Purdue Alumni Endow Scholarship in Honor of Swim Coach Dan Ross

Purdue Alumni Endow Scholarship in Honor of Swim Coach Dan Ross
Three Purdue swimming alumni have contributed lead gifts in the formation of the Daniel P. Ross Swimming and Diving Scholarship Endowment, the school announced Tuesday.
The three swimmers – Ross Croasdell, Larry Becker and Dan Moll – named the endowment for their former coach Ross, who has been at the helm of the boilermakers for 36 seasons. The endowment was established in late September at an alumni reunion, and the announcement was made to a group of alumni and Ross this week. More than 100 alumni were part of this year’s event.
“The teachings of Coach Ross continue to guide me and my business daily,” Croasdell said. “The years I spent as part of the swimming program at Purdue have had an incredible impact on my life and career. Purdue Swimming is sacred ground! Thank you Dan for the opportunity 26 years ago, for tattooing on my soul key life lessons and principles I needed to become a good man. He taught us all we were capable of achieving whatever we set our minds to. I owe so much to Purdue and specifically to you, Dan.”
Ross has been associated with the program for more than 40 years and is regarded as the dean of Big Ten coaching. He started as a student-athlete and became an assistant coach before taking over the Purdue program in 1985. A pair of Boilermakers, Nikola Acin and Brandon Loschiavo, competed at the Tokyo Olympics.
“Those three guys – Ross, Larry and Dan – are so very humble,” Ross said. “It’s just amazing that they’re the seed for this gift. They are just true Boilermakers who make everyone better around them. I’m humbled. I haven’t been wowed in a while and it was a true wow night Saturday. My wife Sally and I are deeply touched and continue to be blessed by everything that Purdue has given to our family.”
Croasdell, Becker and Moll all swam for Ross in the 1990s. They’ve gone on to successful careers in corporate leadership on the West Coast. The endowment is a token of their gratitude for Ross’s impact on their careers, in and out of the pool.
“Those three guys – Ross, Larry and Dan – are so very humble,” Coach Ross said. “It’s just amazing that they’re the seed for this gift. They are just true Boilermakers who make everyone better around them. I’m humbled. I haven’t been wowed in a while and it was a true wow night Saturday. My wife Sally and I are deeply touched and continue to be blessed by everything that Purdue has given to our family.”