FINA Synchronized Swimming World Series Continues with Stop in Spain

The fifth leg of the 2017 FINA Synchronized Swimming World Series is set to be held in Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, in the Canary Islands from May 26-28.
Swimmers from Australia, Austria, Belarus, France, Germany, Hungary, japan, Kazakhstan, Portugal, Slovakia, Spain, Sweden, and Ukraine will be represented at the fifth leg of the series.
The competition, held at the outdoor swimming pool of Club Natacion Metropole, will boast technical routines (solo, mixed duet, duet, and team) and free routines (solo, mixed duet, duet, team, combination, and highlight).
Spain is listed as the only nation that will participate in every Technical and Free routine on the schedule.
Ona Carbonell of Spain, who won the solo event at the Tokyo stop, will be looking to grab a win in front of a home crowd in both the solo and duet, as she is expected to join Paula Ramirez in a new Spanish duet. Carbonell and Ramirez will face Australia, Austria, Hungary, Kazakhstan, Portugal, and Ukraine as they grow their international experience.
Ukrainian star Anna Voloshyna will be one to watch in Spain as she participates in a total of eight events (Technical solo, duet, and team, free solo, duet, team, combo and highlight).
Team Japan will only present their mixed duet pair of Atsushi Abe and Yui Adachi, who will face off with Spain’s Berta Ferreras and Pau Ribes and Germany’s Amelie Ebert and Niklas Stopel.
Competition schedule
Thursday 25th May: Team Managers Meeting (evening)
Friday 26th May: Preliminary Team Technical Routine and Preliminary Solo Technical Routine (evening)
Saturday 27th May: Preliminary Duet Technical Routine, Preliminary Mixed Duet Technical Routine and Free Combination Final (morning). Free Solo Final and Free Team Final (evening)
Sunday 28th May: Free Duet Final, Free Mixed Duet Final and Highlight Final (morning)
Calendar of the 2017 FINA Synchronised Swimming World Series
1. Paris (FRA): March 10-12
2. Taiyuan (CHN): April 22-24
3. Tokyo (JPN): April 28-30
4. Toronto (CAN): May 2-7
5. Las Palmas (ESP): May 25-28
6. Long Island (USA): June 22-24
7. Tashkent (UZB): September 21-24
FINA contributed to this report.