay

The Longhorns ran away with the 800 free relay gold with a first place finish close to 20 seconds ahead of the competition. Teammates Jack Conger (1:32.54), Jeff Newkirk (1:32.62), Clark Smith (1:33.61), and Townley Haas (1:33.82) turned in a combined time of 6:12.59 to finish the first session strong.

West Virginia finished second overall with a final time of 6:32.00. They were represented in the pool by Ryan Kelly (1:37.37), Drew Damich (1:37.62), Trayton Saladin (1:38.03), and Chris McMahon (1:38.98).

TCU rounded out the podium with a final time of 6:37.06 courtesy of Radu Duican (1:37.59), Tommy Thach (1:39.88), John Smith (1:39.50), and Carlos Hunnicutt (1:40.09).

 Event 6  Men 800 Yard Freestyle Relay
    School                                 Seed     Finals        
  1 UT                                  6:20.85    6:12.59  
     1) Jack Conger SR                2) Jeff Newkirk SO              
     3) Clark Smith SR                4) Townley Haas SO              
  2 West Virginia                       6:46.19    6:32.00  
     1) Ryan Kelly FR                 2) Drew Damich SO               
     3) Trayton Saladin FR            4) Chris McMahon JR             
  3 Tx Christian                        6:41.11    6:37.06  
     1) Radu Duican FR                2) Tommy Thach SO               
     3) John Smith JR                 4) Carlos Hunnicutt JR          
 -- UT  'B'                             6:25.72   X6:20.90  
     1) PJ Dunne SR                   2) *Sam Kline FR                
     3) Will Licon SR                 4) Josh Artmann FR              
 -- Tx Christian  'B'                   6:49.11   X6:45.38  
     1) Brendan Barry FR              2) *Weston Miller JR            
     3) *Ryan Whelan JR               4) Dayne Odendaal


Live results can be found here, but can also be found on Meet Mobile – “Big 12 Swimming & Diving Championships”

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