Northern Kentucky Clippers Win 5th Straight Ohio Open Water Championship
The Northern Kentucky Clippers won their fifth straight Ohio LSC Open Water Championship yesterday at the Heuston Woods State Park in College Corner, Ohio. The Clippers scored 861 points overall, more than double of the next closest competitor’s score.
A handful of Clipper girls won their respective age groups including Sophie Skinner (15 & over girls), Mariah Denigan (11-12 girls), and Callie Young (9-10 girls). Numerous other Clippers made their way into the top three, with second-place finishes from Seth Young (11-12 boys), Aaron Lanham (13-14 boys), and Elizabeth Smith (9-10 girls).
The Clipper boys swept the combined-time relays for the 10 & under boys, 11-12 boys, and 13-14 boys, while their 15 & over boys placed second to the Dayton Raiders.
On the girls’ side, the Clippers won the 9-10, 13-14, and 15 & over relays, and their 11-12 girls placed second to the WTRC Sharks.
The M.E. Lyons-Anderson Barracudas placed second in the Ohio Division, while the Dayton Raiders took third.