Oklahoma Christian Attempting 24-Hour Marathon Mile Swims As Fundraising Event

24 Hour Oklahoma Christian Swim

Oklahoma Christian Attempting 24-Hour Marathon Mile Swims As Fundraising Event

Beginning Friday night, April 21, Oklahoma Christian Associate Head Coach Noah Yanchulis, senior captain Andrew Ehler and four other OC Swimmers will attempt the feat of swimming a mile every hour for 24 hours in a row. The ultra-marathon swim is scheduled to begin at 8 p.m. with a 1500-meter swim, an effort that will be repeated 23 more times into Saturday night.

If the feat is accomplished, it will mean the participants will have covered 36,000 meters in a 24-hour period. The Oklahoma Christian swim team will live-stream the event for the full 24 hours, the broadcast including interviews from Oklahoma Christian head coach and two-time Olympian Josh Davis and the 55 members of the team.

OC Swimming is asking for a $48 donation, or $2 per hour, to support Yanchulis and the five other swimmers attempting this test of perseverance and fitness. This tax deductible donation to the OC Swim Team will help support the need for two new pace clocks, two new power towers and a new timing system.

The ultimate goal is to have 200 people donate for a total of $9600.

The six swimmers attempting this unique and difficult test of swimming endurance will be coaches Yanchulis and Juliana Cifuentes Cepeda, seniors Ehler, Mallory Mead and Carl Jackson and freshman Landon Casaday.

Davis, an Olympian in 1996 and 2000, said: “This is going to be one of the hardest fitness challenges I’ve ever seen but Coach Noah and these five swimmers are tough and smart so it will be exciting to see how they manage their fueling, rest and performance over the course of 24 hours. This is a testimony to the tough culture we are establishing here at Oklahoma Christian and evidence of how much they appreciate their time at OC and want to raise awareness of how to support OC Swimming. A special thanks goes to senior captain Andrew Ehler, for initiating the idea for this fitness and fundraising challenge.”

Livestream Link

Donations Link


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T Hill
T Hill
1 year ago

Try 5 swimmers going 50’s & 100 in relay style for 24 hrs. Was a Guinness Book of records for awhile- not sure it’s still current. Had 5 ladies (2 different times) ave 30,000yds. taking 1.5 hr. nap and do a few massage sessions every few hours, where we’d be down to 4 swimmers. At the end we do a dive 100 at or near best times. Extremely tough physcially/mentally.

Ben Yamsek
Ben Yamsek
1 year ago

Imagine doing the whole 24 hours butterfly????????

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