Inge Dekker Undergoes Successful Cervical Cancer Surgery

Gian Mattia D'Alberto / lapresse 15-06-2014 Roma sport nuoto trofeo Settecolli nella foto: Inge Dekker NED Gian Mattia D'Alberto / lapresse 15-06-2014 Rome in the photo: Inge Dekker NED
Photo Courtesy: Gian Mattia Dalberto/Lapresse


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Last month, Olympic gold medalist Inge Dekker let the world know that she was battling cervical cancer, but would still be looking to compete at the 2016 Rio Olympics.

The Dutch Swimming Federation released a statement today stating that Dekker had a successful surgery to remove the cervical cancer, and that Dekker should be able to continue her training towards claiming a berth on the Dutch Olympic team.

Dekker will be in recovery mode for the foreseeable future and will miss the Eindhoven Swim Cup in April. Dekker will play it by ear in terms of any more competition prior to the Olympics.

Dutch Swimming Federation Press Release:

Recently Inge Dekker was diagnosed with a standard cervical cancer screening. After several studies Inge’s surgery. The latter tests are positive and indicate that further treatment of the disease is not required.

Inge is still recovering from the surgery. They will as soon as possible resume training. In consultation with her coach and doctors a recovery process will be established. Inge will not participate in the Swim Cup in Eindhoven early April. About participation in international top games such as European and OS can not give a ruling yet.

Inge let us know in a comment: “Of course I am very relieved that the surgery was successful. It was quite heavy and long procedure, but you are immediately forgotten when you hear good news gets. I am glad that there is an end to a month of uncertainty. During this time I have met people who are uncertain or have not received good results. That got me really seized. I feel like a privileged person that I am fortunate to be healthy again. It was also heartening to note how many people have sympathized with me. That gave me a lot of support. Although I’m still not ready for this moment, I’m going to do everything to bring the Olympic Games in Rio. Perhaps ambitious, but something tells me that I will succeed! “.

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