Notre Dame Men’s Swimming Program Under Investigation for Potential ‘Culture Issues’

Photo Courtesy: MICHAEL MILLER

After a stunning performance at the U.S. Olympic Swimming Trials last week, the Notre Dame swimming and diving program got some stunning news.

Notre Dame Athletic Director Pete Bevacqua informed the athletic staff via email that an external review of potential “culture issues” within the men’s swimming and diving program is underway, according to an email obtained by Sports Illustrated’s Pat Forde.


“Earlier today, in response to recently received reports of potential issues with the culture of our men’s swimming and diving team, we held a meeting with the program. Based on our internal inquiry upon learning of the potential issues, the Office of General Counsel has retained the law firm of Ropes & Gray LLP to conduct a timely, independent review of the program,” Bevacqua wrote in the email. “I believe it is important that you are aware of this matter and the steps being taken to ensure a fair and complete review. We are working closely with outside counsel, university officials and head coach Chris Lindauer and his staff to take the proper actions as thoroughly and expeditiously as possible.”

Lindauer was named to the U.S. Olympic staff for Paris after swimmer Chris Guiliano became the first male swimmer from Notre Dame to qualify for the Olympics, stunningly qualifying in the 50, 100 and 200 freestyle events.

According to Forde, the outside review is supposed to conclude near the end of August.

“We take seriously our obligation to foster a community of student-athletes who not only compete and perform at the highest level academically and athletically, but whose conduct is exemplary in all aspects of student life,” the email concluded.

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