Missouri’s Greg Rhodenbaugh Under Title IX Investigation

Earlier this week, it was reported that Missouri head coach Greg Rhodenbaugh was placed on paid administrative leave for “team management issues.” The Kansas City Star has reported that Rhodenbaugh is under investigation for a Title IX issue.
The Star has reported that multiple female swimmers, current and past, came forward with issues about Rhodenbaugh’s management of female athletes.
“Each girl who had stepped forward has been affected in some way or another but each has her own story to tell,” a former swimmer said in a message to The Star. “Sadly it’s been going on for years but now we are all brave and are working together to help the next group of female athletes.”
The same former athlete, who asked not to be identified, said the investigation “definitely has to do with discrimination” of women’s swimmers.
The Title IX office opened the investigation on Rhodenbaugh on Monday and placed the coach on paid administrative leave later that day.
The full report from The Kansas City Star can be read here.
Too bad the female swimmer didn’t learn her teammates are women and not girls?
Colleen Hazlett it’s sad that is what you are taking away from this story. There is a time and a place for that discussion, this isn’t the time. It takes away from the bigger issue.
Katie McNerney Really! An article about the school violating Title IX is not the time or place to talk about referring to women as girls???
Are you aware what Title IX is? This is the bigger issue?
Colleen Hazlett having been a College Coach for almost a decade, I am more then aware of Title IX and It’s purpose. Making an issue out of a former female swimmer using the term “girls” in a none hurtful, or judgemental way is less of an issue then what the article is about. I catch myself saying “hey guys” to my whole team. I’m aware of it, working on it, but it happens. Intent matters and so does focusing on the topic and not over looking the main issue of the article. Have a good day.
Did anyone click the link? The only example given of discrimination was when one swimmer asked him about her mental health he told her to pray. That’s discrimination? As a Christian prayer works for me with mental health issues. Why was this brought up as a Title IX issue? No other examples were given in the news paper article but if that’s the kind of stuff then it’s a waste of time.
Title IX has been turned into a weapon.
If the female swimmer who was having mental health concerns was told to pray and it was later found that a male swimmer who was also having mental health issues was told to seek therapy (or take his meds or take care of himself) than yes, it can be seen as sex discrimination and would be within the purview of Title IX. But even without knowing the full details of the investigation the swimmer did state in the article that she was not religious so telling her to pray would not have been adequate counseling and may infringe on other civil liberties.
So telling a person to pray is somehow wrong advice. I have to believe he’s a Christian and it doesn’t matter if she isn’t his response is fine. He’s a coach not a councilor. And how can saying pray about it infringe on civil liberties.
This sounds fishy if this is the only example in the article.