Once a Hawk, Always a Hawk: 4 “Swammers'” Favorite Memories at SMCM

Photo Courtesy: Samantha Schoenecker

By Jennifer Yoo, Swimming World College Intern.

In the midst of finals and graduation, the finish line for seniors is clearer than ever. College graduates begin making their final preparations for the next step in their lives towards adulthood. The chaos that comes with the end of the year can make the swimming season feel like eons ago. As this school year closes, swimmers become swammers, signifying an end to a major chapter of their lives and time to reflect on their swimming careers.

Just as every other collegiate program bids farewell to their beloved senior classes, St. Mary’s College of Maryland (SMCM) has said good bye to many dedicated swimmers this year. Seniors at SMCM reflect on their time as a Seahawk to share their favorite memories.

1. CAC Championships


Schoenecker and teammates cheering on a fellow Seahawk. Photo Courtesy: Samantha Schoenecker

Samantha Schoenecker: My favorite memories from swimming at SMCM revolve around the Capital Aquatics Conference (CAC) champs. From doing the team cheer before the meet starts to cheering each other on during races, the atmosphere at champs is so supportive and exciting.

One of my favorite parts about CAC champs is the week-long “secret psych” tradition that the women’s team has. It’s similar to a secret Santa in that we all randomly pick a women’s team member and plan out gifts and decorations for their locker for the whole week! It’s a great way to get to know a fellow teammate and start to get excited and pumped. Traditions such as this one show that swimming in college was more than just getting to compete in the sport I love: it was about the friendships I made with my teammates that made the experience so great.

2. Team Hugs


The senior meet hug. Photo Courtesy: Caroline Petosa

Caroline Petosa: I only swam for SMCM for my last two years of college, but joining was the best decision I made during my entire undergrad career. While the past two seasons have flown by and it’s hard to believe it’s actually over, this team gave me my best friends and my favorite memories. One of my favorite moments was the group hug after the senior meet. We do a team group hug after most meets; however, after the senior meet, the rest of the team squished all of the seniors into the middle. It just made me realize how great my life is because of this team and this sport.

3. Team Cheers


The entire SMCM team participating in the men’s cheer tradition before championship meet, with seniors in the center. Photo Courtesy: Samantha Schoenecker

Reed Rhoads: The men’s cheer tradition!

4. The Process


Baughman after 100 breast at CAC championships. Photo Courtesy: Hailley Baughman

Hailley Baughman: Shortly after the start of my last semester, champs was finally here. My teammates and I finally made it to the last swim meet of the season. Our team had numerous personal bests, and multiple team records broken during this meet. As I headed into my 100 breast, I was overwhelmed with emotions but I had this gut feeling. It was a relaxed feeling because I was at our school’s pool surrounded by the most supportive group of people. Once I finished my race, I looked above the blocks: my teammates were raging with excitement and satisfaction. I must have blinked about one hundred times to make sure that the score board was correct: I did it. I won the women’s 100 breast and broke the school record.

But that’s it. Breaking the school record was rewarding but not as rewarding as looking back at my swimming career and noting the change in performance, stroke and work ethic. I can see how I became determined to achieve my goals and the process of how I got there. Watching progress within myself and my teammates would have to be my best memory.

Share Your Memories

The memories that these swammers have elevates swimming to become more than just a sport. The traditions and friendships that they created while being on the SMCM swim team will be carried for the rest of their lives. Although they will be missed, we wish them the best on their journey.

Seniors – congratulations on your accomplishments! Share your favorite swim memories in the comments below.

-All commentaries are the opinion of the author and do not necessarily reflect the views of Swimming World Magazine nor its staff.

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5 years ago

Great article!!!

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