Katie McLaughlin Takes Women’s 200 Butterfly in Santa Clara


Editorial content for the 2017 Arena Pro Swim Series Santa Clara is sponsored by Arena. Visit ArenaUSA.com for more information on our sponsor. For full Swimming World coverage, check out our event coverage page. CLICK HERE FOR LIVE RESULTS

The first event on the final night in Santa Clara went to Cal-Berkeley’s Katie McLaughlin. McLaughlin won the 200 butterfly in 2:10.35, leading the race from start to finish.

Texas teammates Lauren Case and Remedy Rule battled it out for second. Case got her hand on the wall first, touching second after McLaughlin in 2:10.80. Rule finished third in 2:11.41.

Fourth place went to Mexico’s Diana Luna Sanchez in 2:13.26. Luna Sanchez just touched out Venezuela’s Isabella Paez, who came in fourth in 2:13.36.

Mexico’s Maria Jose Mata Coco placed sixth in 2:13.51, while Caitlin Casazza of Georgia was seventh in 2:15.11.

Maria Clara Roman Mantilla of the Tiburones Tolima came in eighth in 2:15.24. Canadian Victoria Kwan rounded out the top nine in 2:16.17.

Event 19  Women 200 LC Meter Butterfly
    Name                  Age Team              Prelims     Finals        
                        === A - Final ===                         
  1 McLaughlin, Katie A    19 Cal-PC-           2:12.21    2:10.35  
                 28.73      1:01.35 (32.62)
        1:35.35 (34.00)     2:10.35 (35.00)
  2 Case, Lauren E         18 Longhorn Aquatic  2:12.83    2:10.80  
                 29.58      1:02.82 (33.24)
        1:36.86 (34.04)     2:10.80 (33.94)
  3 Rule, Remedy A         20 Longhorn Aquatic  2:14.02    2:11.41  
                 29.65      1:02.66 (33.01)
        1:36.38 (33.72)     2:11.41 (35.03)
  4 Luna Sanchez, Diana    26 Mexico-           2:14.28    2:13.26  
                 31.48      1:04.53 (33.05)
        1:39.83 (35.30)     2:13.26 (33.43)
  5 Paez, Isabella M       21 Venezuela-        2:13.61    2:13.36  
                 30.48      1:04.58 (34.10)
        1:38.75 (34.17)     2:13.36 (34.61)
  6 Mata Coco, Maria Jose  23 Mexico-           2:14.05    2:13.51  
                 30.21      1:03.66 (33.45)
        1:38.19 (34.53)     2:13.51 (35.32)
  7 Casazza, Caitlin N     20 Georgia-GA-       2:15.23    2:15.11  
                 30.35      1:04.53 (34.18)
        1:40.22 (35.69)     2:15.11 (34.89)
  8 Roman Mantilla, Maria  16 Tiburones Tolima  2:14.27    2:15.24  
                 30.89      1:04.24 (33.35)
        1:39.38 (35.14)     2:15.24 (35.86)
  9 Kwan, Victoria         16 Canada-Junior-    2:15.29    2:16.17  
                 30.80      1:05.56 (34.76)
        1:40.59 (35.03)     2:16.17 (35.58)
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Lisa Moxley Tigert
7 years ago

Way to go, Katie!!!!

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