Swimming Technique January – March 2004 Issue


This issue of Swimming Technique features January through March of 2004, 200M Backstroke WR Holder Aaron Peirsol, and swimming pointers from the pros.

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Swimming Technique January – March 2004 Issue


4  Editor’s Note
By  Phillip Whitten
Training Technique–A Pre-Req for Swimming Really Fast: A Chat with Coach Eddie Reese

6 A Lifetime Opportunity
By Erik Hamilton
With arguably the world’s top two backstrokers likely to be training together at Irvine Novaquatics, Coach Dave Salo is excited about what should be an exceptional summer.

10 Road to Success
By Steve Wilson
Proper preparation, training and taper are the key ingredients that the coaches of Blue Tide Aquatics use to get their 14-and-under  swimmers ready for championship meets.

14 Establishing an Aerobic Base
By Michael J. Stott
The first step for any successful swim team begins with the building of an aerobic base.

18 The Crossover or Modified Roll Turn with Pullout
By Kevin Milak
Michael Phelps demonstrates the difficult crossover or modified roll turn from backstroke, the following breaststroke pullout and the breakout.

22 Unfair Advantage?
By Kari Lydersen
University of Arizona head swimming coach, Frank Busch, speaks out on…the bodysuit!

By Jon Foss
One Banana, Two Banana, Push and Breathe

30 Tech Tips – Starting the Flip Turn
Demonstrated by Lindsay Benko