Photo Courtesy: Peter H. Bick
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Dressel is obviously over trained and under prepared for this meet.
How do you explain 100fly?
Awesomw in Fly: his best Stroke….but I cannot figure the free? What caused that?
They, and I mean all of these top swimmers cannot swim a world record every race!! As long as they finish on top they will train accordingly into Tokyo
Paul White Still slower by far from his best time and also slower than what he did at U.S.nationals.
Every one is way to quick to draw conclusions. Let me remind you of what happened at worlds last year and I will remind in two years at the olympics. Chill
Or he was in a motorcycle accident end of June. Might be that.
Brett Davies I want you to take out a stopwatch and using the start/stop button, click the difference between his best time and his Pan PAC Finals time.. he could very well have had a couple of off meets in close succession. Could there be lingering effects of the accident, maybe, or he just had a off champ season… you feel the same way about KL and her meets this past week?
Erik Wiken
I did not know about the accident till after I posted.
So obviously I was not wrong about him not been fully prepared and ready for this meet just the wrong reason. As for KL she generally had a fairly decent meet.
Wow, would only have been 3rd at the Euro’s !!!
Louis Ortiz Andres Javier Solivan Juan Andres Arellano Uribe !!!
Andrew needs more volume to be a serious player at the world level.
Andrew is doing dryland now too.
Slowly but with perfect technique. Lol
I thought USRPT prohibited this
Anyone know why he does not do the 100 Free?
what was his time for his 50 free?