Female Olympic Champions Talk Candidly About Menstrual Cycles During Competition
FORT LAUDERDALE – Olympic Champions Lynne Burke and Greta Andersen talk about competing and training through menstrual cycles and what was expected of them as athletes. In this very candid 3 minute and 45 second interview, produced by the International Hall of Fame, both athletes discuss the challenges that face women athletes and the realities of being a female athlete.
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Mentioned in the video is Coach George Haines, legendary coach for Santa Clara Swim Club. Swimming World obtained photos of the proposed Santa Clara Swim Center, future home of the International Swimming Hall of Fame. The city of Santa Clara hopes to build a new 3-acre International Swim Center on the other side of Central Park from its current aquatics facility that would eventually house the 7,500-square-foot Hall of Fame.
According to Bruce Wigo, Executive Director for the International Hall of Fame, the overarching factors that would make a successful marriage between Santa Clara and ISHOF are definitely in place. The new mecca of Swimming would be Santa Clara.
Centerpiece of the complex would be an Aquatic Theater, where fans would be on top of the action in the pool. Think more of courtside seats at a basketball game, less of the current standard pool setup of the fans being pushed well away from the pool.
Blanca Ozuna-Moran
I wouldn’t say the young girls have it easy today, they are still struggling with it. They are expected to swim and perform their best when their bodies are changing on them.
I guess Tampax wasn’t around in the early 60″s?? We have it much easier as athletes these days….more options in that department. For example, swimmers these days can take the pill continuously to prevent a period. Interesting article and video!
Really? Can’t take a joke?
Caitlin Kat
That was amazing! I never thought about that.
Well done Lynn Burke. Good ol’ Dad facing challenges head on. Makes me smile!!
Well done Lynn Burke. Good ol’ Dad facing challenges head on. Makes me smile!!
Georgia is this the article you were talking about?