The Confessions of a Butterflyer

Michael Phelps - Butterfly
Photo Courtesy: Rob Schumacher

Part II: The Confessions of a Butterflyer

Swimming World continues to dip into the archive and unites readers with some popular articles from the past. Today, we look at the Confessions of a Butterflyer, which follows the Confessions of a Distance Swimmer.

By Nicole Farina, Swimming World College Intern.

Sometimes I feel bad for butterfly. That’s right, I feel bad for a stroke. I mean think about it. No one ever picks butterfly for choice during practice. If you tell someone that you’re a butterflyer, their response is most likely, “I’m sorry.” Ask a swimmer what the worst practice they could ever imagine would consist of, and odds are it involves butterfly…and a lot of it.

But then I remember that butterfly actually fools us, and I don’t feel so bad for it. It is beautiful to watch. Gliding on the surface of the water as the momentum carries you across the pool. It can be mesmerizing. But, oh, looks can be deceiving. Underneath the beauty is a layer of torturous pain, only experienced by a rare species — the butterflyer.

As a lifelong butterflyer, I’ve learned the ins and outs of this roller coaster of a stroke. When I was 7 years old, I thought I was the coolest kid on my swim team for being able to legally swim butterfly. As the years went on, and the distances of butterfly didn’t go above a 50, I was thriving, living a butterfly dream.

The Cons

Until I had to do a 100. Four laps of butterfly is way scarier than two. It was around this same time that “training” butterfly became a thing for my age group. I didn’t like that very much. Swimming butterfly sporadically during practice and racing a 50 of it in a meet was just my cup of tea. I was not interested in anything extra.

“Why, oh, why do I have to have the butterfly curse?” I’ve asked myself this question countless times in the almost 10 years of my swimming career since then. Sometimes, I ask myself this in the midst of a 200 fly set, as I gaze over at the cheerful sprinters through my tear-filled goggles.

Sometimes, I think about it when I’m actually swimming a 200 fly, untapered, and dying (which is a sad sight, because as we all know, there’s no hiding in the 200 fly). If you die, you die. And die hard.

And sometimes, I just wonder. Why do I have to always have that permanent third leg of the medley relay? What’s it like to lead off or anchor? Sharing a lane is impossible, because I’m constantly whacking someone every other stroke I take.

My shoulders are definitely larger than what is considered natural. Speaking of shoulders, mine feel like they’re going to fall off every day. I’m swallowing water during this set, and the backstrokers over there get to breathe the entire time. Nice. And to top it all off, this stroke only has one speed. I don’t ever get to swim easy.

The Pros


Photo Courtesy: Rob Schumacher-USA TODAY Sports

I could go on and on about the cons of this nightmarish stroke. But there’s something that’s stopping me. And that something is: Though being a butterflyer is a curse, it’s even more of a blessing. A love-hate relationship, if you will. And while they might hate to admit it, all butterflyers feel the same way.

There’s something magical about it. Maybe it’s the power of your killer underwaters that you’ve practiced for years giving you that extra push in a close race. Maybe it’s the graceful way your arms fall on the surface of the water almost effortlessly, with your muscles knowing exactly what to do. But it’s probably the fact that you’re good at what most people are scared of. The thought of swimming a 200 butterfly makes most swimmers shudder. Although you know the pain of it like the back of your hand, you still do it. And it’s never that bad.

There’s a pride to be had in being a butterflyer. Your stomach may be in knots after a tough practice, but you’re so proud of yourself for doing it. People respect you for the grueling work you put in, as it’s something most of them couldn’t ever imagine doing. What’s even more awe-worthy is that you’re still swimming butterfly this late in your swimming career. You didn’t try to switch strokes, and you didn’t quit. You accepted the fact that swimming is your sport, and butterfly is your stroke. And you own it.

Bad butterfly races are bad. Seriously bad. Painful, exhausting…the whole nine yards. But a good butterfly race…there’s few words that can truly capture that experience. Every ounce of exhausting effort you put in during practice paid off: You nailed your turns. You smoothly glided across the water. You feel on top of the world. To me, there’s no better feeling. And that right there is what makes all the difference to a butterflyer.

All commentaries are the opinion of the author and do not necessarily reflect the views of Swimming World Magazine nor its staff.

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Tony Schorr
7 years ago

I swam butterfly, IM and butterfly on relays.. it is a difficult stroke, but once you learn how to put all the parts together, it’s a great swim!!!

Sebastian Schwenke
7 years ago

Jasmin Cooper wieder was zur Anregung ?

Jasmin Cooper
7 years ago

Danke! Guter Stoff! 🙂

Rhonda Nunnally Brownrigg

Madelyn Lynch

Natalie Archer
7 years ago

Brittany Archer

Román Carey
7 years ago

really feeling it. If you don’t #butterfly you´re not a true #swimmer… Every day in my sets @MySwimPro

Barbara King Ward
7 years ago

It was my stroke as well. However, now in my 60s it has caught up with me. I can’t lift my left arm above waist height. My shoulder joint is bone on bone and I have to have a shoulder joint replacement to end the constant pain that was exasperated in my youth

Johnny Karnofsky
7 years ago

My dad had calcium deposits that eventually had to be carved from his rotator cuffs… it got to the point where his arms felt like they just popped out of the sockets…. they did them one side at a time…

Barbara King Ward
7 years ago

Johnny Karnofsky very interesting. I have no deposits. Just all cartilage and everything gone and joint crumbling away so the whole joint has to be replaced

Lori Noble
Lori Noble
9 months ago

I just turned 61 in July can still do it,and get compliments on how good I look!

Jodie Murphy Lowe
7 years ago

what do you say Alicia Lowe? You want to be a butterfly, ‘eh? Beautiful…. you can do it!! YOU can!

Dimitra Zoi
7 years ago

I chose butterfly since day one but butterfly didnt choose me?. It is mesmerizing to say the least

Mica Botha
7 years ago

It takes commitment…

Rhonda Lawson Grieser
7 years ago

Makes every age grouper look like a stud.

Lone Weinreich
7 years ago

Noget du kender til Laura Weinreich ???‍♀️

Sari Puzio Carroll
7 years ago

Delaney Walz, I was looking at your meet results, it’s great to be able to follow you online. This is a funny article, think you’ll like it!

Delaney Walz
7 years ago

AHHH Thank you! I miss you guys! haha I love this

Abhinav Prakash
7 years ago

Stupid article

Jeanine Apuron
7 years ago

Good read Evan Apuron and Darien Apuron

Donielle Derington Underwood

Madison Underwood

Andrea Bartholomew Prevost

Noah Prevost

Emily Garratt
7 years ago

Darren Garratt Ben Garratt

Lee-anne Matthews
7 years ago

Mark Matthews

Marie-José Borger
7 years ago

Marlon Borger!!

Sara Juul Wolfgang
7 years ago

Elise Lund

Sarah Cress
7 years ago

By far the prettiest stroke to watch when it’s done right.

Schofield Tamara
7 years ago

Amazing article ?

Diane James Storman
7 years ago

Fliers unite!

Michel Wigbers
7 years ago

Bido Mohamed, Vera Kalous,

Elaine Yule
7 years ago

Laura Govan!! Xxx

Cedric Chan
7 years ago

Hayleey Ann

Hayleey Ann
7 years ago
Reply to  Cedric Chan

This is honestly the best thing I’ve read

Ap Ril
7 years ago

Julie Green Kristen Kenney Garcia

Lynette Hines
7 years ago

I am 71 and swim 200 fly !!! I am mad thats why I still do it. My swan song will be Wotld Masters Games in April 2017. Then I can enjoy my freestyle and swim easy if I choose !!!

Karen Rose
7 years ago
Reply to  Lynette Hines

Amazing! and Inspirational!

Sylvia Nowak
7 years ago

Emilia Nowak you are the butterflyer ??❤️❤️

Sonja Smith
7 years ago

Josh Smith

Karin Knudson O'Connell
7 years ago

Sometimes I can’t breath let alone speak after a lap of butterfly. Been there.

7 years ago
Reply to  Gary

breathe breathe breathe

Kevin Van Roy
7 years ago

Bastiaan Van Eycken

Heather Butler
7 years ago

Katrina Brooks

Jeremy Lagonilla
7 years ago

Tarah Ogilvie

Tarah Ogilvie
7 years ago

confessions of a butterflyer- tarah edition – IT FUCKING SUCKS

Ryan George
7 years ago

Allison Somers

Kelsey Taylor
7 years ago
Reply to  Ryan George

Holly Wright

Allison Somers
7 years ago
Reply to  Ryan George

That is this most accurate thing I have ever read

Belinda Cooney
7 years ago

Gemma Cooney

7 years ago

Obviously, people can relate to things in this essay, because a few actually read and made a comment instead of their Kilroy. Even the “stupid article” cooment is a good sign.

I can’t swim 200 meters of butterfly – I wish I would have tried to learn when I was a teenager. Nevertheless, I have swum a lot of it now. I like it because it’s hard to swim but yet the design of the stroke is exquisite. In a sense, they all are; it’s just that butterfly is in its own class.

Alice Parslow
7 years ago

Abi Abrahams isnt this your stroke?? ?

Lynette Hines
7 years ago

Thanks Karen !

Kassandra Chronakos
7 years ago

Katelyn Strauss

Katelyn Strauss
7 years ago

lol tear filled goggles is so right ?

John Fellows
7 years ago

Kent FellowsAlexandria Fellows. So True.

Vaughn Wiles
7 years ago

Annette Wiles, I wonder if this is how our fly boy feels about it?!

Melanie Loo
7 years ago

So true! This is hilarious.

Kay Jackson
7 years ago

Megan Sharp ??

Lisa Yeingst- Biggs
7 years ago

Brittany Biggs

Marc Lagacé
7 years ago

Gabrièle Lagacé

Amanda Lelii
7 years ago

Kat Douglas

Amanda Boley Reynolds
7 years ago


Carsten Jermiin Wredstrøm

Agree ?

Teresa Rhodes
7 years ago

Still struggling with the butterfly, but love it! Total body exercise, especially for the abs!

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