SWIM Magazine May 1999


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Editor’s Note

Your Views

Just Add Water

Swim Shopper

Minding Masters

USMS All-Americans


Health Waves

Swim for Fitness

Working Out

Long Distance News


Nationals Entry Form






On the Market




Taking the Plunge

By Kari Lydersen. Open water swimming can unveil new and exciting worlds for Masters swimmers. And SWIM Magazine tells you how to do it.


The Eye Opening Benefits of LASIK

By Kari Lydersen. All the hassles of glasses and contacts, both in and out of the water, can be a thing of the past. With LASIK, many swimmers are finding hat perfect vision is easily attainable and fully worth the price.


Triple Joy

By Allan Benjamin Goldstein. Karen and Jon Einsidler each have experienced the joy of competi- tive swimming and are still actively involved in Masters. But now, their joy—and responsibilities—have increased threefold…they’re the proud parents of triplets!


One Small Step, One Giant Leap

By Scott Rabalais and Rich Burns. When 11 Masters swimmers and six staff members walked into the Olympic Training Center in Colorado Springs, Colo, on Feb. 4, 1999, a new era began. It may have been one small step for these 17 pioneers, but it was one giant leap for United States Masters Swimming.


Backstroke: It’s All in Your Head

Holding the head in a steady position helps stabilize your entire body’s position when swimming backstroke.