Federico Turrini Unleashes 3rd-Ranked 4:11.95 to Win 400 IM in Italy

Federico Turrini unleashed a 4:11.95 in the men’s 400-meter IM to move to third in the world at the 2016 Italian Nationals.
Turrini’s time put him behind only Kosuke Hagino (4:08.90) and Thomas Fraser-Holmes (4:11.09) in the world this year, and clearly undercut the FINA A cut of 4:16.71.
In fact, Luca Marin also eclipsed the FINA A cut with a 4:14.65 for second to set up potential Olympic selection by Italy.
Giorgio Gaetani finished third overall in 4:19.70 with Lorenzo Tarocchi (4:20.78) taking fourth.
Matteo Pelizzari (4:21.20), Francesco Pavone (4:21.96), Giovanni Sorriso (4:21.98) and Stefano Ventrone (4:28.11) also swam in the finale.
Finale A
1 4 TURRINI Federico 1987 ITA 27.32 58.37 1’30.88 2’02.06 2’37.87 3’13.74 3’42.98 4’11.95
Centro Sportivo Esercito 31.05 32.51 31.18 35.81 35.87 29.24 28.97
2 3 MARIN Luca 1986 ITA 28.50 1’00.36 1’32.83 2’04.74 2’40.02 3’15.48 3’45.47 4’14.65
Circolo Canottieri Aniene 31.86 32.47 31.91 35.28 35.46 29.99 29.18
3 5 GAETANI Giorgio 1994 ITA 27.63 59.07 1’32.30 2’04.53 2’42.17 3’20.11 3’50.52 4’19.70
Larus Nuoto 31.44 33.23 32.23 37.64 37.94 30.41 29.18
4 6 TAROCCHI Lorenzo 1995 ITA 27.49 58.80 1’32.30 2’04.98 2’42.25 3’20.48 3’51.31 4’20.78
SMGM Team Nuoto Lombardia 31.31 33.50 32.68 37.27 38.23 30.83 29.47
5 8 PELIZZARI Matteo 1991 ITA 27.43 58.28 1’32.97 2’06.59 2’43.64 3’20.93 3’51.90 4’21.20
Circolo Canottieri Aniene 30.85 34.69 33.62 37.05 37.29 30.97 29.30
6 2 PAVONE Francesco 1991 ITA 27.42 58.01 1’32.83 2’06.06 2’43.69 3’22.19 3’52.41 4’21.96
Centro Sportivo Esercito 30.59 34.82 33.23 37.63 38.50 30.22 29.55
7 7 SORRISO Giovanni 1992 ITA 27.90 1’00.30 1’35.12 2’07.65 2’44.49 3’20.96 3’52.84 4’21.98
Circolo Canottieri Aniene 32.40 34.82 32.53 36.84 36.47 31.88 29.14
8 1 VENTRONE Stefano 1991 ITA 28.09 1’00.30 1’34.05 2’07.01 2’46.26 3’26.10 3’57.31 4’28.11
Tiro a Volo Nuoto 32.21 33.75 32.96 39.25 39.84 31.21 30.80
Finale B
1 6 BERTOLDI Matteo 1997 ITA 27.63 58.97 1’33.26 2’07.10 2’44.99 3’22.87 3’54.37 4’23.65
De Akker Team 31.34 34.29 33.84 37.89 37.88 31.50 29.28
2 5 MATTEAZZI Pier Andrea 1997 ITA 28.68 1’00.89 1’35.17 2’09.38 2’45.80 3’22.18 3’54.31 4’23.71
De Akker Team 32.21 34.28 34.21 36.42 36.38 32.13 29.40
3 4 FACCHINI Alessio 1991 ITA 28.25 1’00.06 1’34.72 2’08.67 2’46.04 3’23.54 3’55.59 4’25.70
Centro Nuoto Torino 31.81 34.66 33.95 37.37 37.50 32.05 30.11
4 2 PUSCEDDU Alessandro 1996 ITA 28.40 1’01.02 1’36.24 2’10.12 2’48.13 3’26.83 3’58.20 4’26.02
SSV Leifers Schwimmen 32.62 35.22 33.88 38.01 38.70 31.37 27.82
5 1 ZAGLI Lorenzo 1994 ITA 28.11 1’00.92 1’36.67 2’11.42 2’49.42 3’27.95 3’58.32 4’27.41
Rari Nantes Florentia 32.81 35.75 34.75 38.00 38.53 30.37 29.09
6 3 PETRONI Edoardo 1996 ITA 28.04 1’00.10 1’36.47 2’12.10 2’49.29 3’26.55 3’57.75 4’28.01
Tiro a Volo Nuoto 32.06 36.37 35.63 37.19 37.26 31.20 30.26
7 8 GALIMBERTI Davide 1996 ITA 28.60 1’01.36 1’36.11 2’09.33 2’47.64 3’26.53 3’58.03 4’28.05
US Triestina Nuoto 32.76 34.75 33.22 38.31 38.89 31.50 30.02
8 7 LA ROCCO Antonio 1999 ITA 28.92 1’01.83 1’39.15 2’15.17 2’52.74 3’31.01 4’01.39 4’31.18
Alba Oriens – Casandrino 32.91 37.32 36.02 37.57 38.27 30.38 29.79