House Passes Ban on Transgender Athletes in Women’s Sports


The U.S. House of Representatives passed a bill on Thursday that would bar federally supported schools and colleges from allowing transgender athletes whose biological sex assigned at birth was male to compete on girls’ or women’s sports teams.

The bill passed 219-203 by the Republican-led House, but is unlikely to pass in the Democratic-led Senate will not support it and the White House said President Joe Biden would veto it, according to The Associated Press.

This was a major topic in swimming the past couple of years with Penn swimmer Lia Thomas, a transgender swimmer, winning an NCAA title in the women’s 500 freestyle after competing three years for the men’s team, then undergoing hormonal therapy after identifying as a woman.

Those in favor of the ban say it is necessary to keep competitive fairness, something several current and former female swimmers have argued.

The sponsor, Rep. Greg Steube, R-Fla., mentioned Emma Weyant, a resident of his district and a 2020 member of the U.S. Olympic swimming team who finished second in the NCAA women’s 500-yard freestyle championship last year to Thomas.

“The integrity of women’s sports must be protected,” Steube said in the AP report.

Those opposed criticized the bill as ostracizing an already vulnerable group for political gain.

The House action comes as at least 20 states have imposed similar limits on transgender athletes at the K-12 or collegiate level, including North Carolina, where swimmer Riley Gaines, who swam against Thomas, spoke.

The bill would amend the landmark civil rights legislation Title IX. According to the AP, the amendment would prohibit recipients of federal money from permitting a person “whose sex is male to participate in an athletic program or activity that is designated for women or girls.” The bill defines sex as “based solely on a person’s reproductive biology and genetics at birth.”

Democrats said every child regardless of gender identity deserves the opportunity to belong to a team and that preventing competitors from doing so sends the message that they don’t matter.

Rep. Pramila Jayapal, D-Wash., who has a transgender daughter, said Republicans were scapegoating transgender children to score political points. According to the report, she said three-quarters of transgender students report having experienced harassment or discrimination at school and that many have considered suicide.

“These bills tell some of the most vulnerable children in our country that they do not belong,” she said. “Shame on you.”

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What’s good and holy
What’s good and holy
1 year ago

Create a transgender category

Rick Lee Thrailkill
Rick Lee Thrailkill
1 year ago

Trans ppl should have their own league in sports with Trans only if it means that much to them.

David Marcus
David Marcus
1 year ago

Absolutely. Women need fairness and their biological gender recognised. To not do this is an insult to women. Trans women should be proud and stand for trans rights not try to infiltrate womens domainand gender. They are a different gender and biology after all. Who the hell is it catering for this transwoman are women agenda anyway? Common sense and fairness must prevail and keep the integrity for all ultimately.

Deborah Dourlain
Deborah Dourlain
1 year ago

Finally! We need to protect the women in the sports world. It was unbelievable what happened to Riley and the other women put in the position of sharing a locker room and competing against a male XY chromosome.
I am not against transgenderism but competing in sports against women is not appropriate!

Aldo R Leidner
Aldo R Leidner
1 year ago

I agree if transgender people want to compete than start a transgender team where they compete against others a transgender make shouldn’t be allowed to compete against women its not fair

1 year ago

If it is so fair why is there not a discussion on biologically born women competing in men’s sports? Because they can’t!

Common sense
Common sense
1 year ago
Reply to  Kerry

It should be a separate Trans category! Both men and women should stay in their birth assigned lanes when it come to sports to be honest.

1 year ago
Reply to  Kerry

Not just they can’t. There abilities don’t match even with transition. Men transitioning to a women have chance of being on top and not even making top 1000 in men’s ranking, weather they were still men or trans women.

Bill Lyttle
Bill Lyttle
1 year ago
Reply to  Kerry

I agree 100 percent. They don’t compete because they know they still have female physical limits.

1 year ago
Reply to  Kerry

Especially in a combat sport like boxing or MMA

1 year ago
Reply to  Kerry

Right! And what’s wrong with someone who is transgender and born male to compete against boys/men?

1 year ago
Reply to  Kerry

Hey Kerry. I am FtM (born female, transitioned to male). I am on the men’s fencing team at my college and have beaten born-male competitors.

Scattach Muirisc//
Scattach Muirisc//
1 year ago
Reply to  Thomas

Well done, but this is not a sport that relies mainly on stamina, muscle strength and lung capacity, but rather a sport of skill and technique.

Dee walker
Dee walker
1 year ago
Reply to  Kerry

Yeah,And she can get undressed in front of the men,Just like Lia Thomas did.,on women swim team.Why? To degrade other female’s? & Lia has male part’s.Hasnt done breast implants yet,So them don’t get in the way.

Vanessa Tate
Vanessa Tate
1 year ago
Reply to  Kerry

There are plenty of studies online that prove after 2 years of transition transgender people hold no unique threshold in winning. They will only hold the same threshold as a taller person does or a cis woman who has trained for the sport as would anyone.

1 year ago
Reply to  Vanessa Tate

Those studies have since been discredited by research published in peer reviewed academic journals.

Scattach Muirisc//
Scattach Muirisc//
1 year ago
Reply to  Vanessa Tate

Not according to the studies that I have read about. Your sex at puberty still gives you the comparative advantages later on, even after hormone therapy.

james a odonnell
james a odonnell
1 year ago


Care Bears
Care Bears
1 year ago

I am in agreeance with the passing of this bill, I believe it to be fair, I believe that they need to open transgender sports teams and organizations, by doing so, you are saying, you are included, you do count, and you have a place, everyone deserves to have a place, and so do natural born women in the sports and competitions that they do, if only this just would’ve been created in the beginning, we could’ve avoided all of this mess, but there is still time. I think this is something that should be looked at, and that should be given a trial, I think this will be considering, caring and being fair to BOTH sides feelings and needs!!!

Carol Parker
Carol Parker
1 year ago

Thankyou , some sense at last

Christine Gaskin
Christine Gaskin
1 year ago
Reply to  Carol Parker

Yes indeed , what is WRONG with Joe Biden, he needs to read the Bible .

Bill P
Bill P
1 year ago
Reply to  Carol Parker

And hope the Senate has some as well…not holding my breath though

1 year ago
Reply to  Bill P

Transgender should have their own sports competitions. Women and girls need to be encouraged to play sport which is why we have our own competitions. I would not be happy for my daughter or son had trained for years biologically and was at the top
of their sport, only to be pipped at the post by transgender.

Add LGBTQIA+ competitions and teams.

Men women LGBTQIA+

1 year ago
Reply to  Bill P

Your fear of those you see as different drives your hate and makes you wear a MAGA hat.

J warr
J warr
1 year ago
Reply to  Bill P

Yes, I worry about this world we are living in. How is it fair first off. This has been taken too far by a bunch of weirdos.;

Chuck Best
Chuck Best
1 year ago
Reply to  Bill P

Just another demonstration of Democrats Liberalism. Liberalism is the ideology of selfish. Me me, me , gimme gimme gimme.

Jeanne Erling
Jeanne Erling
1 year ago
Reply to  Chuck Best

They are not at all realistic. Have ANY of them actually THOUGHT about how much a biological male could hurt a female if they collide while moving at a fast speed, let alone allowing one to punch or kick a female in MMA? It’s absolutely ignorant.

Michael Tesmer
Michael Tesmer
1 year ago
Reply to  Carol Parker

We hope. It’s not over yet.

1 year ago

This has been going on for quite some time. So here is my .02 cents.
Allowing a male to compete in women’s sports is just letting a loser at mens sports to succeed in women’s sports.
The whole issue of “transgender” is just a smoke screen.
Look at how many women are trying to get on a mens sports team? Women on a male hockey team? Women on a male football team, Woman fighting a man in MMA?…
NO, this is not about transgender.. This is about a loser male that can win against women…
If the Dems keep this up just take away all the sports and force all men to compete with all the women… CO-Ed sports for everyone.

Meg Voss
Meg Voss
1 year ago

Scapegoating? It is unbelievable that anyone would think it fair to allow males to compete against females

Scattach Muirisc/
Scattach Muirisc/
1 year ago

‘Ostracizing an already vulnerable group for political gain’ is what the democrats will do if they oppose this motion. The vulnerable group here is the female athletes who are having their opportunities taken from them. Public figures trying to threaten people by saying these students will commit suicide is manipulative. This would appear to suggest that these transgender students are suffering from mental health issues which are not being properly addressed by their current protocol and should not be used as a threat to bully sports authorities into submission.

Last edited 1 year ago by Scattach Muirisc/
Scattach Muirisc/
Scattach Muirisc/
1 year ago


1 year ago

Proof that some people are still in possession of their faculties and others are insane. Sport must be fair.. or they wouldn’t ban drug cheats.

Madeleine Gonzalez
Madeleine Gonzalez
1 year ago

Please protect us women…we are allowing men to redefine what a woman is…we are at the bottom of the tomum pole and now this…women must stand and unite to protect our womanhood. This sends so many sad messages to all involved. If you Men feeling like a woman in your hearts and minds I support you, however you can’t take our womanhood away PERIOD.

1 year ago

Those who object to this sensible and, quite simply, common sense legislation are free to form their own transgender sports groups. Dressing up as a woman or undergoing hormonal therapy does not ‘convert’ a male to a female. Simply put, any human born as a male participating in women’s sports is doing so take advantage of their male attributes over those born as females.

Erica Piskulich
Erica Piskulich
1 year ago

Hello from Argentina! I urge you to campaign in favour of this first step. Maybe start a petition on or anything that could lead to people taking consciousness that transgenderism in sports is unfair, humiliating and antinatural! We need common sense to prevail. Go US, go!

John Trudeau
John Trudeau
1 year ago

If you were born male you don’t have a right to be in women’s sports. Let the women compete with each other fairly.

1 year ago

I have always, and will always vote Democratic. I support this bill. I support women. Transgender is fine if that’s who you are but you are not a woman – you cannot compete in women’s sports.

1 year ago

Anyone who votes against this is voting to discriminate against girls and women, who are females at birth. Males can never become females, and those who pretend to be females are of course having mental and emotional problems, because they know in their deep unconscious that it is a lie and it is not possible. Stop the lies and protect women’s sports! Get with reality, democrats, we (real) women are watching and will not be subdued.

Tom Crombie
Tom Crombie
1 year ago

Finally! Trans gender men should never have been allowed in women’s sports, there is too much of an advantage. I agree that trans should be allowed to participate in sports, but in their own class. Men’s, Women’s and Trans swimming or any other sport.

Robert Marshall
Robert Marshall
1 year ago

Life is not easy for females that are agressive. Now you have males making life more difficult. I have 4 Granddaughters all finding their way through the female culture. Now you permit a man with a dress on extra privilege into a already full of privileged females culture.

Michelle Misch
Michelle Misch
1 year ago

Shame on you for forcing that s*** on us we do not want them on our sports teams send them back where they belong or create their own division

Michael Tesmer
Michael Tesmer
1 year ago

This is the probably the most lack of common sense I have ever seen displayed. We want to support anyone in their wish to be who and what they desires to be. However we do not support people and never have to exercise their desires when it harms even one other individual. We are not even talking about the acceptance of these people or non acceptance. This is a case that under any other circumstances would be quickly ruled against. We disqualify competitors with a swift had for gaining an unfair advantage optioned by performance enhancing drugs. These drugs make you faster and stronger. Which is exactly the advantage men have over women. Faster and stronger. But to pour salt in this cut you talk about these people being rejected. We are not rejecting the individual’s choice of gender we are abiding by the law of common sense and a structured society that disallows men to compete with woman in sports. When in the history of the world has it ever been different. This is not a transgender issue this is very simply a male being allowed to compete against a woman. Nothing more nothing less.

Carol A Bedard
Carol A Bedard
1 year ago

There is no way that biological males should be allowed to compete in women’s sports. End of discussion.

Robert Clementz
Robert Clementz
1 year ago

Allow them to be the people they want to be, but not unfairly compete on a team that they don’t qualify for.

1 year ago

Did the military tell transmen not to apply? Transgender was not an option until recently so nee options need to be made up for trans people in sports Of course trans people matter but so does everyone else We must be fair how we incorporate trans people in sports And where are the transmen in sports ?

Kelly Rae
Kelly Rae
1 year ago

We still live in a world where women are denied basic human rights in some parts. I do not want to live somewhere with Sharia law. We are all allowed to have basic human rights. However, at the end of the day, I do not want to give up my rights as a woman so that a man can have more rights than I do. What do your chromosomes say? Not how do you feel. I identify as Canadian, so I want to compete for Canada.. and I’ll take the healthcare… 😂Especially since I am an American woman who needs permission to receive woman related health care. There’s a reason for weight, age, and sex division when it comes to ensuring safety and competition. At least the sports world, Olympic committees on board, hopefully Biden will recognize 1/2 the population is not trans but female and allow us basic access to fairness and freedom. Do something else with our tax $$$ besides nothing 😕

Andre Jansen Van Vuuren
Andre Jansen Van Vuuren
1 year ago

Let them compete against each other. Give them their own teams and let them experience the adrenaline they want amongst themselves. Wh6 rob others from their dreams?

B Lindquist
B Lindquist
1 year ago

Why don’t they just make a third division team? Put trans kids or adults on it. (I bet the trans women will snuff out trans men)

1 year ago

Why don’t transgenders have there own trans competitions?

John Steadman
John Steadman
1 year ago

Biological men that compete in women’s sports are misogynists. They are usually mediocre at men’s sports and can’t accept it. It is the ultimate example of patriarchy. And a refusal to recognize women’s rights and spaces.

Abby Alexandria
Abby Alexandria
1 year ago

All people matter. This is not about belonging or acceptance. Women have fought hard to be here. This is about setting framework for fair competition. I don’t see how the two relate. You have to have enough of one category to compete against one another fairly. It is biology, science, Stop making it political. Men and women don’t compete together for a reason. Nor should transgender (with male biology) compete with women. It’s simple. Transgender must feel they belong in society because they do but should never take away from a fair competition. There is no transgender league yet. Fight for that! Women did.

1 year ago

Amen! Thank you House of Reps protecting the rights of biologically born females! More women and girls need to stand up in support of protecting biological females in sports for current and future generations.

1 year ago

I agree that they should be able to be part of a team and it’s not fair if they can’t however it’s not fair to female sports to compete against people who were born male. Only way I see to fix this is to make there own category. That has its own problems as to having enough people to compete but it seems the fairest way.

Kayla Kemp
Kayla Kemp
1 year ago

I’m not understanding how the message being sent is that “they don’t belong.” I don’t belong in men’s sports and that’s okay. I don’t feel left out, I’m simply not a man and can’t do what they can. Idk why they don’t make a Trans league. They can all play against each other and that should be fair…right?

1 year ago

Men should not be on women’s teams same as women should not be on men’s teams there were born with a certain sex male or female whatever the case may be that’s the team they need to be on women have a hard enough time being a woman let alone having to fight a male trying to be a woman in sports your sex change don’t bother me either way but u were born the way u were born and that the team u need to be on women can’t play on the NFL teams so y are u letting men on women’s team just my opinion

Jordan Kellogg
Jordan Kellogg
1 year ago

This is literally mental. How are we even talking about this? Men changing in women’s locker rooms with women present and taking over bathrooms. Men taking away awards that the top women of those categories that have worked their entire lives to get. Men winning WOMAN of the year awards… Men getting paid millions to act like a woman, but the real women that aren’t carriers, birthing persons, etc. But actually a woman is fired from a job because she said no she’s woman, and he’s a man.

Bob R
Bob R
1 year ago

Some sense in harassing, discriminating and high suicide rate?

1 year ago

There are other groups that accept boys and girls in a team outside of school. Find somewhere where the group is coed they exist.

Gregory L Stout
Gregory L Stout
1 year ago

You or Mankind itself cannot change your Chromosomes. Born a Man always a Man. A Man who wants to compete as a Woman by having a so Called Transgender Change is still and always be a Man. They are a Fraud. Anyone who supports them hates Women and I believe they are a week minded sick individual

Fed up
Fed up
1 year ago

Setting woman’s rights back to a place of no return. Biologically what you are born is what you are. If you identify otherwise doesn’t give anyone the right to force that decision on the world! They are born stronger, physically more powerful than woman. They should not be featured as woman on campaigns. Drivers licenses need to say actual sex born. So medical personal can properly treat.
Also stay out of woman’s restrooms!

1 year ago

It’s crazy if they let transgender Athlets play in women sports it’s just unfair

Yilmer Hernandez
Yilmer Hernandez
1 year ago

If there were any sports? And creatures like humans could participate in them? And if there were 2 different gender groups? For example a male and a female? Then there would obviously be set 2 different groups then. 1 would be male and the other female, right? So what’s the confusion about when there’s a mix going on of a m/f so called gender in a male and female sport then, huh? These questions only get dumber by the day. Today is just another example. Grow up people, your showing no growth. Peace. 1. 1.

1 year ago

Easy solution here… Create a third sports category for these they/them/confused chancers in sport and let compete there to their little hearts content! Then everyone should be happy and ALL playing fields leveled immediately.

1 year ago

What about all the physically/ mentally disabled kids who identify as perfectly normal people or the fat kids who identify as not obese who got ridiculed and considered suicide throughout school? What about all the quirky kids who are constantly bullied for being slightly different but identify as perfectly normal? This entire topic is bullshit. Who gives a shit what a child thinks about their gender identification. Children don’t know anything yet, we want to give them full autonomy over there developmental stage. We should be teaching them that it’s meaningless to focus on such trivial and arbitrary terms, especially when divisive labels are created and touted as equality, when in reality is just segregation. Everybody needs to get up off their high horse and realize that kids are sponges and they should only be taught the basic principles of being a good person along with their standard curriculum. Nobody needs a special label. Nobody needs preferential treatment to succeed in life, it’s actually quite the contrary,.

1 year ago

This is one time I’m against Biden,men are men no matter what body parts they cut off, IT’S SO UNFAIR TO THE FEMALES, just because a man can’t win against another male so they go to females team!! NOT!

Mark j
Mark j
1 year ago

Democrats fought for women’s right in the past in all aspects of society, but now that “trans” is trendy, all the rights of real women don’t leave their tongues, they have gone silent. They are now victimizing the very ones that title IX protected. Democrats are have become an embarrassing bunch of parasitic opportunists that live in a Godless headspace. I am out!

Trans Women are MEN!

1 year ago

Representative Jayapal is missing the entire point of this bill. Shame on her!

Last edited 1 year ago by Trish
1 year ago

How many women need to have their skulls crushed? How many girls need to have their faces broken? How many? Stop this madness!

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