Joseph Schooling Grabs 100 Free Victory at Austin Speedo Sectionals

Photo Courtesy: Andy Ringgold / Aringo Photos

The 2017 Speedo Southern Sectionals splashed into action today down in Austin, Texas, hosted by the Longhorn Aquatic Club.

Women’s 100 Free

Lauren Pitzer of Lakeside Aquatic’s splashed to gold in the women’s 100 free, stopping the clock at the only sub-56 second time – 55.79. Analise Diener and Brooke Hansen, both of Longhorn Aquatics, picked up second and third with times of 56.39 and 56.84 respectively.

                       === Championship Final ===                        
  1 Lauren Pitzer          18 Lakeside Aquatic    56.58      55.79   20  
    r:+0.71  26.52        55.79 (29.27)
  2 Anelise Diener         19 Longhorn Aquatic    57.08      56.39   17  
    r:+0.75  26.99        56.39 (29.40)
  3 Brooke Hansen          20 Longhorn Aquatic    57.93      56.84   16  
    r:+0.76  27.18        56.84 (29.66)
  4 Kathryn Portz          19 Aggie Swim Club     57.67      57.02   15  
    r:+0.72  27.45        57.02 (29.57)
  5 Monica Gumina          17 Magnolia Aquatic    57.91      57.41   14  
    r:+0.73  27.70        57.41 (29.71)
  6 Sydney Stanford        16 Cypress Fairbank    58.03      57.66   13  
    r:+0.74  27.94        57.66 (29.72)
  7 Samantha Porter        18 Lakeside Aquatic    58.03      57.94   12  
    r:+0.76  27.61        57.94 (30.33)
  8 Emma Wheal             15 WHAC                58.09      57.98   11  
    r:+0.70  28.23        57.98 (29.75)

Men’s 100 Free

Joseph Schooling, representing Longhorn Aquatics, delivered the top time of the night in the men’s 100 free at a final 48.74. Fellow Longhorn, Tate Jackson, grabbed second overall with a time of 49.60, while Jeremy Nichols, swimming unattached, was third with a 50.44.

                       === Championship Final ===                        
  1 Joseph Schooling       22 Longhorn Aquatic    50.14      48.74   20  
    r:+0.59  23.44        48.74 (25.30)
  2 Tate Jackson           20 Longhorn Aquatic    50.01      49.60   17  
    r:+0.70  23.75        49.60 (25.85)
  3 Jeremy Nichols         19 Un-St               51.21      50.44   16  
    r:+0.72  24.32        50.44 (26.12)
  4 Brett Ringgold         22 North Texas Nada    50.72      50.66   15  
    r:+0.71  23.94        50.66 (26.72)
  5 Jeffrey Newkirk        20 Un-St               51.24      50.98   14  
    r:+0.67  24.50        50.98 (26.48)
  6 James Cooper           24 Longhorn Aquatic    51.39      51.03   13  
    r:+0.69  24.58        51.03 (26.45)
  7 Alexander Zettle       17 Lakeside Aquatic    52.05      51.40   12  
    r:+0.77  24.94        51.40 (26.46)
  8 Jacob Huerta           19 Longhorn Aquatic    51.71      51.89   11  
    r:+0.73  24.75        51.89 (27.14)

Women’s 200 Back

Quinn Carrozza of Longhorn Aquatics dominated the women’s 200 back field with a time of 2:11.01, finishing more than four second ahead of the competition.

Kaitlin Harty, swimming unattached, finished second overall with a 2:15.12, followed by Austin Swim Club’s Kendall Shields and her time of 2:15.90.

                      === Championship Final ===                        
  1 Quinn Carrozza         20 Longhorn Aquatic  2:11.76    2:11.01   20  
             30.86      1:03.64 (32.78)
        1:36.86 (33.22)     2:11.01 (34.15)
  2 Kaitlin Harty          19 Un-St             2:16.21    2:15.12   17  
             31.62      1:05.10 (33.48)
        1:39.82 (34.72)     2:15.12 (35.30)
  3 Kendall Shields        17 Austin Swim Club  2:18.91    2:15.90   16  
             31.93      1:05.84 (33.91)
        1:40.97 (35.13)     2:15.90 (34.93)
  4 Kaitlyn Swinney        21 Rice Aquatics     2:18.34    2:17.83   15  
             32.56      1:07.18 (34.62)
        1:41.78 (34.60)     2:17.83 (36.05)
  5 Jolee Liles            16 Crawfish Aquatic  2:19.87    2:19.02   14  
             33.30      1:08.32 (35.02)
        1:43.84 (35.52)     2:19.02 (35.18)
  6 Abigail Koczo          16 Un-Nt             2:19.89    2:19.26   13  
             32.28      1:07.03 (34.75)
        1:43.38 (36.35)     2:19.26 (35.88)
  7 Ellery Parish          18 Streamline Aquat  2:20.85    2:20.30   12  
             34.23      1:08.93 (34.70)
        1:45.19 (36.26)     2:20.30 (35.11)
  8 Camryn Toney           17 Texas Ford Aquat  2:19.98    2:20.48   11  
             32.58      1:07.89 (35.31)
        1:43.74 (35.85)     2:20.48 (36.74)

Men’s 200 Back

The men’s 200 back was the first final of the night that didn’t feature a member of Longhorn Aquatics on the podium. Joshua Artmann, swimming unattached, stole the show with a top showing of 2:01.62 for gold.

Heart of Texas’ William Grant picked up second with a time of 2:02.88, while Lakeside Aquatics’ Stephen Cheng was third with a 2:06.20.

                       === Championship Final ===                        
  1 Joshua Artmann         18 Un-St             2:03.65    2:01.62   20  
             28.99        59.32 (30.33)
        1:30.39 (31.07)     2:01.62 (31.23)
  2 William Grant          16 Heart of Texas A  2:03.20    2:02.88   17  
             28.90        59.83 (30.93)
        1:31.51 (31.68)     2:02.88 (31.37)
  3 Stephen Cheng          18 Lakeside Aquatic  2:06.38    2:06.20   16  
             30.25      1:01.61 (31.36)
        1:34.21 (32.60)     2:06.20 (31.99)
  4 Ethan Gogulski         17 Nitro Swimming    2:08.07    2:07.53   15  
             29.51      1:01.84 (32.33)
        1:34.54 (32.70)     2:07.53 (32.99)
  5 Andrii Nikishenko      28 Streamline Aquat  2:07.62    2:08.50   14  
             29.60      1:02.06 (32.46)
        1:35.72 (33.66)     2:08.50 (32.78)
  6 Coby Carrozza          16 Longhorn Aquatic  2:08.38    2:08.72   13  
             29.18      1:01.09 (31.91)
        1:35.52 (34.43)     2:08.72 (33.20)
  7 Samuel Stewart         20 Longhorn Aquatic  2:07.88    2:09.70   12  
             31.14      1:03.44 (32.30)
        1:37.57 (34.13)     2:09.70 (32.13)
 -- Shaine Casas           17 Nitro Swimming    2:04.35         DQ  
      False start
             28.08      1:00.10 (32.02)
        1:33.87 (33.77)          DQ (34.21)

Women’s 200 Fly

The women’s 200 fly featured a close race for first as the top two finished within .22 seconds of one another. At the touch it was Ashlyn Fiorilli of Texas Ford Aquatics who won gold with a time of 2:14.66. Aggie Swim Club’s Tiffany Futscher finished just behind with a 2:14.88.

Aggie teammate Natasha Gvarkharia completed the podium with a third place finish of 2:16.17.

                      === Championship Final ===                        
  1 Ashlyn Fiorilli        16 Texas Ford Aquat  2:15.84    2:14.66   20  
    r:+0.77  30.44      1:04.48 (34.04)
        1:39.16 (34.68)     2:14.66 (35.50)
  2 Tiffany Futscher       19 Aggie Swim Club   2:16.29    2:14.88   17  
    r:+0.69  30.72      1:05.63 (34.91)
        1:40.50 (34.87)     2:14.88 (34.38)
  3 Natasha Gvakharia      20 Aggie Swim Club   2:17.43    2:16.17   16  
    r:+0.77  31.00      1:06.14 (35.14)
        1:40.82 (34.68)     2:16.17 (35.35)
  4 Dorothy Halmy          19 Aggie Swim Club   2:20.26    2:16.56   15  
    r:+0.67  31.11      1:05.66 (34.55)
        1:41.13 (35.47)     2:16.56 (35.43)
  5 Haley Yelle            18 Mansfield Aquati  2:18.51    2:18.83   14  
    r:+0.80  30.59      1:05.59 (35.00)
        1:41.50 (35.91)     2:18.83 (37.33)
  6 Jessica Sloan          22 Aggie Swim Club   2:19.87    2:19.96   13  
    r:+0.78  31.75      1:07.07 (35.32)
        1:43.12 (36.05)     2:19.96 (36.84)
  7 Hannah Feng            17 Un-St             2:18.82    2:20.56   12  
    r:+0.66  31.44      1:06.97 (35.53)
        1:43.40 (36.43)     2:20.56 (37.16)
  8 Madison Coughlen       18 Texas Ford Aquat  2:19.92    2:21.00   11  
    r:+0.84  31.71      1:07.37 (35.66)
        1:44.15 (36.78)     2:21.00 (36.85)

Men’s 200 Fly

The men’s 200 fly victory was claimed by Samuel Stewart of Longhorn Aquatics, stopping the clock at a final time of 2:04.19. Teammate Mason Tenney finished third overall with a time of 2:05.84.

Andrew Limpert of Manefield Aquatic was the second place finisher with a time of 2:04.58.

                      === Championship Final ===                        
  1 Samuel Stewart         20 Longhorn Aquatic  2:07.24    2:04.19   20  
    r:+0.69  27.40        58.30 (30.90)
        1:30.82 (32.52)     2:04.19 (33.37)
  2 Andrew Limpert         17 Mansfield Aquati  2:06.34    2:04.58   17  
    r:+0.80  28.53      1:00.33 (31.80)
        1:32.60 (32.27)     2:04.58 (31.98)
  3 Mason Tenney           20 Longhorn Aquatic  2:07.89    2:05.84   16  
    r:+0.70  27.49        58.72 (31.23)
        1:31.79 (33.07)     2:05.84 (34.05)
  4 John Grieshop          15 Nitro Swimming    2:06.86    2:05.90   15  
    r:+0.76  27.95        59.95 (32.00)
        1:32.60 (32.65)     2:05.90 (33.30)
  5 Beau Fusilier          20 Streamline Aquat  2:08.30    2:06.06   14  
    r:+0.78  28.10      1:00.17 (32.07)
        1:33.40 (33.23)     2:06.06 (32.66)
  6 Nathan Coppock         21 Alamo Area Aquat  2:07.88    2:06.91   13  
    r:+0.73  28.99      1:00.57 (31.58)
        1:33.24 (32.67)     2:06.91 (33.67)
  7 Riley Dafoe            17 Cypress Fairbank  2:07.13    2:07.26   12  
    r:+0.75  28.67      1:01.15 (32.48)
        1:33.82 (32.67)     2:07.26 (33.44)
  8 Isaac Gwin             17 Nitro Swimming    2:09.43    2:11.57   11  
    r:+0.71  28.26      1:00.70 (32.44)
        1:35.04 (34.34)     2:11.57 (36.53)
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Thomas A. Small
7 years ago


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