Mark Schubert Confirms USA Swimming Sent Letter On Possibility Of Opening Mission Viejo Pool for Practice


Mission Viejo Nadadores coach Mark Schubert confirmed to Swimming World on Monday night that he did have a personalized letter sent to him from USA Swimming that stated the organization would not prohibit the club from holding organized practices, as long as the club was respecting guidelines put in place by local, state and federal public health officials.

Swimming World spoke to Schubert after USA Swimming denied having sent a letter to the coach specifically allowing Mission Viejo to hold organized practice.

We were able to verify that Schubert received a letter that was addressed to him and that Schubert received approval from the City of Mission Viejo to conduct practices by following local guidelines.

In both instances, it appears that Schubert could move forward.

Earlier in the day, a USA Swimming spokesperson told Swimming World that Mission Viejo received the same guidance that all clubs received, which directed MVN to follow local, state and federal rules.

Both letters never gave official approval, but the one that Schubert received emphasized that USA Swimming could not “prohibit” practices as long as guidelines were followed.

“We are trying to do everything by the book as the city has asked us to do — including getting the letter,” Schubert said. “I think we are doing a great job of doing that.”
This news comes after Schubert held his first organized practice on Friday after he told Swimming World that he had received clearance from USA Swimming and the city of Mission Viejo as long as he and his athletes adhered to strict social distancing guidelines in place. The city of Mission Viejo sent guidelines to follow for the implementation of practice sessions, and these policies were followed when 18 swimmers resumed practice on Friday.

A seven-time Olympic coach and the former National Team Director for USA Swimming, Mark Schubert is in his second stint as the head coach of the Mission Viejo Nadadores. His first stint at the Southern California club produced Olympic champions Brian Goodell and Shirley Babashoff. Schubert has also guided Hall of Famers Janet Evans, Lenny Krayzelburg and Tiffany Cohen, among others.

Currently, Schubert is coaching a pair of Olympic hopefuls in Michael Brinegar and Katie Crom. Brinegar is a contender to qualify for the 2021 Olympic Games in the distance-freestyle events, while Crom is a threat to earn an Olympic bid in the 200 butterfly.

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Maureen Fluehr Carll
4 years ago

Just publish the letter that ends the speculation.As of now,I thought he needed the governor’s ok but I see that may change to local control

Leslie Cichocki
4 years ago

Maureen Fluehr Carll it’s nice they are back in the water. USA Swimming what about other clubs to start training?

Rob Richardson
4 years ago

I have asked for a copy of the letter/proposal from USA swimming and my LSC – nothing back but crickets!

John Vogel
4 years ago

You people who criticize others, especially one of our Olympic coaches, should take care of your own team. Mission has set a great example to others for years.

John Hoskins
4 years ago

One swimmer in the pool gives us all hope.