Industry News: Peter Vanderkaay Helps Launch
ANN ARBOR, Michigan, May 21. THE same week that he set an American record in the 400 freestyle, world class swimmer Peter Vanderkaay, who suffers from asthma, has helped launch, a new online educational resource designed to help people gain a better understanding of the myths versus the facts about asthma.
Vanderkaay wants to share his story to encourage other people like him who have asthma to help keep their asthma under control in their everyday lives in order to work to achieve their goals.
Vanderkaay, who was a member of the world-record-breaking U.S. 800 meter freestyle relay team in 2004 and who hopes to repeat his success again this summer in China, has teamed up with his doctor to manage his asthma. By helping to launch this campaign, Vanderkaay hopes to help educate the more than 20 million Americans with asthma, including about 6.4 million children, about the condition, and dispel some common myths including:
Myth: Asthma can be cured.
Fact: There is no cure for asthma but people can help prevent symptoms by speaking with their doctor so they can participate in the activities they enjoy.
Myth: No symptoms means no asthma.
Fact: Even if people do not have symptoms every day, their asthma is there every day. By partnering with their doctor, people can learn about their triggers, and about the treatment that's right for them so that they can enjoy an active and healthy lifestyle.
Myth: Asthma is a phase that some people can outgrow.
Fact: Once someone has asthma, he or she always has it. But asthma doesn't have to stop people from working towards achieving their goals.