Lilly King Drops 1:05.68 100 Breast in TYR Pro Swim Series Bloomington (RACE VIDEO)

After an upset this morning in prelims, Lilly King reclaimed her spot at the top of the results sheet with a stellar 1:05.68 100 breast, over two seconds faster than her swim this morning. Bumping Annie Lazor (1:06.03) to second, King was a mere second and a half off of her world record, which stirs excitement in the swim community about what is to come.
There was a three-way tie for third, as Bethany Galat, Emily Escobedo, and Madisyn Cox all clocked in at 1:07.59, slashing their seeds and beating King’s time from this morning. Allie Raab claimed sixth with a 1:09.51, edging out Melissa Rodriguez (1:09.57) and Noelle Peplowski (1:10.79) from the end lane. All eight woman were well under the 2020 Olympic Trials cut.
Swimming World’s TYR Pro Swim Series Page
Event 5 Women 100 LC Meter Breaststroke ================================================================== World: W 1:04.13 7/25/2017 Lilly King, USA American: A 1:04.13 7/25/2017 Lilly King, USA U.S. Open: O 1:04.45 8/7/2009 Jessica Hardy, Trojan Jr World: 1:05.39 8/20/2014 Ruta Meilutyte, LTU Pro Swim: P 1:05.57 2011 Rebecca Soni Trial Cut: T 1:10.99 Name Age Team Prelims Finals FINA ================================================================== === A - Final === 1 Lilly King 22 Indiana S.C. 1:07.73 1:05.68T 930 r:+0.66 31.37 1:05.68 (34.31) 2 Annie Lazor 24 Mission Viejo Na 1:07.15 1:06.03T 916 r:+0.68 31.21 1:06.03 (34.82) 3 Bethany Galat 23 Aggie Swim Club 1:09.27 1:07.59T 854 r:+0.51 31.90 1:07.59 (35.69) 3 Emily Escobedo 23 Condors Swim Clu 1:08.55 1:07.59T 854 r:+0.68 32.15 1:07.59 (35.44) 3 Madisyn Cox 23 Longhorn Aquatic 1:08.57 1:07.59T 854 r:+0.67 32.14 1:07.59 (35.45) 6 Allie Raab 19 Unattached 1:09.99 1:09.51T 785 r:+0.69 32.74 1:09.51 (36.77) 7 Melissa Rodrigu 24 Mexico 1:09.32 1:09.57 783 r:+0.68 32.65 1:09.57 (36.92) 8 Noelle Peplowsk 19 Indiana S.C. 1:10.22 1:10.79T 743 r:+0.64 33.39 1:10.79 (37.40)