FINA Athletes Committee Releases 2017-2021 Members

The 2017 – 2021 FINA Athletes Committee (FINA AC) was recently announced. A number of former members were re-appointed and six (6) new members appointed.
The powers and duties of the Athletes Committee are:
- To bring input of athletes’ experience to the organisation of FINA World Championships
- To collaborate in the Technical Rules proposals and amendments for each discipline
- To be in contact with participating athletes and bring forward their suggestions and remarks after a FINA World Championship
The representative of the Athletes Committee shall participate in the Technical Committee meeting in disciplines where he is specialized. The Chairman of the Athletes Committee as an ex officio member of the FINA Bureau shall provide perspective on the athlete experience as required.
Here is the list of current members of the FINA Athletes Committee
According to Pennye Heyns, Chairman of the FINA AC,
“During my tenure on the FINA AC I have seen the committee grow and achieve several important milestones. Each step forward has admittedly taken time however momentum has been created and the FINA AC is steadily strengthening its influence within FINA, ensuring the voice of the athlete is represented at all decision making levels.”
Since 2013 the FINA AC Chairperson has represented the athlete voice on the FINA Bureau and now, for the first time the FINA AC enjoys full representation of all six (6) FINA Disciplines. Furthermore a FINA AC representative has been appointed to each respective Technical Committee as a full member:
- Tingmau Shi – TDC – Technical Diving Committee
- Orlando Duque – THDC – Technical High Diving Committee
- Britta Kamrau – TOWSC – Technical Open Water Swimming Committee
- Aaron Piersol – TSC – Technical Swimming Committee
- Virginie Dedieu – TASC – Technical Artistic Swimming Committee
- Stavroula Kozompoli – TWPC – Technical Water Polo Commitee
This is possibly the most important step forward thus far giving the FINA AC a vote on the platform where decisions most directly affect the athletes and our sport.
“The FINA AC provides a voice to all aquatic athletes and via this platform allows them to influence the development of all aquatic disciplines at multiple levels. The athletes are our sport and therefore it is important that their collective views can shape the future of FINA” says Matthew Dunn – FINA Bureau Liaison
The new FINA AC forms a very capable team and recognizes their responsibility toward all aquatic athletes. As such they invite athletes to communicate concerns, issues and new ideas with them via email on
Press release courtesy of FINA Athletes Committee. For more information click here.