Freshly-Shaved Michael Phelps Goes Facebook Live During Dryland

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Photo Courtesy: Sue Borst

Michael Phelps took to Facebook Live again today while at the Olympic Training Center as he just finished up a weight session.

Phelps, who has been sporting a serious beard the last few weeks, showed up with a completely clean face.

The Live session took place while a bunch of Olympic Training Center athletes were setting up for a Team USA picture.

Phelps also talked about the benefits of cupping, and chatted about his warmup routine and how he stretches out his body.

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Kimberly Till Cotten
8 years ago

Weston Cotten

Liong Jee Xerc
8 years ago

Liong Jee Yuen shaved liao…

Liong Jee Yuen
8 years ago
Reply to  Liong Jee Xerc

I saw dy haha

Lori Griffith Gomez
8 years ago

Oh thank goodness! Much better look, and Boomer probably likes it much better too, better snuggles!

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