Hogshead Testifies On Drug Issue, Cites Swimming World
Nancy Hogshead, a triple gold medalist at the 1984 Olympic Games in Los Angeles, testified on Wednesday at a hearing of the Senate Commerce Committee headed by Senator John McCain (R-Ariz.) that is looking into the issues of drug use by Olympic athletes and corruption by the International Olympic Committee. Hogshead was representing OATH–Olympians and Advocates Together Honourably–an international organization of athletes and leading academic and journalist supporters founded by Canadian swimmer Mark Tewksbury, and dedicated to reforming the Olympics.
Hogshead, who cited Swimming World Magazine for exposing the East German and Chinese organized doping scandals and noted that Swimming World took the lead on the doping issue when no official sports body would touch it, outlined eight reforms that OATH is advocating.
The full text of Hogshead’s testimony will appear in a 2 part series on Swiminfo.