How Championship Season Is a Special Time of Year


How Championship Season Is a Special Time of Year

By Evangelia Vasilakis, Swimming World College Intern.

Championship season is upon us. Teams across the country are starting to compete at their final meets. This is where all the hard work from the past season starts to pay off. Swimmers across the nation are excited to compete at these competitions, not only to show off how hard they have been working but to also have fun with their teams. Here are something swimmers look forward to at their championship meets. 

The Ride Up 

As much as nobody likes to admit it, everyone has some fun on the ride to the championship meet. The energy is high on the bus, everyone is excited to compete, and sometimes they are stuck together for hours. Everyone tries to have as much fun on the bus as they can. On my team, we play games like charades on the long rides to meets. The time on the bus can be really memorable because you get to know your teammates with ample time to talk! 

The Funny Outfits 

Some teams wear something funny to the finals sessions of championships. I have seen tutus, sunglasses, an ample number of bucket hats, and plenty of cowboy hats. Some teams sport temporary tattoos, too. This is fun and something we look forward to because we can goof around while still enjoying ourselves and swimming fast. All these fun articles of clothing lead to funny pictures and give us great memories. 

Cheering on Teammates 

Nothing is more exciting than seeing each other succeed. Being able to support each other is something that any swimmer enjoys. The numerous cheers that have been made up over the time of your career are never forgotten. I love knowing that when the whole team is cheering  each other on, we will do our best. My favorite cheer is when someone on your team wins, we would chant, “Let’s go Peacocks” three times! 


Swimmers train all year for this meet. We look forward to seeing just how well that training has paid off! Swimming races at championshipa is a feeling that I will never forget. The adrenaline is high, the nerves are going, and the fun is starting. Nothing beats looking up at the clock and seeing your hard work during the season pay off at the end. 

Other Teams 

Many people know each other on other teams. Going to college championships and seeing friends from previous years is fun. Often we will only see each other at the championship and it is great being able to race and talk to one another again while competing. 

Team Dinners 

At championships we get to eat dinner with our team every day. These meals consist of joking around, good food, and discussing the meet. These dinners bring commuters and residents together where otherwise they wouldn’t have had the chance to do this before. I enjoy eating these dinners because I love kicking it with the team and having fun on and off the pool deck.

When You Win 

At championships, reaching the podium and earning team points is a great feeling. All their hard work has finally paid off and they have a medal to show for it. This brings pride to yourself and your program. It shows that you really earned a huge thing and it is something that you should be proud of. I know that I love seeing my teammates on the podium! 

Although there are countless things to look forward to when it comes to championships, these are some that I think bring the team together. Championship season can be stressful and draining but looking back at them all, it is worth it because the memories made there are ones that will stay with you. 

All commentaries are the opinion of the author and do not necessarily reflect the views of Swimming World Magazine nor its staff.

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