Is It Okay To Be More Than Swim Friends?
By Katie Seaton, Swimming World College Intern
Original posted January 15, 2015
HONOLULU- Is It Worth It? To become more than swim friends? Before jumping into a messy pool of emotions that will be difficult to climb out of, weigh the options. Yes, his chlorine-dried hair, broad back and chiseled six pack or her toned legs, eye blinding tan lines and messy buns may be reeling you in, but what are the possible consequences of making a teammate your significant other?
· You will see them everyday.
· They will never ever complain about your schedule!
· You will ALWAYS have something to talk about.
· You can take ice baths and nap together.
· Since they see you dry or makeup free on a daily basis, there is no need to “get ready.”
· Forgot your goggles? Need a ride to the meet? Got knots in your shoulders? They’ve got you covered.
· You automatically have a cheerleader at the end of your lane during every meet!
· Misery loves company. Your love was a few lanes over suffering through that 10 grand set too.
· Swimmers are a special breed.
· You will see them everyday.
· Good luck avoiding them after your first fight.
· They see you at your absolute worst- gasping for air after that hard main set, maybe even crying. Thank goodness you’re wearing goggles.
· Swim caps are attractive, right?
· When the team finds out and will never let you forget.
· Your coach knows and sees everything.
· So… do you keep PDA away from the pool deck and pretend you are not dating at practice?
· They are there to witness the unrealistic amounts of food you consume (even ladies know it is hard to hide hunger after practice).
· Sometimes you need a break from the swim world.
Good luck with your dating endeavors, swimmers. Feel free too add other pros and cons in the comments below or share your personal experience with inter-team dating.
– lack of focus or focus on “other” instead of task at hand or working to make yourself better.
– more concerned with “others” results than you are of your own.
– one wants to skip practice turns into both skipping practice
– PDA in practice, during practice
– I’ll think of some more
idk if my comment posted or not but….
i would love if connor was kissing me. 😉
You end up marrying your best friend.
Always thought swimmers and cross-country runners were the perfect match. They also understand the early mornings, hard workouts, dedication, etc., but avoid most of the cons.
Plus it’s nice to get our of the pool and cheer your significant other on a beautiful fall day.