Pernille Blume Moves to 6th in World in 50 Free; Magnus Jakupsson Breaks Danish Mark

Photo Courtesy: Danish National Team

Pernille Blume moved to sixth in the world in the 50-meter free, while Magnus Jakupsson took down a Danish record during the third day of the 2016 Danish Open.

Pernille Blume raced her way to a swift 24.47 in the women’s 50-meter free.  That swim vaulted her to sixth in the world rankings, and cleared the FINA A cut.

Jeanette Ottesen placed second in 24.74, moving up to a 13th-ranked tie and also beating the FINA A cut.

Mie Nielsen posted the third FINA A cut of the event with a 25.18 for third overall.

Magnus Jakupsson claimed a Danish record in the men’s 50-meter back with a 25.43.  That swim beat Mathias Gydesen’s 2010 record of 25.44.  Andreas Schiellerup finished second in 26.17 with Andreas Kaas Elmgreen earning third in 26.17.

Maja Nelson claimed the women’s 200-meter IM title in 2:18.04.  Katrine Bukh Villesen (2:18.52) and Maria Grandt (2:21.12) wound up second and third.

Soren Dahl won the men’s 50-meter fly with a time of 23.93.  Viktor Bromer took second in 24.68 with Magnus Sloth Poulsen earning third in 24.79.

Mie Nielsen clocked a 59.95 to top the women’s 100-meter back.  She’s been much faster with a 59.16 to rank third.  Sarah Bro (1:02.61) and Isabella Sorensen (1:03.96) placed second and third.

Alvi Hjelm won the men’s 400-meter IM in 4:30.17.  Jacob Jorgensen took second in 4:30.65 with Mikkel Gadgaard placing third in 4:34.24.

Monique Oliver won the women’s 800-meter free in 8:48.56.  Lisa Steen Duus (8:52.04) and Anna Boutrup (9:02.95) rounded out the top three.

2016 Danish Open: Day 3 – Results

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