Who Has The Most Impressive 60-Inch Box Jump? Cullen Jones or Elvis Burrows

PHOENIX – A pair of super-strong swimming athletes showed off their hops in the past week on social media as both Cullen Jones and Elvis Burrows posted videos of 60-inch box jump videos.  Who do you think had the most impressive leap?

Cullen Jones

Elvis Burrows


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Layney Troutmiller
Layney Troutmiller
9 years ago

A running start compared to a straight up jump…..The answer seems pretty simple. I bet Burrows could gain a minimum of 5 more inches If he cheated with a running start. But props to both.

9 years ago

Why would a running start help? Horizontal momentum isn’t going to do anything for you in a purely vertical jump.

9 years ago
Reply to  Greg

Well actually that’s the physics behind a high jump. you turn horizontal momentum into upwards momentum

Levi Johnson
Levi Johnson
9 years ago
Reply to  Greg

There is always some vertical component to human locomotion and Jones benefitted from a greater amount of kinetic energy stored in his tendons from his approach. Burrows also had some small amount of kinetic energy transfer from coming up onto his toes and then dropping right before the jump, so neither athlete performed the jump from an absolute dead start but the approach does make a difference.

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